Unit 1 Earth: Note 2 Sustainability Notes

  1. Science: a tool needed for learning about the natural world, and always evolving

  2. Science: is objective

  3. Science: is replicable

  4. Science: is useful for predictions about the future,

  5. Fact: agreement among observers studying a phenomenon

  6. Hypothesis: a statement that tries to explain a phenomenon or answer a scientific question (if-then-beause)

  7. Evidence: Information, observations, facts, and data that support or contradict a hypothesis or theory

  8. Theory: a coherent set of propositions that explains a class of phenomena, supported by evidence, used for prediction of future observations

  9. Scientific Method: observation, questions, hypothesis, prediction, gather data, refine, interpret data

  10. Limits of Science: cannot solve or prove all things, bound to the natural world constantly being revised

  11. Sustainability: the management of natural resources in ways that do not diminish or degrade the Earth’s ability to provide those resources in the future

  12. Three Pillars of Sustainability (3Es): Environmental Science, Economics, Equity. Is it livable, viable, and just?

  13. Donut Economics: a model that represents how human life is structured within the Earth

  14. Social Foundation (inside donut): The basics for a safe and just society. Water, food, employment, education, health, shelter, equity

  15. Ecological Ceiling (donut itself): Capacity of Earth systems. Hydraulic cycle, nutrient cycle, energy flow, atmospheric system, ecologic bio-capacity

  16. Effects on nature (outside donut): Climate change, land degradation, biodiversity loss, groundwater depletion, water pollution.

  17. Tragedy of the Commons: when limited resources shared by many individuals are exploited or depleted over time due to overuse

  18. Extinction: the total loss of a species from all ecosystems

  19. Carrying Capacity: how much can an area support life without resource depletion

  20. What impacts carrying capacity: drinkable water, arable land, efficiency of resource use (new technology), policy, consumption variability

  21. Population Growth: growth= (change in pop/start in population)*100

  22. Population Change: change= immigration-deaths-emigration

  23. IPAT: Impact= population x affluence x technology
