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Unit 6, 7 and 8

Unit 6 Ionic Bonding Highlights

  • Symbol- a one, two, of three letter designation for an element (Ex. Sodium is Na)

  • Subscript- a number written to the right and below a symbol that tells the number of atoms present in a molecule (Ex. An oxygen molecule has two oxygen atoms, O2)

  • Formula- symbols and subscripts used to represent the composition of a substance (can be ionic or covalent (Ex. H2O, KCl)

  • Chemical Bonds- forces that hold atoms together

    • protons of one atom and electrons of another are attracted

  • Ionic bonds- between metals and nonmetals, they transfer electrons, metals are losers (lose electrons) and nonmetals gain electrons 

    • Form an ionic compound (a salt), ions stick together like magnets

    • Mostly crystalline solids due to high boiling and melting points 

    • Conduct electricity when in the liquid or dissolved state (needs mobile ions)

  • Compound- a substance composed of 2 or more elements chemically combined in definite proportions

    • Ex. MgCl2 is a compound but Br2 is NOT

    • Compounds can be broken down by chemical means (unlike pure elements that cannot)

  • Polyatomic Ion- a group of covalently bonded atoms possessing a charge, they take part in ionic bonding (Ex. NH4+, CO3-2)

    • A compound can have both covalent and ionic bonding if it has a polyatomic ion Ex. BaCO3, Ca(OH)2, NH4F

  • Writing Ionic Formulas: Criss-Cross Method

    • Ex.  Mg+2Cl-1 🡪 MgCl2

    • Ex.  Ca+2NO3-1 🡪 Ca(NO3)2   

      • (Polyatomic ions need parentheses if there is more than one)

    • Ex.  Be+2O-2 🡪 Be2O2 🡪 BeO

      • (Always reduce to most reduced form)

  • Naming Ionic Compounds:

    • Metal named first, change ending of nonmetal to “-ide”

      • Ex. NaF 🡪 Sodium Fluoride

    • Transition Metals with more than one possible charge need a Roman Numeral to tell the charge of the metal atom

      • Ex.  MnI2 🡪 Manganese (II) iodide 

    • You can find the charge of the metal by using Reverse Criss-Cross if subscripts are present OR by checking the charge of the anion

      • Ex.  Fe2O3 🡪 Fe+3O-2 🡪 Iron (III) oxide

      • Ex.  CuSO4 🡪 Cu+2(SO4)-2 🡪 Copper (II) sulfate

      • Ex.  AuF 🡪 Au+1F-1 🡪 Gold (I) fluoride

  • Lewis Dot Diagram- place number of valence electrons around the element’s symbol, always placing two on top first, then one on each side as you draw them

    • Ex. 

How do you write/draw a Lewis structure for N? | Socratic

  • Lewis Diagrams- every atom needs its octet

    • Ionic- metals give all electrons to nonmetal, forms ions, write brackets and charges, nonmetals should have 8 electrons, metals should have none

      • Ex.:

10.3: Lewis Structures of Ionic Compounds- Electrons Transferred -  Chemistry LibreTexts

Unit 7 Highlights: Covalent Bonding

  • Covalent bonds- between nonmetals, share valence electrons to give all atoms octets

    • Form a molecule

    • Poor conductors of heat and electricity 

    • Mostly gases, liquids and softer solids because of lower boiling and melting points 

    • Single Bond 🡪 2 e-, Double Bond 🡪 4 e-, Triple Bond 🡪 6 e-

  • Lewis Dot Diagram- place number of valence electrons around the element’s symbol, always placing two on top first, then one on each side as you draw them

*Except Carbon, one dot each side

  • Lewis Diagrams- every atom needs its octet

    • Covalent- connect lone dots so as to complete octets, redraw shared electrons as lines to represent bonds

      • Ex.:

Lewis Structures and Covalent Bonding

  • Polarity- a measure of electron distribution within a molecule (covalent only because they share e-), is determined by the difference in electronegativity between atoms

    • Polar- uneven distribution of electrons, different electronegativities (different elements), do not share electrons equally

      • One atom is more negative than the other because it pulls the electrons towards it (Ex. HCl, H2O, PCl3, NH3)

      • WATER IS POLAR!!!!!!

    • Nonpolar- even distribution of electrons, same electronegativity (same element), share electrons equally (Ex. H2, O2)

      • Exception: A molecule can have polar bonds but still be a nonpolar molecule if it is symmetrical 

      • SNAP- Symmetrical Nonpolar, Asymmetrical Polar

      • 2 Common Cases of Symmetrical Molecules

        • CO2 & CH4 (and others like it CF4, CI4

  • VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion)

    • Molecular shape depends on the pairs of valence electrons around the central atom which repel each other

      • Electron pairs will arrange themselves to be as far apart from each other as possible

      • Repulsive unit: a single bond, double bond, triple bond or lone pair - will try to get as far away from other repulsive units as possible

Name of shape

# of atoms bonded to  central atom

# of lone pairs on central atom

# of repulsive units

Bond angle

3D shape






Trigonal Planar





Bent or V-shaped





Trigonal Pyramid










  • Naming Covalent Compounds

    • First element stays the same, second ends in “-ide”

