Security Technologies.
In this section of the course,
we're going to talk about security technologies.
As a network technician
it is your job to ensure our network is secure
with the help of your organization cyber security team.
Usually as a network technician,
you're going to be the one configuring the devices
and implementing the security upgrades
that are required to keep your network secure.
So in this section, we're going to focus on
how to prevent bad things from happening to your networks,
but using different security technologies,
like firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems,
remote access, virtual private networks,
IPsec, and of course,
network logging and monitoring for intrusions
to best protect your networks.
We're going to be talking about four different domains
in this section of the course.
Domain one: networking fundamentals.
Domain two: network implementations.
Domain three: network operations,
and domain four: network security.
We're going to be discussing six different objectives
across these four domains.
This includes objective 1.5,
which states that you must be able
to explain common ports and protocols,
their application and encrypted alternatives.
Objective 2.1,
which states that you must be able to compare
and contrast various devices,
their features and their appropriate placements
on the network.
Objective 3.1,
which states that given a scenario,
you must use the appropriate statistics
and sensors to ensure network availability.
And objective 4.1,
which states that you must explain common security concepts.
Also, we'll talk about objective 4.3,
which states that given a scenario,
you must apply network hardening techniques.
And objective 4.4 states that you must compare
and contrast remote access methods
and security implications.
Now let's start talking
all about the different types of security technologies
and how you can best protect your networks.
One of the most common network security devices out there
is a firewall.
Now, we've talked about firewalls briefly up to this point,
but in this video, we're really going to dive deeper
into firewalls to really understand the type of firewalls
that are out there and how they operate.
Now, when we look at firewalls, they use a set of rules
to define the types of traffic that's going to be permitted
or denied through that device.
They basically act as a barrier to our networks,
these can be either software-based or hardware-based,
and they could be virtual or physical devices.
They can also be on the host or they can be on the network,
depending on if they're a host-based firewall
or a network-based firewall.
It really depends on your implementation,
but they're all going to work in pretty much the same way.
The other thing that a firewall can do for you,
especially a physical one that's sitting
at the edge of your network,
is to perform your Network Address Translation or NAT,
or if you're using Port Address Translation, PAT,
it can do that for you, too.
Now, that way, you can use one public IP
and many private IPs.
The first type of firewall we're going to talk about
is called a packet-filtering firewall.
These packet-filtering firewalls are going to permit
or deny traffic based on a packets header.
So, they have to access that packet and they have to look
at the header and look for the source or destination IP
and the source or destination port.
It's then going to to look at each of those packets individually
and make decisions whether to permit them or deny them
based on its access control list inside the firewall.
So, here on the screen, I have an access control list,
and this access control list has 100 deny ip any.
Now, what does that mean?
It means that any IP that is going to be denied
if it meets these rules, 100 is the line number,
deny as the action, ip is the protocol,
and any is the action against which it's going to take.
So, in this case, we have
an interface Fa one slash zero ip group 100 in,
and what's that saying is we're going to apply this
to any incoming traffic.
Now, in the case of this one,
if we have traffic coming in from the Internet,
like an HTTP reply, then it's going to get blocked
because nothing is allowed in
because we have a deny any statement here,
even though the request was able to go out
because that's outbound, anything coming back in
is going to be blocked because we have an inbound deny rule.
That's the bad thing about packet-filtering firewalls,
they work just based on the rule sets,
and so, if I have allow any going out,
but I would deny any coming in,
nothing's really going to work for us.
Now, this is because they're all based off the ACL,
and they're only based on the port or IP addresses.
In this case, we blocked any port on any IP
that's trying to make its way into our networks,
that wouldn't make it for a very effective firewall
if we want to be able to enable
any kind of two-way communications.
Now, the second type of firewall we have
is what's called a stateful firewall,
and they're going to inspect your traffic as part of a session.
So, let's take the example here on the screen.
If I'm sitting at PC1 and I make
an SSH connection out to the server on the Internet,
that is session one.
Now, the server can then reply to me with that SSH traffic
and the firewall is going to let it in, why?
