ap art images (36-47)


-Greek, cemetery art

-410 BCE

-shows a wealthy woman seated as a servant girl, the garments of the servant girl is simpler than the garments of the seated woman.

-The servant girl is like a piece of jewelry that a wealthy woman possesses

-The grave marker was made at the end of the High Classical period.

-It was made as a private piece of art after a long period where sculptural programs at the Parthenon occupied primary focus. Sculptural carving is similar to that on the Parthenon.

-Drapery falls on both sides of the chair giving a sense to the figure’s 3-dimensionality.


-190 BCE

- also known as Nike of Samothrace

-Nike was the goddess of victory

-originally placed in the sanctuary of the Great Gods

-Hellenistic period of Greek art, where Greek art was extremely expressive and this sculpture is often paired with the Great Altar of Zeus. As in both cases there is a sense of energy, drama, and power.

-Nike figures are not super unusual in Greek art but this one is special as it shows the tension between the upper half of the body and the lower half of the body. The figure’s upper body is alighting on a war ship, but the lower part is being pulled downward.

-It is as if the wind is still blowing the drapery of Nike and her wings are still beating, dramatic, energized.

-Statue would have been positioned on the prow of a sculpted ship positioned in a fountain, the statue has energy as if it interacts with its surroundings, like the fountain.

-About 9 feet tall and originally stoof on the prow of a stone ship near island of Samothrace. The wind off the sea blows in a direction similar to the drapery on the statue of Winged Victory.

-This hellenistic sculpture is emotionally charged, theatrical, energetic compared to the high classical. The marble has a variety of cuts and textures that give it a complex nature.

-Naturalism is prevalent as the wings attached to the shoulders look completely natural.


-Hellenistic period

-175 BCE

-built after the defeat of Alexander and Pergamon became under control of Rome

-The sculpture on this altar quotes the sculpture and styles of the earlier Parthenon

-intense emotion and violent movements represent hellenistic period not classical

-shows a dramatic depiction of battle between the Gods and the Giants. Panel shows Athena in a relatively calm pose pulling an Earth Giant out of the Earth.

-Great mythic battle where the giants battle the living gods for the supremacy of the Earth and the universe

-This sculpture would have been brightly painted. The bright color and deeo carving and use of diagonals create a theatrical piece of artwork.

-The battle between Gods and Giants symbolized the Greek culture overcoming a state of chaos.

-Athena looks in control in the painting, she has grabbed the figure on the left’s hair (Alcyoneus) disempowering him.

-One of Athena’s snakes is biting him on his right side. At the same time Athena is being corwned by Nike.

-Has virtuso sculpting of the body: As Athena moves to the left, she keep her arm to the right and as Alcyoneus lifts his head he twists his shoulders

-Zeus specifically is a very powerful figure with an exposed chest and a living drapert. He is equipped with an eagle, his emblem.

-Sense of heroism, momentary, and excitement

-represents victory for the Greek culture of the unknown and chaotic forces of nature. It also represents their military victories over cultures they did not understand and also feared.

-Walking up the stairs of the Great Alter, sacrifices for Zeus would have been made

-Thefigures almost spill out of the wall which show them in high relief


-Roman Republic art which represents the first years in which wealthy people are dominating. Patrons would seek to impress their clients by means of their elaborate homes.

-model type of a Roman house that was rebuilt after the earthquake destroying Pompeii in 62 CE

-has a garden surrounded by columns, and murals in Greek style on walls

-garden built in peristyle, which means all the wall are columns

-The wall paintings were of an advanced later Roman painting style with more dramatic wide landscape themes)


-Pompeii, 100 CE

-Mosaics are made by using small pieces of glass and the painting was not meant to be hung up it was meant to be on the ground

-Depicts a Roman-style house with an Atrium and open gardens, with a mosaic showing Alexander the Great battling Darius of Persia on the floor.

-Depicts battle between Alexander the Grea and Darius III of Persia the moment Darius flees from Alexander and his forces.

-Probably a copy of a Greek painting. Use of spears upraised above the soldiers is used to abstractedly suggest battle.

-Even though it was located on the floor it was copying Greek painting that would have been viewed vertically; therefore can explain the lack of detail in the upper portion of the scene.


