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Unit 7 - Civil War Test

Civil War Timeline Supplement

Directions: As we explore the Civil War Timeline posted to Canvas, I recommend jotting down additional notes/thoughts for certain events that we highlight here.

  • Lincoln inaugurated March 4th, 1861

  • By January, southern states are leaving the country

South Carolina Secedes

  • South Carolina is first to secede from the U.S. after Lincoln wins

  • Declared themselves independent


  • Just trying to own slaves, northern states trying to be aggressive + hostile

  • Nullification → going against national law, northern states enforced personal liberty laws

  • Thoughts about Lincoln : Reference the speech where he mentions freeing slaves eventually, get agitated

  • Republicans are trying to take power

- (Other states quickly follow)

South Government

  • Gather in Montgomery for a convention

  • create the Confederate Constitution

  • Seven seceded states

  • Like constitution, but more focused on autonomy

  • Jefferson Davis → provisional president of Confederacy

Map Analysis of Sedition

  • Green symbolizes Union (the U.S.)

  • Orange symbolizes the confederate states

  • Border states are slave states → join union, still part of the U.S.

  • Delaware

  • Maryland

  • Kentucky

  • Missouri

Oct. 1861 → West Virginia created

  • Some people from Virginia wanted to break away from the Confederacy, remain part of the Union

Fort Sumter Battle

  • Fort Sumter is in South Carolina

  • U.S. fort deep in Confederate state → surrounded by confederate soldiers

  • Resupply ship gets bombarded by confederate soldiers

  • Shot the first shot → Confederacy

  • First battle of the Civil War

Infographic Analysis (1860)

  • 2x the amount of people in the Union vs confederacy

  • Way more __________ in North than South

  • Infrastructure

  • Workers

  • Manufacturing

  • Banks

  • Value of farmland

  • Railways (can help with communication/transportation)

Same amount of farm acreage between North and South

Military strategy

Anaconda Plan


  • Blockade Southern Ports

  • Control Mississippi River (Split Confederacy)

  • Capture Richmond, VA (Confederate capital)


  • Survive as a nation

  • Defend

  • Cautious opportunism

First Battle of Bull Run

  • July 21st, 1861

  • A.k.a. First Battle of Manassas

  • Union army marches south for this battle

  • 45,000 union soldiers confronting confederacy

  • This battle did not end until 1865

  • People treated it like a form of entertainment (picnics on battlefields)

  • Dynamic of different reinforcements coming in, since railroads are super close

  • Right on the border of confederate states and union

  • Confederacy is victorious

Personnel changes

  • Lincoln replaced General McDowell with McClellan

  • McClellan leads union army

A Blockade of the South

  • Union navy blockades south coastal borders

  • South relying on factories in the North, but North doesn’t want to trade with them

  • South also can’t trade with other countries

  • Lincoln→ Commander in Chief

Abraham Lincoln Takes Action

  • Lincoln cut off food, railroad, material imports from the North

  • McClellan gets fired because McClellan ignores orders

Battle of the “Monitor” and the “Merrimac”

  • North is constructing iron warships

  • clad→ covers in

  • Shell covered in iron (rest is wood)

  • South can’t produce this ship

  • Conflict in Civil War → South has territory in which the Iron clad prototype was

  • Monitor → Completely made by Iron

  • Blockade stayed

The Battle of Shiloh

  • 1862

  • Confederate forces attack Union

  • Ulysses S. Grant → Leadership within Union Army

  • Federal troop were about to be fully defeated, until reinforcements came in, and the next morning the Union was back on their feet

  • 13,000 out of 63,000 Union soldiers died

  • 11,000 out of 40,000 Confederate troops killed

Battle of New Orleans

  • War of 1812 → Andrew Jackson got his fame from that war

  • Control New Orleans → Control Mississippi River

The Battle of Fredericksburg

  • Northern Virginia

  • Really close to Washington D.C. (Union is worried)

  • McClellan is replaced by Burnside

  • McClellan was criticized for not being able to take commands from Lincoln (Lincoln is having trouble finding a leader who he trusts).

