Bone Types

Bone Classification

  1. Long Bones: Found in limbs (e.g., femur); function for support and movement.

  2. Short Bones: Cube-shaped (e.g., carpals); provides stability with limited movement.

  3. Flat Bones: Thin, curved (e.g., skull, ribs); protect vital organs and serve as muscle attachment sites.

  4. Irregular Bones: Complex shapes (e.g., vertebrae); provide protection and support.

  5. Sesamoid Bones: Embedded in tendons (e.g., patella); protect tendons and improve joint mechanics.

Bone Cells

  • Osteoblasts: Build bone.

  • Osteoclasts: Break down bone.

  • Osteocytes: Maintain bone tissue.

Muscular System

Types of Muscle Tissue

  1. Skeletal Muscle: Voluntary, striated, moves bones.

  2. Cardiac Muscle: Involuntary, striated, found in the heart; controlled by the SA node.

  3. Smooth Muscle: Involuntary, non-striated; moves substances through organs.

Muscle Functions

  • Movement, posture maintenance, heat production.

  • ATP is required for contraction and relaxation.

Nervous System


  • CNS: Brain (higher functions) and spinal cord (message pathway).

  • PNS: Sensory and motor nerves; includes somatic (voluntary) and autonomic (involuntary) systems.


Active vs. Passive Immunity

  • Active Immunity: Body produces antibodies from infection or vaccination (long-lasting).

  • Passive Immunity: Antibodies received from external sources (short-term).

Hormone Production

  • Hypothalamus: Regulates pituitary hormones.

  • Pituitary Gland: Produces various hormones affecting growth, metabolism, and stress response.

Integumentary System

  • Layers: Epidermis (outer), dermis (connective tissue), hypodermis (fat).

  • Functions: Protection, temperature regulation, sensation, vitamin D synthesis.

Kidney Structure and Function

Nephron Components

  • Glomerulus: Filters blood.

  • Tubules: Reabsorb essential substances and regulate fluids.

Kidney Functions

  • Filtration, reabsorption, secretion, regulation of electrolytes and blood pressure.
