APUSH Midterm Dates

1607: First English settlement founded at Jamestown
1730s: First Great Awakening
1754 – 1763: French and Indian War
1775 – 1783: American Revolution
1776: Declaration of Independence
1777: Articles of Confederation are adopted by Congress
1787: Constitutional Convention
1788: Election of George Washington
1793: Washington issues Proclamation of Neutrality in French Revolutionary conflict
1796: Election of John Adams
1798: Alien and Sedition Acts are passed
1800: Election of Thomas Jefferson
1803: Louisiana Purchase
1808: Election of James Madison
1812 - 1815: War of 1812
1820: Missouri Compromise
1823: Monroe Doctrine
1800 – 1850: Market Revolution
1828: Election of Andrew Jackson
1820s – 1830s: Second Great Awakening
1832 – Nullification Crisis
1846 – 1848: Mexican-American War
1850: Compromise of 1850
1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act
1860: Election of Lincoln, succession of Southern states
1861 – 1865: Civil War
1867: Military Reconstruction
1877: Compromise of 1877 (end of Reconstruction)
