Population growth → People consuming many more resources
Are current economic system + high living standards sustainable?
Population growth
Birthrates falling rapidly throughout world
Replacement rate - Birthrates necessary to keep populations from falling over time
Total fertility rate - Average number of children that a woman is expected to have during her lifetime
Demographers - Scientists who study human populations
Overall world population still increasing
Fewer people → Fewer demands on society’s scarce resources
Social + economic constraints on having children
Resource consumption per person
Supply of productive resources growing faster than demand for resources
Higher resource consumption per person
Decline in population growth + lower resource consumption per person → Regulate future increases in resource demand
British thermal unit - Amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit
Living standards in poor countries increase → Resource demand increases substantially
Must use limited resources efficiently
Energy economics
Economy becoming efficient at using energy to produce goods + services
More technological improvements → More output produced w/ same amount of energy input
Using a mix of different types of generation tech (variety of energy sources)
Run out of oil → Alternatives quickly available
Better tech → Producing alternatives becomes much cheaper
Many cheap energy sources have high negative externalities
Natural resource economics
Net benefits - The total dollar value of all benefits minus the total dollar value of all costs, so that a project’s net benefit is equal to the dollar value of the gains or losses to be made
Renewable natural resources - Include things like forests and wildlife, which are capable of growing back, or renewing themselves, if they are harvested at moderate rates
Nonrenewable natural resources - Include things like oil, coal, and metals, which either are in actual fixed supply (like the metals found in the earth’s crust) or are renewed so slowly as to be in virtual fixed supply when viewed from a human time perspective (as is the case with fossil fuels like oil and coal, which take millions of years to form out of decaying plants and animals)
Weigh costs + benefits of present + future use
Using present value to evaluate future possibilities
Use resources now or later?
Consider time-value of money
Present value - Present-day equivalent of future value of money
Direct comparison of benefits from 2 possible courses of action
Use cost-benefit analysis
Allocate resources to best uses over time
Properly account for future net benefits
Non-renewable resources
User cost - Current extraction and use means lower future extraction and use
Extraction costs - Include all costs associated with running the mine, digging out the coal, and preparing the coal for sale
Total costs = Extraction costs + user costs
Profit-maximizing extraction firms want to extract resources at whatever rate will maximize streams of profit over time
Incomplete property rights → Excessive present use
No way to profit from conservation → Resources extracted too quickly
Conflict diamonds - Diamonds that are mined by combatants in war zones in Africa in order to provide the hard currency that they need to finance their military activities
Elephant preservation
Renewable resources
Proper property rights → Incentive to preserve resources + manage on sustainable basis
Forest management
Large variation in growth rates caused by differences in property rights
More action in enforcing property rights over forest areas
Forestry companies harvest + replant
Fishery - Stock of fish or other marine animal that can be thought of as a logically distinct group
The only way to benefit economically from a fish is to catch it and thereby turn it into a private good
Fishers try to outfish each other
Fishery collapse - When a fishery’s population is sent into a rapid decline because fish are being harvested faster than they can reproduce
Gov’ts trying to limit # of fish being caught each year
Total allowable catch (TAC) - Under this system, biologists determine the TAC for a given fishery, for instance, 100,000 tons per year. Fishers can then fish until a total of 100,000 tons have been brought to shore. At that point, fishing is halted for the year.
Individual transferable quotas (ITQs) - Individual catch size limits that specify that the holder of an ITQ has the right to harvest a given quantity of a particular species during a given time period
Encourage low cost + efficient fishing vessels