Science Revolution and Enlightenment Quiz Notes
Geocentric :: Belief that the Earth is the center.
Heliocentric :: Belief that the sun is the center.
Universal Law of Gravitation :: Theories introduced by Sir Isaac Newton
Rationalism : Theory that opinion and actions are based on reason.
Scientific Method : Procedure of answering questions based on observation, measurement, experiment, etc.
Inductive Reasoning :: Observations to come up with a general principle.
National Philosophers :: Middle Age Scientists, Supporters of Aristotleâs Theories
Nicolaus Copernicus :: (Polish) Suggested that the sun was at the center.
Johannes Kepler :: (German) Movement of planets. Also supported heliocentric theory
Galileo Galilei :: ( Italian) Many advancements in Astronomy. Also supported heliocentric theory. Condemned by the Catholic Church.
Isaac Newton :: (English) Various laws of Math and Science. Thought the word was like a giant machine
Margret Cavendish :: (English) Writer, interest in Natural philosophy. Pioneer in womenâs rights.
Maria Winkelmann :: (German) Astronomer. Pioneer in womenâs rights.
Rene Descartes :: (French) Philosopher and Mathematician.
Francis Bacon :: (English) Explained the scientific method.
Enlightenment :: The thought movement of the 18th century as well as the reaction to Reformation and Age of Absolutism
Influencers of the Enlightenment :: Scientific Revolution and Renaissance
Growth in thought, Belief in progress and the individual, Influences American and French Revolutions :: Effects of Enlightenment
John Locke :: Pushed for political rights, believed that everyone was born with a blank mind.
Montesquieu :: Political rights, Separation of powers.
Voltaire :: âGreatest Figure of the Enlightenmentâ, Prolific writer.
Diderot :: Created the Encyclopedia.
Adam Smith :: âFather of modern economicsâ
Laissez-farie :: âlet the people do what they want.â Government stays out of business.
Cesare Beccaria :: Advanced justice system.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau :: Created the idea of the Social Contract that the people allow their rulers to be in power.
Mary Wollstonecraft :: Pushed for womenâs rights
Importance of Reading :: Books spread the ideas to the literate elite. Publishing and people who could read increased.
25 :: Amount of Periodicals available in 1700
158 :: Amount of Periodicals available in 1780
Salons :: elegant meeting places where wealthy upper and middle class people had conversations over the issues of the day
Merchants :: The people who took ideas around the world.
John Wesley :: Creator of Methodism
Philosophers :: People who attack the ideas of the church
Enlightened Despot :: Rulers who were considered Absolutist but used ideas of the Enlightenment
Fredrick the Great :: Enlightened Despot who ruled Prussia
Joseph II :: Enlightened Despot who ruled the Holy Roman Empire
Catherine the Great :: Enlightened Despot who ruled Russia.
Baroque and Neoclassical :: Music from this time
Bach, Handel, Mozart :: Writers of Music from this time
True :: Buildings become grand, influenced by Greece and Rome.
More are reading :: Cause, writers are writing more novels.