Insects are:
Diverse – Many species exist in various habitats.
Abundant – They occur in high numbers worldwide.
Important – They impact our daily lives significantly.
Species Count:
Insecta: 751,000
Higher Plants: 248,400
Other Arthropods: 123,400
Fungi: 69,000
Mollusks: 50,000
Protozoa: 30,800
Algae: 26,900
Fish and lower Chordates: 18,800
Flatworms: 12,200
Roundworms: 12,000
Earthworms and Friends: 12,000
Jellies and Friends: 9,000
Birds: 9,000
Reptiles: 6,300
Echinoderms: 6,100
Sponges: 5,000
Monera: 4,800
Amphibians: 4,200
Mammals: 4,000
Estimation: 10 – 30 million additional insect species remain to be described.
9/10 of all living species are arthropods.
8/10 of all living species are insects.
2/3 of insect species belong to four major groups:
Beetles (Coleoptera)
Flies (Diptera)
Ants, Bees, and Wasps (Hymenoptera)
Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera)
For every person on Earth, there are approximately 175,000 individual insects, equating to about 525 trillion in total.
Ants comprise about 10% of the animal biomass.
Termites also make up about 10% of the animal biomass.
Common Characteristics:
Three body parts:
Six jointed legs
Two antennae
Exoskeleton (external skeleton)
Daily Life:
Insects are influential in many daily life aspects.
Destroy food and materials:
Clothes moths
Cheese skippers
Carpenter ants
Destroy body tissues:
Bot flies
Head lice and pubic lice
Brown recluse spiders
Annoying or irritating:
Bee stings
Ant bites
Transmit diseases such as:
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)
Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE)
Dengue Fever
Yellow Fever
West Nile Virus
Useful Products:
Honey and beeswax
Medical Uses:
Maggot therapy
Forensic entomologists use various techniques to determine time of death based on insect activity.
Essential for the reproduction of many plants.
Biological Control:
Includes natural pest control methods using parasitoids.
Insects like honey bees are integral to genetic studies.
Food Sources:
Insects are food for many animals and can be consumed by humans as well (e.g., rosted crickets).
Physical Characteristics:
Striated muscles
Tracheal system
Evolution of wings
Reproductive Potential:
High fecundity and short generation time.
Complete Metamorphosis:
Allows adaptation to different niches at various life stages.
Early Land Invasion:
Insects were among the first land animals, leading to their diverse adaptations.