abase | to humiliate or degrade | | |
abeyance | temporary inactivity; suspensionn | | |
abnegate | to give up something; to deny oneself something | | |
abrogate | to get rid of; to abolish | | |
abscission | the shedding of leaves, flowers, or fruits | | |
abstemious | sparing; moderate | | |
acerbic | harsh; biting | | |
acidulous | sharp tasting; sour | | |
acme | the highest point of something | | |
acrimonious | bitter | | |
adroit | skillful | | |
adulation | excessive admiration | | |
aegis | protection | | |
affectation | an artificial way of behaving | | |
affront | an insult or offense | | |
alacrity | cheerful promptness | | |
ambivalence | contradictory feelings toward something | | |
ameliorated | made better | | |
amortize | to gradually pay off or reduce | | |
anachronism | something belonging to a different time period | | |
anathema | something hated; a curse | | |
anile | senile | | |
anodyne | a pain-reliever | | |
antedate | to come before | | |
antediluvian | ancient; primitive | | |
aplomb | confidence | | |
apoplectic | enraged | | |
apothegm | a short, wise remark | | |
apotheosis | a perfect example | | |
apropos | relevant | | |
ascetic | practicing self-denial | | |
asperity | bad temper | | |
assiduous | hardworking; dedicated | | |
attenuate | to reduce | | |
austere | plain; strict; serious; cold | | |
avaricious | greedy | | |
aver | to state confidently; to declare | | |
avuncular | like an uncle | | |
baleful | threatening harm | | |
beatific | extremely happy | | |
bedlam | a state of uproar and confusion | | |
beleaguered | weary, tired, bothered | | |
belied | contradicted | | |
bereft | deprived or robbed of something | | |
bifurcated | split in two | | |
blase | apathetic; unconcerned | | |
bloviated | was wordy/windy when speaking | | |
bonhomie | a pleasant and friendly mood | | |
bowdlerize | to cut out all the offensive parts of a book | | |
bumptious | assertive in a loud, arrogant way | | |