Because I opened the firewall by making the request.
When I put the request out, it now expects a reply
to come back and it's going to forward that to me.
But if a second SSH server tried to come back
and create its own session,
the firewall is going to deny it,
that's because this firewall can keep track of the fact
that I made the initial request
and I'm only going to get an answer to my request,
anything else is going to be blocked.
Now, you could see how this is a lot more beneficial
than a packet-filtering firewall,
because it's going to go ahead and not just let anything
in or out, but it's going to keep track
of what's been requested and only let those things in.
With a packet-filtering firewall, I would have had
to let everything in for SSH or everything out,
it's either all or nothing.
But in this case, we can keep track of these sessions
and get a much more specific granularity of what's going to
be going on here and what's going to be allowed and denied.
This is what people are using when they're doing
a phishing attack to explore your networks,
because they know that most people
are using session-based firewalls,
and so, if I can send you an email and you click that link,
what you just did was request a session,
and that firewall is going to then open up the port
and letting that out
and let the reply back into your network,
and that's why they're trying to do that.
That is the bad thing about a stateful firewall.
If you have users who are doing the wrong things,
the firewall is going to let them through
because they're making those requests,
and since they requested it,
it's going to let the bad stuff come back in.
Now, we can combine the ACLs
and the permit and deny statements
of a packet-filtering firewall
with a stateful firewall's capabilities,
and this can give us a really good security device,
and most modern firewalls will support both of those things
and that's how they're going to work.
The next type of firewall we have
is known as a next-generation or next-gen firewall,
these are also abbreviated as NGFW.
Unlike stateful and stateless packet-filtering firewalls
that operate at layer four and below,
these third-generation firewalls can conduct
what's known as deep packet inspection or DPI.
This allows them to do full on packet-filtering.
They're going to operate in layers five, six, and seven
of the OSI model, where they can get
really in-depth information and understand
what those packets contain
and whether it's bad for our networks or not.
Now, these can also be referred
to as a web application firewall,
if they're specific to a web server
or more generally, they're just called next-gen firewalls.
If they're for your entire network, they're going to be
a great use to you, because they're going to inspect
all of the web traffic coming in and out
and really understand
what is going in and out of your network.
Then, they can dig in and choose to whether
allow it or deny it based on specific rule sets
that you give it.
When we talk about ACS or access control list,
what exactly are they?
Well, an ACL is simply a set of rules
that are typically assigned to a router interface
or a firewall and it's going to permit or deny certain traffic
based on its IP address, its MAC address,
or its port depending on what device you're dealing with.
If you're dealing with a switch,
it's going to be based off your MAC addresses.
If you're dealing with a router,
it's usually based off your IP addresses.
If you're dealing with a firewall,
it's going to based off your IP or your port.
Now, the ACLs are going to do this based on your source IP,
your destination IP, your source port,
your destination port, your source MAC,
or your destination MAC.
Now, you can choose any or all of these
to be the criteria you want based on your rule set.
So, here's an example on the screen,
I have three different access control list entries.
I have the first one,
which is going to permit or deny the first column.
Now, the protocol you're using, whether it's TCP or UDP,
is our second thing.
And the next column we have is our source IP,
and this can signify any or a specific IP
that we want or a range of IPs.
Then, we have a destination IP, and again,
this can be any IP, a specific client,
or an entire range depending on what you want.
Then, we have our destination port,
and then, we have things like WWW for port 80,
SSH for port 22, Telnet that for port 23,
you're getting the idea here, right?
We're going to be able to decide
what we're going to allow and what we're going to deny.
So, in our case, we have this group
on serial interface one slash zero
that's going to be allowed on the inbound direction.
We're going to apply these rules
which are going to permit port 80 web traffic to come in.
It's also going to permit SSH or port 22 to come in, as well,
but it's going to deny port 23
or Telnet traffic from coming in.
Now, this is the way you can deal with ACLs.
For your Network+ exam, you should be able to read
an ACL just like I did here on the screen,
but you don't need to come up with it by yourself
for the exam and be able to create your own ACLs.
