US History
Revolutionary War
AP United States History
3.9 The Constitution
Learning Objective: Explain the continuities and changes in the structure and functions of the government with the ratification of the Constitution
Theme Focus: Politics and Power
Constitutional Convention
Established limited, but more powerful central government
Provided for a separation of powers between 3 branches
Included bicameral legislature
Executive branch
Judicial branch
Makes laws
Sign laws
Decides if laws are constitutional
Approves presidential appointments
Vetos laws
Are appointed by the president
2 senators from each state
Pardons people
There are 9 justices
The number of congressmen is based on population
Appoints federal judges
Can overturn rulings by other judges
Elected every 4 years
The Constitution
Grown out of the Anglo-American common law, which made it unnecessary to detail out every little thing
Allowed the Constitution itself to be fairly short
Offered more of a flexible guide than a hard and fast set laws
Not all states followed these guidelines; some states constitutions were extremely lengthy