    • Use prefixes for both to tell the number present (never use “mono-” for the first)

    • Ex.  CBr4 🡪 Carbon tetrabromide

    • Ex.  N2O3 🡪 Dinitrogen trioxide

    • Ex.  CO 🡪 Carbon monoxide

Unit 8 Highlights

  • Physical Change- a change in state (Gas, liquid, solid) or physical appearance (the substance stays the same from beginning to end)

    • Ex.   CH4(g) 🡪 CH4(l)

  • Chemical Change- then the identity of the products is different from the identity of the reactants (a chemical reaction, the substance changes)

    • Ex.    2H2(g) + C(s) 🡪 CH4(g)

    • Signs a Reaction has occurred

      • Color change

      • Bubbles form (gas released)

      • Temperature change

      • Odor (smell)

      • Formation of a precipitate (insoluble solid)

  • Reactant- a substance that enters a reaction, on the left side of the equation

  • Product- a substance formed in a reaction, on the right side of the equation

    • Reactants 🡪 Products

  • Coefficient- a number written in front of a formula to tell how many substances or molecules there are (Ex. 2NH3 means two NH3 molecules)

  • Five main types of chemical Reactions:

    • Synthesis (Combination) Reaction- A + B → AB 

      • (Ex. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O)

    • Decomposition Reaction- AB → A + B

      • (Ex. CaCO3 → CaO + CO2)

    • Single Replacement Reaction- A + BC → B + AC 

      • (Ex. Zn + CuI2 → Cu + ZnI2)

    • Double Replacement Reaction- AB + CD → AD + CB 

      • (Ex. KBr + MgO → K2O + MgBr2)

    • Combustion Reaction - CxHy + O2 → H2O + CO2

      • (Ex. CH4 + 2O2 → 2H2O + CO2)

  • Law of Conservation of Mass: states that matter AND energy are both conserved in a chemical reaction (charge is also conserved).

    • This implies that reactions must be balanced 

    • To balance a reaction one must modify coefficients to make sure that the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the reaction are equal 

    • Ex. ___Na + ___Cl2 🡪 ___NaCl

     2Na  +  Cl2   🡪  2NaCl

(2 Na atoms and 2 Cl atoms on both sides)

  • Ex. ___AlBr3 + ___K2SO4 → ___KBr + ___Al2(SO4)3

2AlBr3 + 3K2SO4 → 6KBr + Al2(SO4)3 

(2 Al atoms, 6 Br atoms, 6 K atoms, 3 SO4 ions)


Unit 6, 7 and 8

Unit 6 Ionic Bonding Highlights

  • Symbol- a one, two, of three letter designation for an element (Ex. Sodium is Na)

  • Subscript- a number written to the right and below a symbol that tells the number of atoms present in a molecule (Ex. An oxygen molecule has two oxygen atoms, O2)

  • Formula- symbols and subscripts used to represent the composition of a substance (can be ionic or covalent (Ex. H2O, KCl)

  • Chemical Bonds- forces that hold atoms together

    • protons of one atom and electrons of another are attracted

  • Ionic bonds- between metals and nonmetals, they transfer electrons, metals are losers (lose electrons) and nonmetals gain electrons 

    • Form an ionic compound (a salt), ions stick together like magnets

    • Mostly crystalline solids due to high boiling and melting points 

    • Conduct electricity when in the liquid or dissolved state (needs mobile ions)

  • Compound- a substance composed of 2 or more elements chemically combined in definite proportions

    • Ex. MgCl2 is a compound but Br2 is NOT

    • Compounds can be broken down by chemical means (unlike pure elements that cannot)

  • Polyatomic Ion- a group of covalently bonded atoms possessing a charge, they take part in ionic bonding (Ex. NH4+, CO3-2)

    • A compound can have both covalent and ionic bonding if it has a polyatomic ion Ex. BaCO3, Ca(OH)2, NH4F

  • Writing Ionic Formulas: Criss-Cross Method

    • Ex.  Mg+2Cl-1 🡪 MgCl2

    • Ex.  Ca+2NO3-1 🡪 Ca(NO3)2   

      • (Polyatomic ions need parentheses if there is more than one)

    • Ex.  Be+2O-2 🡪 Be2O2 🡪 BeO

      • (Always reduce to most reduced form)

  • Naming Ionic Compounds:

    • Metal named first, change ending of nonmetal to “-ide”

      • Ex. NaF 🡪 Sodium Fluoride

    • Transition Metals with more than one possible charge need a Roman Numeral to tell the charge of the metal atom

      • Ex.  MnI2 🡪 Manganese (II) iodide 

    • You can find the charge of the metal by using Reverse Criss-Cross if subscripts are present OR by checking the charge of the anion

      • Ex.  Fe2O3 🡪 Fe+3O-2 🡪 Iron (III) oxide

      • Ex.  CuSO4 🡪 Cu+2(SO4)-2 🡪 Copper (II) sulfate

      • Ex.  AuF 🡪 Au+1F-1 🡪 Gold (I) fluoride

  • Lewis Dot Diagram- place number of valence electrons around the element’s symbol, always placing two on top first, then one on each side as you draw them

    • Ex. 