Next, we have firewall zones.
All firewall interfaces are classified as a certain zone.
You can set up rules based on these zones
so that all the inside rules apply to these interfaces
and all the outside rules apply
to those interfaces over there.
Now, we have three zones we'd talk about,
we have inside, outside, and DMZ.
Now, inside is going to be your intranet,
it's your local area network.
It's connecting to your corporate local area network,
and anytime you talk about things outside of that,
you're going to be talking about things like the Internet
or external to your network.
Then, we have this other zone and it's known as the DMZ
or demilitarized zone.
It's going to connect devices
that should have some restricted access
from the outside zone, like web servers and email servers,
but they still aren't necessarily trusted
by your internal network.
It's kind of this in-between land,
between the trusted inside and the untrusted outside,
and it's really part of your network,
but it is segmented off as this demilitarized zone.
Now, what does this really look like?
Well, here's an example where I have three PCs
and a switch, and they're going to be able to tie
into this firewall and allow traffic
to go between certain zones.
Then, we have the DMZ,
where my email and my web server up at the top.
Then, I have this outside Internet zone over here.
Now, if I have the untrusted Internet,
am I going to allow traffic to go to my internal network
or my inside network?
Well, no, because I don't trust it.
The only way I'm going to do that
is if somebody has requested it,
like using a stateful firewall.
So, in general, we're going to block everything
going from the Internet to my internal zone.
Now, from my internal zone to my DMZ, again,
I don't really fully trust that DMZ,
so we're going to treat it like the Internet
from our internal network.
Now, if we request information from the email
or the web server, we'll get return traffic,
so that's going to be good for us.
But in general, we're going to block a lot of traffic
between those two zones.
Then, let's talk about the DMZ to the outside.
Well, the DMZ should always be able to go out
so they can request whatever they want
from the outside or from the Internet,
and we do have to allow certain things to come into the DMZ,
things like port 25 for sending an email
or port 110 for POP3, or port 143 for IMAP.
Those email type services need to be able
to have inbound traffic from the Internet
because that's what an email service is designed to do,
to serve those emails.
The same thing is true for the web server,
We're going to need to allow port 80 and port 443
for unsecured and secure web browsing
if we're going to host a web server,
because if we're running a web server,
people outside our network need to get to those web servers.
That's why the DMZ is considered
the semi-trusted zone, because people
from outside our networking reach in and touch the DMZ.
We wouldn't want them to reach and touch
our internal network, but we can get to those DMZ servers.
Now, we can really lock it down
and put a lot of protections in place, but we still have
to have some kind of open access to it because otherwise,
the email server and the web server
don't give us any functionality, right?
And so, that's the idea here with a DMZ,
it's a semi-trusted zone
between the inside and the outside network.
Now, the last type of device I want to mention here
is called a UTM or a unified threat management system.
Now, these have been getting a lot of popularity
in recent years, and this is a device
that's going to combine your firewall, your router,
your intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems,
antimalware solutions you have, and other security devices,
all into a single device that's placed on your network.
This is generally considered a border device,
and it really is a next-generation next-generation firewall.
Now, there's an agent that's running your internal clients
and they can be queried by the UTM
before allowing any connection to the network.
They can also serve with a NAC or a network authentication
and network authorization function prior to allowing
any new devices onto your network, as well.
Now, these unified threat managers can be purchased
as a physical device to be installed in your networks
or there can be a virtualized device,
and there's even cloud solutions out there with UTMs, too.
If you're using a cloud solution, you'll just route
all your traffic to this cloud service provider
and they'll do all the security for you,
and then, they route your traffic out to the Internet,
because of this, UTMs are really expanding in popularity,
and you're going to see them more and more in networks
because they have this always on, always updated signatures
with the latest threat information
and the latest threat intelligence
that provides you additional security for your networks,
more so than a firewall alone could do for you.
In this demonstration, we're going to explore
a basic small office/home office network firewall.
In this example, I'm going to use a typical
router/switch access point combination device
manufactured by Netgear and marketed
as a wireless network N300 model.
