Is πΌπ©π‘ππππ really free cancellation?Yes, ππ±π©πππ’π does offer free cancellation on many bookings +π-π΄π³π³- π³π―π΄-π¬π²ππ³. However, the availability of free cancellation depends on the specific hotel, π½πight, or vacation package you've booked, +π-π΄π³π³- π³π―π΄-π¬π²ππ³ as well as the terms and conditions associated with your reservation. +π-π΄π³π³- π³π―π΄-π¬π²ππ³ Be sure to review the cancellation policy outlined during the booking process or contact Expedia's customer service team at +π-π΄π³π³- π³π―π΄-π¬π²ππ³ for clarification.