Phylum and Classes

Phylum Porifera = sponges
Phylum Ctenophora = comb jellies
Phylum Cnidaria = organisms listed below (4 Classes to know)
Class Hydrozoa = hydras and portuguese man-of-war
Class Scyphozoa = jellyfish, medusa jellies, and sea nettles
Class Cubozoa = box jellies and sea wasps
Class Anthozoa = sea anemone, most corals, sea fans
Phylum Platyhelminthes = flatworms (4 Classes to know)
Class Turbellaria = free-living flatworms, e.g. Planaria
Class Monogenaea = primarily ectoparasites of fish
Class Trematoda = trematodes e.g. blood flukes (Shistosoma)
Class Cestoda = tapeworms e.g. beef and pork tapeworms (Taenia)
Phylum Ectoprocta = bryozoans or moss animals
Phylum Brachiopoda = lamp shells
Phylum Nemertea = ribbon worms
Phylum Annelida = segmented worms
Class Oligochaeta = earthworms
Class Polychaeta = polychaeta
Class Hirudinea = leeches
Phylum Mollusca = organisms listed below (4 Classes to know)
Class Polyplacophora = chitons
Class Bivalvia = clams, oysters, scallops, mussels
Class Gastropoda = abalone, limpet, conch, nudibranchs, snails, slugs, etc.
Class Cephalopoda = squid, octopus, nautilus, cuttlefish.
Phylum Nematoda = Roundworms e.g. Trichinella and heartworm (Dirofilaria)
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Trilobita = trilobites
Subphylum Cheliceriformes = spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, horseshoe crabs
Subphylum Myriapoda = millipedes, centipedes
Subphylum Crustacea = lobsters, crabs, barnacles, amphipods, isopods, etc.
Subphylum Hexapoda = insects (flies, beetles, butterflies, bugs, mantids, etc).

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea = sea stars
Class Ophiuroidea = brittle stars
Class Echinoidea = sea urchins, sand dollars
Class Crinoidea = sea lilies and feather stars
Class Holothuroidea = sea cucumbers
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Urochordata = tunicates or sea squirts
Subphylum Cephalochordata = lancelets
Subphylum Vertebrata (All Classes listed below)
Cyclostomata = jawless vertebrates
Class Myxini = hagfish
Class Petromyzontida = lamprey
Gnathostomes = jawed vertebrates (All Classes listed below)
Class Chondrichthyes = sharks, rays and chimaeras
Osteichthyes = boney fishes (All Classes listed below)
Class Actinopterygii = ray-finned fishes
Class Actinistia = coelacanths
Class Dipnoi = lungfish
Tetrapoda = four-limbed vertebrates (All Classes listed below)
Class Amphibia (salamanders, frogs, caecilians)
Amniota = vertebrates with amniotic eggs (All Classes listed below)
Class Reptilia (turtles, crocs, dinosaurs, birds, tuatara, squamates)
Class Mammalia (monotremes, marsupials, eutherians)