  • Confederate victory

Jan. 1863 → Emancipation Proclamation

January 1st

  • Lincoln only freed the slaves in certain states through the Emancipation Proclamation - which states were these? (Hint: Look at lines 1 - 2.)

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware → The Border States, not free states

Did this probably for:

  • Economic purposes

  • Compromise

The rest are declared free

The First Conscription Act

  • Conscription → Draft

  • Reading

The Battle of Chancellorsville

  • General Hooker

  • Not in power much longer

  • U.S. divided it’s army → part of Anaconda plan

  • Concentrated army in Northern Virginia

  • Split some into Washington D.C.

  • And the rest go into the South

  • Confederacy

The Vicksburg Campaign

Union won

The Gettysburg Campaign

  • June 1863

  • Pennsylvania

  • Happening over a course of days

  • Over July 4th

  • 165,000 fighting

  • 23,000 casualties on Union side

  • 28,000 casualties on Confederacy

  • Deadliest Battle of the war

  • Union is victorious

  • Confederates pushing into Union territory

  • Considered the “Turning Point”

  • The Union can afford to lose men, while the Confederacy doesn’t.

  • Lincoln shows up to the battle

  • Speaks at the commemoration

  • Leave the bodies in field, turn it into cemetery

  • “Four score and seven years ago,” referencing declaration of independence

  • Lincoln wants to preserve the Union

  • Edward Everett gives a speech as well

  • Everett speaks for two hours

Important People


  1. McClellan → Abraham Lincoln ordered him a command, McClellan “rejected” it

  2. Grant → Going to become president


  1. Robert Lee → Divided on which side to join, Nickname “Stonewall Jackson”

General William T. Sherman Atlanta Campaign

  • Goes all the way from the north to Georgia

  • Mission is to destroy confederate infrastructure (railways, roads, canals)

  • Disrupt Confederate supply lines

  • Him and his men destroy factories, bridges, railroads, and public buildings

  • This can be called “Total War” → destroying anything to make enemy surrender

  • Play a big role in reconstruction

  • “March to the Sea” → important name for next year

Lincoln Reelection

  • South does not participate in vote → has its own electoral system

  • Most are red → Voted Lincoln (Republican)

  • Only 3 states blue → McClellan (Democrat)


  • Burning Cross→ symbol

  • Many southern whites were upset with the forced inclusion of blacks into the political system

  • 1866 → KKK formed in Tennessee as a social organization

  • White supremacists

  • Goal: Terrorize blacks and prominent white Republicans

  • Democrats → hate republicans (promoted abolition)

  • Methods: marches, burning crosses, lynching, etc.

  • Some wear white sheets over heads

  • Still not comfortable with 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment

KKK Primary Source

  • Targeted towards Republicans → Radical

  • The author is threatening to nail republicans into boxes (caskets, coffins) and send them away to the KKK.

  • James Davie → Radical Republican

The Election of 1876

  • Rutherford B. Hayes REPUBLICAN (Wins) vs. Samuel Tilden DEMOCRAT

  • 1876: Republicans only control 3 southern states (SC, LA, FL)

  • Democrats return to power → “the redemption” (getting a second chance after the first)

  • The “Redeemers” (southern democrats) join power with Northern Democrats→ become Democrats as a whole.

  • Democrats sympathize with the KKK

  • Election Results → disputed

  • Tilden won popular vote

  • Hayes won electoral votes

Compromise of 1877

  • Special Congressional Commission investigates if the winner is correct

  • Investigate → conclude that Hayes did win

  • Southern Democrats accept on two conditions

  • Guarantee of federal aid to the South

  • Removal of all remaining federal troops

  • Threat of succession is pretty much gone

  • Marks the end of reconstruction


Unit 7 - Civil War Test

Civil War Timeline Supplement

Directions: As we explore the Civil War Timeline posted to Canvas, I recommend jotting down additional notes/thoughts for certain events that we highlight here.

