Narration | telling a story; recounting of events | to explain information about your topic as a series of events in story format; a recounting of events |
Description | targets the senses with a high level of detail; also a type of story, but the level of detail distinguishes it | to create a picture in words (vivid, specific details) to help the reader visualize something a writer has experienced |
Process Analysis | explains how something works (a machine, the political system, how to’s, etc.); summarizes how something was done (a historical event, a movement, etc.) | to explain a process by giving directions or information about how to do something or how something is done. |
Exempli- fication/ Illustration | making a point through the use of a series of examples; can be one extended example | to discuss a topic by using several/a series of examples to clarify points or to go into depth about one extended example |
Comparison and Contrast | juxtaposing (putting two things close together w/ the intended effect of making their similarities and differences more distinct) | to show how two or more areas of your topic are similar (compare) or different (contrast) or both, often by using juxtaposition |
Classification and Division | to sort—what goes together and why? | to break a topic into groups of categories and explain what goes together and why they go together |
Definition | defining something (a word, a concept, a trend, etc.) and then examining how a situation fits that definition | to define a word in a way that ensures the reader and the speaker have a common understanding of what it means; in the end, an idea is defined and a situation is examined in terms of how it does/does not fit that definition |
Cause and Effect | analyzing the cause(s) that lead(s) to particular effect(s) | to explain what caused (cause) something to happen (effect); how did one thing lead to another?; answers why something happened as the result of something else |