Now, this is probably very similar
to what most of you are using in your small office
or home office environments.
Your interface and settings on your firewall
are going to look a little different than mine,
but it's still going to give you the same general idea
of what kind of options there are
and how you can configure one of these firewalls
at your network boundary.
On the screen, you can see the basic web-based access
for this wireless router/wireless access point
combination device.
On mine, I'm going to go to Security,
which is where the firewall is located
and it's under Blocked Services on this particular router.
Usually, most of these small office/home office routers
are going to have a very weak type firewall
and they hide it by calling it something else
instead of calling it a firewall,
so, it'll be called blocked sites, blocked services,
blocked ports, something of that nature.
In this case, it's blocked services
and I can do it based on a schedule,
so, I only want it to be certain times of the day or always.
Let's say I want to block something like Telnet.
I'm going to always block it, I'm going to add a block,
and the block I want to use is going to be a Service,
and go down to Telnet.
It automatically knows that Telnet is port 23,
so, it's going to block port 23 for me.
It's called Telnet because this is a predefined one
and then, I can block it for all IP addresses in this network
or only certain IP addresses or a certain range.
Maybe I want to block it for everything for Telnet.
That's fine, we can go ahead and add that to our list.
If we want to add something else,
let's say I have another rule.
In this case, I want to block port 666
because maybe there's a game
I don't want my kids playing on that,
so, I'll block it as port 666.
I'm going to make it TCP, UDP, or both,
I'm going to say both in this case,
and I'm just going to call it Game.
And then, I can block it for an IP range.
Maybe I don't want it be accessed by my kids
which all have their devices
in the and the range.
If I do that, I can go ahead and hit Add.
And, again, that adds another rule to the firewall
where we are blocking port 666 over that range of IPs.
You can see how this works as you
add or delete different rules.
Then, I can go through and I can do another one.
Let's say I want to block the
FTP server,
so, I will just go through here and say user defined
port 20 through port 21
because that is the connection port
and the data ports for FTP.
And then, we'll give it a name of FTP
and we can do it for all IP addresses in this range,
so nobody can access FTP servers.
That's the idea of how this firewall works.
In this case, it's blocking the outbound connections
because it's preventing us from sending things
out to the Internet.
If we want to block things from coming in from the Internet,
we're going to have to do that in a different firewall
on this particular device
because this one only has the outbound defined here.
It's going to have what things
as it's going out to the Internet.
Now, if I want to do this on inbound stuff,
I would have to go and find that
in this particular router.
That's usually going to be something like port forwarding
or port triggering or something like a static route.
In this case, I can port forward or port trigger
and say hey, if something's trying to come in
on port 21, FTP, it can go and be routed to my server,
which is at the .50, for instance.
So now, anything that comes in that's trying to get to
this router on port 21 is going to be forwarded
over to that IP address of .50.
That's how you allow things in to your network
based on this particular firewall.
How do you block things with the firewall?
Well, in this particular router,
everything is blocked by default
because it's doing an implicit deny,
so, anytime I add a rule, like FTP here,
that's doing an explicit allow.
Anything you don't allow is going to be blocked by default
on the inbound, based on this particular router.
In this video, I'm going to show you how to configure
the Windows firewall and the Mac firewall,
so whichever system you're using, you'll know how to do it.
Let's start with the Windows firewall.
We're going to use the Windows Defender Firewall
with Advanced Security.
To load this up, simply go down to your Windows key
or your start menu, scroll all the way down
to where you see Windows Administrative Tools,
and then, scroll down again, once you click on that,
and you will find the Windows Defender Firewall
with Advanced Security.
Once you click on that, it will open.
From here, you can create all of the policies you want,
setting up inbound rules, outbound rules,
monitoring it, et cetera.
Once you have it set just the way you like,
you can actually export that policy
so you'll have it as a back-up
any time you need to go back to it.
Right now, you can see my domain profile
shows Windows Defender Firewall is off.
My private profile shows that it's on,
and my public profile shows that it's on.