  • Lincoln inaugurated March 4th, 1861

  • By January, southern states are leaving the country

South Carolina Secedes

  • South Carolina is first to secede from the U.S. after Lincoln wins

  • Declared themselves independent


  • Just trying to own slaves, northern states trying to be aggressive + hostile

  • Nullification → going against national law, northern states enforced personal liberty laws

  • Thoughts about Lincoln : Reference the speech where he mentions freeing slaves eventually, get agitated

  • Republicans are trying to take power

- (Other states quickly follow)

South Government

  • Gather in Montgomery for a convention

  • create the Confederate Constitution

  • Seven seceded states

  • Like constitution, but more focused on autonomy

  • Jefferson Davis → provisional president of Confederacy

Map Analysis of Sedition

  • Green symbolizes Union (the U.S.)

  • Orange symbolizes the confederate states

  • Border states are slave states → join union, still part of the U.S.

  • Delaware

  • Maryland

  • Kentucky

  • Missouri

Oct. 1861 → West Virginia created

  • Some people from Virginia wanted to break away from the Confederacy, remain part of the Union

Fort Sumter Battle

  • Fort Sumter is in South Carolina

  • U.S. fort deep in Confederate state → surrounded by confederate soldiers

  • Resupply ship gets bombarded by confederate soldiers

  • Shot the first shot → Confederacy

  • First battle of the Civil War

Infographic Analysis (1860)

  • 2x the amount of people in the Union vs confederacy

  • Way more __________ in North than South

  • Infrastructure

  • Workers

  • Manufacturing

  • Banks

  • Value of farmland

  • Railways (can help with communication/transportation)

Same amount of farm acreage between North and South

Military strategy

Anaconda Plan


  • Blockade Southern Ports

  • Control Mississippi River (Split Confederacy)

  • Capture Richmond, VA (Confederate capital)


  • Survive as a nation

  • Defend

  • Cautious opportunism

First Battle of Bull Run

  • July 21st, 1861

  • A.k.a. First Battle of Manassas

  • Union army marches south for this battle

  • 45,000 union soldiers confronting confederacy

  • This battle did not end until 1865

  • People treated it like a form of entertainment (picnics on battlefields)

  • Dynamic of different reinforcements coming in, since railroads are super close

  • Right on the border of confederate states and union

  • Confederacy is victorious

Personnel changes

  • Lincoln replaced General McDowell with McClellan

  • McClellan leads union army

A Blockade of the South

  • Union navy blockades south coastal borders

  • South relying on factories in the North, but North doesn’t want to trade with them

  • South also can’t trade with other countries

  • Lincoln→ Commander in Chief

Abraham Lincoln Takes Action

  • Lincoln cut off food, railroad, material imports from the North

  • McClellan gets fired because McClellan ignores orders

Battle of the “Monitor” and the “Merrimac”

  • North is constructing iron warships

  • clad→ covers in

  • Shell covered in iron (rest is wood)

  • South can’t produce this ship

  • Conflict in Civil War → South has territory in which the Iron clad prototype was

  • Monitor → Completely made by Iron

  • Blockade stayed

The Battle of Shiloh

  • 1862

  • Confederate forces attack Union

  • Ulysses S. Grant → Leadership within Union Army

  • Federal troop were about to be fully defeated, until reinforcements came in, and the next morning the Union was back on their feet

  • 13,000 out of 63,000 Union soldiers died

  • 11,000 out of 40,000 Confederate troops killed

Battle of New Orleans

  • War of 1812 → Andrew Jackson got his fame from that war

  • Control New Orleans → Control Mississippi River

The Battle of Fredericksburg

  • Northern Virginia

  • Really close to Washington D.C. (Union is worried)

  • McClellan is replaced by Burnside

  • McClellan was criticized for not being able to take commands from Lincoln (Lincoln is having trouble finding a leader who he trusts).

