Objectives Resolution:
Public and Representative Officers Disqualification Act (PRODA):
Constitutional Crisis of 1950:
The Minorities Pact:
Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case:
%%Malik Ghulam Muhammad became the 3rd Governor General in Oct, 1951.%%
He %%persuaded Khawaja Nazam ud Din to step down as Prime Minister%% enticing him that he would enjoy more executive powers.
Being an expert in financial affairs he introduced the scheme of %%6 Year Plan%% that was %%later changed into a 5 Year Plan%%.
1954-55 Constitutional Crisis:
1956 Constitution:
The One Unit Policy:
South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO):
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO):
Basic Democracies:
1962 Constitution:
Green Revolution:
Visit to Moscow:
Operation Grand Slam:
A New Capital:
Islamabad was located at a better place.
Ayub wanted to be %%closer to the army’s command headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi%% in the northern Punjab which he considered vital in times of martial law.
Also, he got closer to Punjab and the NWFP (KPK) that %%provided bulk of troops for the armed forces of Pakistan.%%
He could see a %%visible influence of the commercial districts of Karachi%% on many of the government officials.
Many of them had started taking interest in trade instead of their official duties.
Development of Karachi as the port and the capital city had left northern Pakistan relatively under developed.
Ayub wanted to shift the power base from the industrially and commercially developed south to the Punjab in the north.
Karachi has a warm and humid climate whereas Islamabad was located at the Margalla hills near Murree with a pleasant climate suitable for working.
- It was an abandoned place where it was easier to build a planned city with a desired layout.
Karachi had become overburdened with a growth of buildings and population due to large scale influx of refugees from India and rural-urban migration.
- The existing state buildings in Karachi were not adequate to meet the needs of a modern capital.
Karachi’s location on the Indus Delta Coast made it vulnerable to attacks by the Indian navy.
- In such a case, there was a fear of huge cost of reconstruction if it was destroyed by the Indians in case of a war.
Islamabad, being a land locked city, was at a reasonable distance from the Pak-India border and was a much better option.
Therefore, construction work was continued in the 1960s and %%the capital was officially shifted to Islamabad in 1967.%%