Long hypocotyl
Unexpanded cotyledons
No chlorophyll
Short hypocotyl
Expanded cotyledons
Presence of chlorophyll
Conclusion: Light controls plant development
Approximately one-third of genes in plant seeds are regulated by light.
Use of promoter-reporter gene fusions in transgenic plants to analyze transcription regulation.
Example: CAB gene promoter driving b-glucuronidase expression
Conclusion: CAB expression is light-stimulated.
β-glucuronidase reporter unsuitable due to its protein being too stable.
Requirement of unstable reporter: Firefly Luciferase
luciferin + ATP + O2 → luminescence
photon counting image of transgenic seedlings expressing firefly luciferase.
CAB promoter activates luciferase expression in transgenic plants.
Process: Adding luciferin to monitor luciferase activity.
CAB promoter leads to fluctuations in luciferase expression over a 24-hour period.
Circadian regulation of CAB transcription visualised via luciferase activity over various time intervals.
circadian rhythm is like a biological clock, controlled by proteins
Plants have input pathways
e.g., light
that influence output pathways
e.g., transcription\
Presence/Absence of light
Quantity of light
Spectral quality of light
Direction of light
Duration of light
Light wavelength ranges
UV-A: 400 - 500 nm
Blue: ~450 nm
Red: ~600 nm
Far-red: ~700 nm
UV-B: shorter wavelength ranges.
Detect mainly red and far-red light.
Cryptochromes and Phototropins:
Involved in UV-A and blue light detection.
Primarily detect UV-A and blue light.
A UV-B photoreceptor for regulatory functions.
apoprotein is the photoreceptor protein
chromophore is attached to the apoprotein and is a small organic molecule that absorbs light.
Together, the chromophore and apoprotein form the complete photoreceptor.
Phytochrome apoprotein binds a linear tetrapyrrole chromophore to function effectively.
The phytochrome molecule mostly absorbs red and far-red light, existing in two forms:
Pr: inactive form present in darkness
Pfr: active form produced by red light exposure.
Pr → Pfr = red
Pfr → Pr = far-red
Pr is present in dark-grown plants and illumination with red light produces Pfr.
The Pfr form of phytochrome initiates biological responses
Many phytochrome controlled responses show red light induction and far-red photo-reversibility
Example: Seed germination mechanisms in species like lettuce.
Phytochrome regulates CAB gene transcription rates under varying light conditions (DR vs. FR).
Plants detect shade using R:FR ratios to distinguish light conditions between healthy and shaded areas.
Controlled by phytochrome through measurement of Red to Far-Red (R:FR) ratios.
High R:FR indicates direct sunlight, while low R:FR indicates shading.
low red does better
Detection of increased far-red light reflection suggests nearby plants, leading to growth adaptations such as stem elongation.
Cryptochromes bind flavin and pterin chromophores that absorb UV-A and blue light
Regulating processes like stem extension, gene expression, and flowering time.
Study comparing wild-type and mutant plants (cry and phy) grown in white light.
white light grew more
Phototropins bind flavin chromophores that absorb mainly UV-A and blue light
plant responses - phototopism
Plants possess mechanisms to protect themselves from damaging UV-B radiation exposures.
UV-B regulates gene expression leading to processes like flavonoid biosynthesis, enhancing protective features in the epidermis.
UV-B → UVR8 → genes → Flavonoid biosynthesis → Flavonoids in epidermis
Light is a major factor regulating plant development
Light is sensed by several different photoreceptors that regulate particular responses
Plants serve as excellent experimental systems, providing insights for crop improvement and bioresource conservation.