  • Confederate victory

Jan. 1863 → Emancipation Proclamation

January 1st

  • Lincoln only freed the slaves in certain states through the Emancipation Proclamation - which states were these? (Hint: Look at lines 1 - 2.)

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware → The Border States, not free states

Did this probably for:

  • Economic purposes

  • Compromise

The rest are declared free

The First Conscription Act

  • Conscription → Draft

  • Reading

The Battle of Chancellorsville

  • General Hooker

  • Not in power much longer

  • U.S. divided it’s army → part of Anaconda plan

  • Concentrated army in Northern Virginia

  • Split some into Washington D.C.

  • And the rest go into the South

  • Confederacy

The Vicksburg Campaign

Union won

The Gettysburg Campaign

  • June 1863

  • Pennsylvania

  • Happening over a course of days

  • Over July 4th

  • 165,000 fighting

  • 23,000 casualties on Union side

  • 28,000 casualties on Confederacy

  • Deadliest Battle of the war

  • Union is victorious

  • Confederates pushing into Union territory

  • Considered the “Turning Point”

  • The Union can afford to lose men, while the Confederacy doesn’t.

  • Lincoln shows up to the battle

  • Speaks at the commemoration

  • Leave the bodies in field, turn it into cemetery

  • “Four score and seven years ago,” referencing declaration of independence

  • Lincoln wants to preserve the Union

  • Edward Everett gives a speech as well

  • Everett speaks for two hours

Important People


  1. McClellan → Abraham Lincoln ordered him a command, McClellan “rejected” it

  2. Grant → Going to become president


  1. Robert Lee → Divided on which side to join, Nickname “Stonewall Jackson”

General William T. Sherman Atlanta Campaign

  • Goes all the way from the north to Georgia

  • Mission is to destroy confederate infrastructure (railways, roads, canals)

  • Disrupt Confederate supply lines

  • Him and his men destroy factories, bridges, railroads, and public buildings

  • This can be called “Total War” → destroying anything to make enemy surrender

  • Play a big role in reconstruction

  • “March to the Sea” → important name for next year

Lincoln Reelection

  • South does not participate in vote → has its own electoral system

  • Most are red → Voted Lincoln (Republican)

  • Only 3 states blue → McClellan (Democrat)


  • Burning Cross→ symbol

  • Many southern whites were upset with the forced inclusion of blacks into the political system

  • 1866 → KKK formed in Tennessee as a social organization

  • White supremacists

  • Goal: Terrorize blacks and prominent white Republicans

  • Democrats → hate republicans (promoted abolition)

  • Methods: marches, burning crosses, lynching, etc.

  • Some wear white sheets over heads

  • Still not comfortable with 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment

KKK Primary Source

  • Targeted towards Republicans → Radical

  • The author is threatening to nail republicans into boxes (caskets, coffins) and send them away to the KKK.

  • James Davie → Radical Republican

The Election of 1876

  • Rutherford B. Hayes REPUBLICAN (Wins) vs. Samuel Tilden DEMOCRAT

  • 1876: Republicans only control 3 southern states (SC, LA, FL)

  • Democrats return to power → “the redemption” (getting a second chance after the first)

  • The “Redeemers” (southern democrats) join power with Northern Democrats→ become Democrats as a whole.

  • Democrats sympathize with the KKK

  • Election Results → disputed

  • Tilden won popular vote

  • Hayes won electoral votes

Compromise of 1877

  • Special Congressional Commission investigates if the winner is correct

  • Investigate → conclude that Hayes did win

  • Southern Democrats accept on two conditions

  • Guarantee of federal aid to the South

  • Removal of all remaining federal troops

  • Threat of succession is pretty much gone

  • Marks the end of reconstruction