What this means is that in my private network
and my public network,
I do have the Windows firewall turned on.
In the private network I don't allow
any inbound connections that don't match my rules,
but I will allow outbound that don't match my rules.
In my public network, I have it set the exact same way.
Now, if I want to change that,
I can go into my inbound rules or my outbound rules,
and decide how I want that to be done.
Let's take a look at some of these rules.
For example, we have this one here, which is SSH,
which is Secure Shell.
All of my profiles allow it, it's enabled for all of them,
it will do an allow action,
and it's going to allow any program to be run
from any address locally to any address remotely
over port 22.
That may be what you want to do,
or it may be something you want to block.
Let's go ahead and look at some other ones.
Down here, we have App Installer.
For App Installer, it's allowing it to go
any local address to any remote address,
any protocol, and any port.
This type of an any/any rule
allows it to have a lot of ability,
and so, this is going to allow a lot of things through
that we might not want.
Now, let's say you have a program
that you want to add to this.
Maybe you have a new web server on this
and you're going to run it on port 80.
You can hit new, you can then select a program,
a port, a pre-defined, or a custom.
In this case if it's a web server,
we would want to do it based on port 80.
Then, we'll click on next.
Do we want it for TCP traffic or UDP traffic?
If it's a web server, again, it's TCP.
If it's something else that might use UDP,
you could set that up.
And then, what ports is that going to work for?
For all of your local ports, or specific ports?
Well, if it's a web server, it again should be port 80,
and for secure, port 443.
Then, we can go next, we can allow that connection,
we can allow the connection if it's secure,
meaning it has to use something like
a VPN tunnel with IPSec, or we can block the connection
and not allow any web traffic in.
In our case, we want to allow the connection.
Then, we click on next, and you can see
which of those three networks it's going to apply to.
I'm going to allow all three of them
to have it applied to it, and then I'll give it a rule.
Jason's Web Server.
And that's it, now you can see that Jason's Web Server
is now going to allow traffic from any program
from any local address and any remote address
over protocol TCP, and on port 80 and 443.
Now, conversely, if I want to block things from getting in,
we would do the exact same thing,
except we would set it up as a block or a deny.
For example, I don't want to allow anybody
to do Telnet into my network, because Telnet is unsecure.
So, I would set up a new rule,
and from there, I can block anything on port 23,
which is TCP traffic on port 23,
and then, I'll hit Next, I'll block that connection,
and I'll block it for all three of those networks,
and I'm going to say Blocking Telnet.
And that's it.
You could see how easy it is to set up these rules.
If somebody says I want to block TCP on port 23
or I want to block Telnet, then you should be able to say
I want to block it from this area,
and let it go to that area.
Now, one more area of the Windows firewall
that I want to show you is down here in Monitoring.
Down in Monitoring, you can see which profile is active
as I showed you before,
but you also have access to the log file,
and if you click on that,
you'll be able to see what's currently there.
What is being logged, right now is it logging drop packets
and successful connections?
Right now, it's not, but we can change that if we wanted to.
Now, we can also view our active rules.
This again brings us back to what those inbound rules are
and seeing which ones are actually active on this profile.
So, you'll notice, anything that's all or public
is being shown here.
Anything that was just private or domain is not
because they're not active for this particular connection.
Next, we're going to configure a firewall on a Mac machine.
To do that, simply go to the apple in the upper left corner
and go to System Preferences.
From here, you're going to click Security and Privacy
and then, you're going to click on the Firewall tab.
You can notice that my firewall is on,
but I can't click any of the firewall options right now.
That's because you have to unlock it by clicking the lock
and adding your username and password for the Admin account.
Once you do that, you can turn off your firewall,
or you can turn on your firewall,
and you can configure the options.
In here, you can block all incoming connections,
you can see what applications
have been allowed through the firewall.
In my case, Skype and Google Drive are allowed
to have connections into my computer.
And then, you can automatically allow built-in software,
meaning Apple software, to receive incoming connections,
things like iTunes and iMessage,
and you can automatically allow downloaded
signed software to receive incoming connections,
meaning this is software that you trust.
