The Jungle, Meat Inspection Act & Pure Food and Drug Act
The Jungle - book that exposed atrocities of the meatpacking industry
Meat Inspection Act - prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded livestock and derived products as food and ensured sanitary slaughtering and processing of livestock
Pure Food and Drug Act - prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency
WEB DuBois, Booker T. Washington, & Ida B. Wells
DuBois - believed improvement was good but shouldn’t happen at the expense of giving up citizenship rights, co-founded NAACP
Washington - argued for African Americans to first improve themselves through education, industrial training, and business ownership, and equal rights would come later
Ida B. Wells - fought to bring attention to lynchings of black people and advocated for equality of women through writings
Conservation & National Parks
Efforts by Roosevelt and John Muir
Millions of acres of land were turned into national parks, sanctuaries, reserves, etc.
Prevented sale of land to prevent development and conserve wildlife
Progressive Presidents: Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson
Roosevelt - conservation was big part of his presidency, square deal, troubled by Taft’s presidency, Republican → Progressive, engaged in domestic and foreign policy at the same time
Taft - Republican, targets trusts Roosevelt considered good, Roosevelt ran against him (Wilson wins), Chief Justice and President simultaneously
Wilson - Democrat, 19th Amendment (women’s suffrage), presidency during WWI
TR & The Square Deal
Established by Roosevelt
Included consumer protection (pure Food and Drug Act), control of corporations (Sherman Antitrust Act, ‘trust-busting’), and conservation of environment with John Muir
Wilson & The New Freedom
Wilson’s progressive program
Aimed to restore competition, eliminate big business, and support small businesses
Involved Trust-Busting, Labor Movement, A New Tax System, The Federal Reserve, Women’s Rights, and Race Relations
Prohibition/ 18th Amendment
Banned alcohol
Led to the rise of the mafia, smuggling, criminal activity, and speakeasies
Women’s Suffrage/19th Amendment
Gave women the right to vote
Imperialism in the Caribbean, Asia & Latin America
Philippines - despite promising the Philippines independence after helping them gain freedom from Spain, the US made it a colony after a bloody war
Guam - The US made a bunch of territories protectorates, including Guam, despite promising those countries independence after the Spanish American War.
Cuba - Teller and Platt Amendments (paternalistic ‘need’ to take over Cuba)
Puerto Rico - Foraker and Jones Act
Panama Canal Zone - under Panama Canal
Hawaii - The US wanted to acquire Hawaii because sugar was a major export of Hawaii, and Hawaii was a midpoint between Asia and the US (strategic military base), American sugar planters and businessmen formed the Committee of Safety in Hawaii and forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate.
Spanish-American War
Initiated by the explosion of USS Maine supposedly carried out by Spain, harsh repression of Cubans by the Spanish, and economic investments in Cuba → invasion of Cuba by the US to ‘help’ Cuba gain independence → Cuba becomes a US protectorate.
Yellow Journalism
exaggerated style of reporting
helped inflame public support for instigating war against Spain (spread rumors of Spanish oppressing Cubans when really the US wanted resources in Cuba)