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USH Terms 3

USH Terms 3

  • The Jungle, Meat Inspection Act & Pure Food and Drug Act

    • The Jungle -  book that exposed atrocities of the meatpacking industry

    • Meat Inspection Act - prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded livestock and derived products as food and ensured sanitary slaughtering and processing of livestock

    • Pure Food and Drug Act - prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency

  • WEB DuBois, Booker T. Washington, & Ida B. Wells

    • DuBois - believed improvement was good but shouldn’t happen at the expense of giving up citizenship rights, co-founded NAACP

    • Washington - argued for African Americans to first improve themselves through education, industrial training, and business ownership, and equal rights would come later

    • Ida B. Wells - fought to bring attention to lynchings of black people and advocated for equality of women through writings

  • Conservation & National Parks

    • Efforts by Roosevelt and John Muir

    • Millions of acres of land were turned into national parks, sanctuaries, reserves, etc.

    • Prevented sale of land to prevent development and conserve wildlife

  • Progressive Presidents: Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson

    • Roosevelt - conservation was big part of his presidency, square deal, troubled by Taft’s presidency, Republican → Progressive, engaged in domestic and foreign policy at the same time

    • Taft - Republican, targets trusts Roosevelt considered good, Roosevelt ran against him (Wilson wins), Chief Justice and President simultaneously

    • Wilson - Democrat, 19th Amendment (women’s suffrage), presidency during WWI

  • TR & The Square Deal

    • Established by Roosevelt

    • Included consumer protection (pure Food and Drug Act), control of corporations (Sherman Antitrust Act, ‘trust-busting’), and conservation of environment with John Muir

  • Wilson & The New Freedom

    • Wilson’s progressive program

    • Aimed to restore competition, eliminate big business, and support small businesses

    •  Involved Trust-Busting, Labor Movement, A New Tax System, The Federal Reserve, Women’s Rights, and Race Relations

  • Prohibition/ 18th Amendment

    • Banned alcohol

    • Led to the rise of the mafia, smuggling, criminal activity, and speakeasies

  • Women’s Suffrage/19th Amendment

    • Gave women the right to vote

  • Imperialism in the Caribbean, Asia & Latin America

    • Philippines - despite promising the Philippines independence after helping them gain freedom from Spain, the US made it a colony after a bloody war

    • Guam - The US made a bunch of territories protectorates, including Guam, despite promising those countries independence after the Spanish American War.

    • Cuba - Teller and Platt Amendments (paternalistic ‘need’ to take over Cuba)

    • Puerto Rico - Foraker and Jones Act

    • Panama Canal Zone - under Panama Canal

    • Hawaii - The US wanted to acquire Hawaii because sugar was a major export of Hawaii, and Hawaii was a midpoint between Asia and the US (strategic military base), American sugar planters and businessmen formed the Committee of Safety in Hawaii and forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate.

  • Spanish-American War

    • Initiated by the explosion of USS Maine supposedly carried out by Spain, harsh repression of Cubans by the Spanish, and economic investments in Cuba → invasion of Cuba by the US to ‘help’ Cuba gain independence → Cuba becomes a US protectorate.

  • Yellow Journalism

    • exaggerated style of reporting

    • helped inflame public support for instigating war against Spain (spread rumors of Spanish oppressing Cubans when really the US wanted resources in Cuba)

USH Terms 3

USH Terms 3

  • The Jungle, Meat Inspection Act & Pure Food and Drug Act

    • The Jungle -  book that exposed atrocities of the meatpacking industry

    • Meat Inspection Act - prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded livestock and derived products as food and ensured sanitary slaughtering and processing of livestock

    • Pure Food and Drug Act - prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency

  • WEB DuBois, Booker T. Washington, & Ida B. Wells

    • DuBois - believed improvement was good but shouldn’t happen at the expense of giving up citizenship rights, co-founded NAACP

    • Washington - argued for African Americans to first improve themselves through education, industrial training, and business ownership, and equal rights would come later

    • Ida B. Wells - fought to bring attention to lynchings of black people and advocated for equality of women through writings

  • Conservation & National Parks

    • Efforts by Roosevelt and John Muir

    • Millions of acres of land were turned into national parks, sanctuaries, reserves, etc.

    • Prevented sale of land to prevent development and conserve wildlife

  • Progressive Presidents: Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson

    • Roosevelt - conservation was big part of his presidency, square deal, troubled by Taft’s presidency, Republican → Progressive, engaged in domestic and foreign policy at the same time

    • Taft - Republican, targets trusts Roosevelt considered good, Roosevelt ran against him (Wilson wins), Chief Justice and President simultaneously

    • Wilson - Democrat, 19th Amendment (women’s suffrage), presidency during WWI

  • TR & The Square Deal

    • Established by Roosevelt

    • Included consumer protection (pure Food and Drug Act), control of corporations (Sherman Antitrust Act, ‘trust-busting’), and conservation of environment with John Muir

  • Wilson & The New Freedom

    • Wilson’s progressive program

    • Aimed to restore competition, eliminate big business, and support small businesses

    •  Involved Trust-Busting, Labor Movement, A New Tax System, The Federal Reserve, Women’s Rights, and Race Relations

  • Prohibition/ 18th Amendment

    • Banned alcohol

    • Led to the rise of the mafia, smuggling, criminal activity, and speakeasies

  • Women’s Suffrage/19th Amendment

    • Gave women the right to vote

  • Imperialism in the Caribbean, Asia & Latin America

    • Philippines - despite promising the Philippines independence after helping them gain freedom from Spain, the US made it a colony after a bloody war

    • Guam - The US made a bunch of territories protectorates, including Guam, despite promising those countries independence after the Spanish American War.

    • Cuba - Teller and Platt Amendments (paternalistic ‘need’ to take over Cuba)

    • Puerto Rico - Foraker and Jones Act

    • Panama Canal Zone - under Panama Canal

    • Hawaii - The US wanted to acquire Hawaii because sugar was a major export of Hawaii, and Hawaii was a midpoint between Asia and the US (strategic military base), American sugar planters and businessmen formed the Committee of Safety in Hawaii and forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate.

  • Spanish-American War

    • Initiated by the explosion of USS Maine supposedly carried out by Spain, harsh repression of Cubans by the Spanish, and economic investments in Cuba → invasion of Cuba by the US to ‘help’ Cuba gain independence → Cuba becomes a US protectorate.

  • Yellow Journalism

    • exaggerated style of reporting

    • helped inflame public support for instigating war against Spain (spread rumors of Spanish oppressing Cubans when really the US wanted resources in Cuba)