And finally, we have Stealth Mode.
What Stealth Mode does is it makes your firewall
not respond and not acknowledge any attempts
from somebody to ping your network.
So, if somebody is doing a ping sweep of your network,
my computer is simply not even going to answer,
so you won't know if it's up, down, or even there.
So, how do we add an application to this list
to allow incoming connections?
Well, Mac makes it fairly easy.
You click on the plus sign, you find the application,
for example, my Chess application, and then hit Add.
When you do that, it by default
is going to allow incoming connections.
Now, if I don't want that anymore, I can simply click on it
and subtract it, and it won't answer up.
As you can see, you don't have the level of fidelity
that you have on a Windows machine here in a Mac machine.
To get that level of fidelity, you'd have to use
the command line firewall tools that are provided,
such as PF or IPFW.
Intrusion detection and intrusion protection systems.
Now, in this lesson, we're going to talk
about IDSs and IPSs.
We've mentioned them briefly before
but now, we're going to dig into them.
Now, when we talk about IDS or intrusion detection system,
or IPS, an intrusion prevention system,
these can recognize network attacks.
And in the case of intrusion prevention system,
they can actually respond appropriately.
It's going to analyze all the incoming data
for any attacks it knows about using
different detection mechanisms
like a signature or behavioral-based model.
And we'll talk about more of those
as we go through this video, too.
Now, one of the most common ones is known as Snort.
S-N-O-R-T, which you can see here on the screen.
Snort is a software-based intrusion detection
and intrusion prevention system.
It is open source and it is widely used in the industry.
Now, when you're dealing
with intrusion detection system,
this is considered a passive device.
It's going to operate in parallel to your network,
and you can see it here in the diagram
hanging off just below the switch in this diagram.
Now, it's going to monitor all the traffic
going across the network and it's going to log in.
And it's going to alert any time it sees something
that it thinks is bad.
So, if it thinks it sees something bad,
like there might be an attack going on,
it might see something like a port scan
or denial of service attack,
or anything else that matches
its database to signatures,
then, it's going to alert the system administrator.
But because it's a detection system,
it's not going to respond.
All it's going to do is log in.
It might capture some packet data on it,
if you configured it to do that
and then, it's going to send the alert
to the administrator who's going to go ahead
and investigate it further.
Now, on the other hand, if you have it configured
as an intrusion prevention system,
this is considered an active device.
And so, it has to operate in-line.
Notice how it's now placed here
between the firewall and the switch,
so all the traffic from the attacker
and from the Internet
has to go through this device as it goes
through the router and the firewall into your network.
This way, by using this intrusion prevention system,
it can actually have all the data going through it
and it can stop and block any data
that it thinks is bad.
Now, again, this is going to be based off
of the signatures you have programmed.
It's going to monitor all the traffic,
send all the alerts, do all the logging,
do the packet capture,
all of the stuff like an IDS would.
But because it's a prevention system,
it can also drop or block offending traffic.
Therefore, it can actually stop an attack in progress.
Now, if you're worried about a denial of service attack,
an IPS is one of the best ways
to prevent this from happening.
Now, why would we use an IDS versus an IPS?
Cause it sounds like an IPS is awesome.
Well, one of the problems is that IPSs
and IDSs are not always tuned properly.
And so, if you have a false positive,
you can actually drop legitimate traffic
if you're using an IPS.
So, that's one of the reasons
why a lot of organizations operate
these detection systems in detection mode
and not prevention mode.
Speaking of detection, how can we detect different things?
Well, there are really three main methods.
We have signature-based detection,
policy-based detection, and anomaly-based detection.
When you're dealing with signature-based detection,
this is where a signature contains
a string of bytes that acts as a unique
fingerprint or some sort of a pattern
that's going to be triggering that detection.
Think of it like a signature
from malware or your hand signature.
I can look at it and say,
"Ah, I know this is John Smith's signature,
I've seen it before."
That's essentially what we're doing here
with the data flowing through the network.