How do you write/draw a Lewis structure for N? | Socratic

  • Lewis Diagrams- every atom needs its octet

    • Ionic- metals give all electrons to nonmetal, forms ions, write brackets and charges, nonmetals should have 8 electrons, metals should have none

      • Ex.:

10.3: Lewis Structures of Ionic Compounds- Electrons Transferred -  Chemistry LibreTexts

Unit 7 Highlights: Covalent Bonding

  • Covalent bonds- between nonmetals, share valence electrons to give all atoms octets

    • Form a molecule

    • Poor conductors of heat and electricity 

    • Mostly gases, liquids and softer solids because of lower boiling and melting points 

    • Single Bond 🡪 2 e-, Double Bond 🡪 4 e-, Triple Bond 🡪 6 e-

  • Lewis Dot Diagram- place number of valence electrons around the element’s symbol, always placing two on top first, then one on each side as you draw them

*Except Carbon, one dot each side

  • Lewis Diagrams- every atom needs its octet

    • Covalent- connect lone dots so as to complete octets, redraw shared electrons as lines to represent bonds

      • Ex.:

Lewis Structures and Covalent Bonding

  • Polarity- a measure of electron distribution within a molecule (covalent only because they share e-), is determined by the difference in electronegativity between atoms

    • Polar- uneven distribution of electrons, different electronegativities (different elements), do not share electrons equally

      • One atom is more negative than the other because it pulls the electrons towards it (Ex. HCl, H2O, PCl3, NH3)

      • WATER IS POLAR!!!!!!

    • Nonpolar- even distribution of electrons, same electronegativity (same element), share electrons equally (Ex. H2, O2)

      • Exception: A molecule can have polar bonds but still be a nonpolar molecule if it is symmetrical 

      • SNAP- Symmetrical Nonpolar, Asymmetrical Polar

      • 2 Common Cases of Symmetrical Molecules

        • CO2 & CH4 (and others like it CF4, CI4

  • VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion)

    • Molecular shape depends on the pairs of valence electrons around the central atom which repel each other

      • Electron pairs will arrange themselves to be as far apart from each other as possible

      • Repulsive unit: a single bond, double bond, triple bond or lone pair - will try to get as far away from other repulsive units as possible

Name of shape

# of atoms bonded to  central atom

# of lone pairs on central atom

# of repulsive units

Bond angle

3D shape






Trigonal Planar





Bent or V-shaped





Trigonal Pyramid










  • Naming Covalent Compounds

    • First element stays the same, second ends in “-ide”

    • Use prefixes for both to tell the number present (never use “mono-” for the first)

    • Ex.  CBr4 🡪 Carbon tetrabromide

    • Ex.  N2O3 🡪 Dinitrogen trioxide

    • Ex.  CO 🡪 Carbon monoxide

Unit 8 Highlights

  • Physical Change- a change in state (Gas, liquid, solid) or physical appearance (the substance stays the same from beginning to end)

    • Ex.   CH4(g) 🡪 CH4(l)

  • Chemical Change- then the identity of the products is different from the identity of the reactants (a chemical reaction, the substance changes)

    • Ex.    2H2(g) + C(s) 🡪 CH4(g)

    • Signs a Reaction has occurred

      • Color change

      • Bubbles form (gas released)

      • Temperature change

      • Odor (smell)

      • Formation of a precipitate (insoluble solid)

  • Reactant- a substance that enters a reaction, on the left side of the equation

  • Product- a substance formed in a reaction, on the right side of the equation

    • Reactants 🡪 Products

  • Coefficient- a number written in front of a formula to tell how many substances or molecules there are (Ex. 2NH3 means two NH3 molecules)

  • Five main types of chemical Reactions:

    • Synthesis (Combination) Reaction- A + B → AB 

      • (Ex. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O)

    • Decomposition Reaction- AB → A + B

      • (Ex. CaCO3 → CaO + CO2)

    • Single Replacement Reaction- A + BC → B + AC 

      • (Ex. Zn + CuI2 → Cu + ZnI2)

    • Double Replacement Reaction- AB + CD → AD + CB 

      • (Ex. KBr + MgO → K2O + MgBr2)

    • Combustion Reaction - CxHy + O2 → H2O + CO2

      • (Ex. CH4 + 2O2 → 2H2O + CO2)

  • Law of Conservation of Mass: states that matter AND energy are both conserved in a chemical reaction (charge is also conserved).

    • This implies that reactions must be balanced 

    • To balance a reaction one must modify coefficients to make sure that the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the reaction are equal 

    • Ex. ___Na + ___Cl2 🡪 ___NaCl

     2Na  +  Cl2   🡪  2NaCl

(2 Na atoms and 2 Cl atoms on both sides)

  • Ex. ___AlBr3 + ___K2SO4 → ___KBr + ___Al2(SO4)3

2AlBr3 + 3K2SO4 → 6KBr + Al2(SO4)3 

(2 Al atoms, 6 Br atoms, 6 K atoms, 3 SO4 ions)