Now, these signatures have to be created by yourself
or you can download them from a central repository.
Now, if you find a signature that matches something
that isn't threatening, but you have your device
in prevention mode, guess what?
That's going to cause issues for you
because it's going to block it.
And this again is why people tend
to lean towards an IDS instead of an IPS.
Next, we have policy-based detection.
And this is going to rely on a specific
declaration of a security policy.
You may say something like,
"No Telnet allowed."
and if we see anybody trying to talk on Port 23,
we know that's a policy issue
and we're going to flag it in the logs
and we're going to alert on it.
That's the idea of policy-based detection.
Now, the third one we have is an anomaly-based detection.
And this is either going to be done
through a statistical or non-statistical anomaly.
Now, if it's using a statistical anomaly,
it's going to watch for traffic patterns
and build a baseline up and then anytime it sees
something that thinks is outside the normal,
it's going to flag it.
Again, if you're using an IPS,
this can be very, very dangerous.
Because something that is completely normal
and routine that's just a little bit outside
the normal baseline could be flagged
and cause issues for your end users.
Now, when you use a non-statistical anomaly,
this is based on a pattern or baseline
that the administrator is going to define.
So, I might go in and configure and say,
"Hey, anytime I see more than some amount of downloads,
it's over a gigabyte per user per day,
I want you to flag that
because that might be something that's not right."
These are the kind of things
that we're going to set by the administrator
and they would then be a non-statistical anomaly.
In addition to having an intrusion detection system
and intrusion prevention system,
we could also have either host-based
or network-based IDSs and IPSs.
And this is another way we distinguish these systems.
When we're dealing with the network-based one,
we're talking about a network device
that's going to protect the entire network.
The diagrams I showed you earlier
were example of a network-based IDS and IPS,
were either hung off the switch
or it was between the switch and the firewall.
Now, if I wanted to have it as a software
installed on the host
like your Windows or your Mac machine,
this would be a piece of software
we install and it can serve
as an IDS or an IPS, as well.
Those are considered host-based
because it's sitting on a host or a server.
This would be your clients,
your servers, your phones, your tablets.
Now, these network and host-based systems
can be used together to give you even more protection.
For example, you might have a network
intrusion prevention system that's going to be used
in-line to protect you
from a denial of service attack.
But then, you might also have a host-based
intrusion prevention system on your Windows server
that can prevent people from installing
and running software that you don't authorize.
This is going to help protect you
from malware attacks and other things like that.
Now, what is all these look like
when you put it together?
Well, it looks kind of like this.
Notice here, I have two switches
hanging off that router.
I have my administrative and my management network.
And I also have my users who are sitting
there off to the left.
Now, in my user domain,
I have an intrusion detection system
that is network-based
and it's hanging off that switch.
Then, I have an intrusion prevention system
sitting between the firewall and the router
to protect myself from denial of service attacks.
Then, I might have a DMZ,
and I might need another IPS there
that's going to be set between the switch
and the firewall and that's going to protect
my web servers and my email servers.
In addition to all that network-based defenses,
I can actually install software
on PC1, PC2, and PC3 that acts
as a host IDS or a host IPS.
Now, all of that is going to be connected
back up to the management PC up in the top,
which is going to take and correlate
all of these logs and alerts
and that way, I can investigate them as I see them.
You could see how all of this starts
working together giving us layers of security
and a lot more additional security.
Remote access, in this lesson,
we're going to discuss a lot of the different types
of remote access options
that you may be supporting as a network technician
or network administrator.
These different methods will allow a client
to access a server or a network device
remotely over your network.
Now, as an administrator,
you're going to be using some of these methods
to reach into the command line interface of your routers,
your switches, and your firewalls as well.
In order for you to be able to modify their settings
and configurations as part of your job functions.
Now, there are many ways to access this data remotely,
and you can also control these devices remotely as well.
Many of these, we may have already covered before
in different videos in the course,
but in this lesson, I want to provide you
with a quick recap or summary.
So you have them all covered in one place.
And that way, you can use it as a great review
before you take the exam.
So in this lesson, we're going to discuss Telnet,
VDI, in band versus out-of-band management
and some authentication and authorization considerations.
Now, the first thing we need to talk about
with remote access technology is Telnet.
Now Telnet operates on port 23 and Telnet
is used to send text-based commands to remote devices.
And it's considered a very old networking protocol.
Everything you do in Telnet is going to be text-based
and here, you can see that I'm connecting over Telnet
By doing this, I can then look up
the daily weather for my area.
Now, one of the biggest drawbacks to using Telnet
is that it sends everything over the network
in plain text or un-encrypted formats.
Now, in this case, I really don't care
that I'm sending things in plain text
because the only information I have to send
to the server is the three digit airport code
for the city that I want to check the weather within.
But if I'm going to send something private,
like my social security number or my password
or my credit card number, then I would never,
ever want to use Telnet for that.
Remember, Telnet should never,
never not ever be used for anything
when you're connecting to one of your secure devices,
anything like a router or a switch or a firewall,
because when you're configuring them,
everything will be sent in plain text,
including your commands, your username, your passwords,
your access control lists, and all of that stuff.
Instead, we always want to use an encrypted
text-based remote access technology,
something like Secure Shell.
This brings us to our second remote access technology,
which is Secure Shell.
Now Secure Shell or SSH is going to operate over port 22.
Secure Shell is also known as SSH,
and it works just like Telnet,
but it's going to encrypt everything that's being sent
received between the client and the server, the router,
or the switch that you're communicating with.
Therefore, you're going to have much better security
when you're using SSH
than when you're using Telnet.
Remember, anytime you need to connect
to a networking device to configure it
in the command line interface,
you should always be doing this over SSH,
using Secure Shell.
This will ensure you have an encrypted connection
to that device.
The third remote access technology we need to discuss
is known as RDP or the desktop protocol.
Now the remote desktop protocol
operates over port 3389
and it's a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft,
which provides users with a graphical interface
to connect to another computer over a network connection.
While RDP is not really useful
if you're trying to talk to a router,
a switch or a firewall, it is really useful
when you're trying to remotely access
and control a windows server or client machine.
For example, if your SIEM or network management system
operates on a windows machine,
you can RDP into it as a way to connect to it
over your local area network.
RDP is going to provide you with a graphical user interface
known as a gui or GUI.
This allows you to access a server and desktop
and control it using your mouse and keyboard.
Now, when you're remotely connected this machine,
it's going to act just as if you were sitting in front of it,
but you can do it from across the network
or across the world.
For example here,
you can see there are three devices
and they're all connecting to a windows seven machine.
You have a Macintosh laptop,
you have an iPad or an Android tablet,
and you have a cell phone.
And all of these are able to reach in
and do the communication using RDP,
just as if I had a mouse and keyboard
sitting right in front of that workstation.
RDP is going to allow you to connect to these devices
from across your network or across the world,
depending on how you have it configured.
Now the remote desktop protocol itself
is not considered to be a secure protocol.
Instead, you need to secure that connection
by using something else to tunnel it over.
For example, you can use a remote desktop gateway or RDG
to create a secure connection
between you and that gateway
and then tunnel into the RDP session.
Or you can use a VPN, like a virtual private network.
Now our fourth remote access technology we need to discuss
is the RDG or the remote desktop gateway.
Now a remote desktop gateway is a window server
that's going to have the role of creating a secure connection
using either SSL or TLS protocols to a server via RDP.
So if you're using an RDG to secure RDP client,
this will allow you to create
those secure server connections.
This way, you wouldn't have to run a VPN
to create an encrypted tunnel,
because RDG is already going to create
that encrypted tunnel using SSL or TLS protocols.
A remote desktop gateway provides several security features
for you in terms of securing RDP connections.
This includes things like creating encrypted tunnels,
like a VPN would, controlling access to network resources
based on permissions and group roles,
maintaining and enforcing authorization policies
and monitoring the status of the gateway
and any RDP connections passing through that gateway.
If you're running a windows server 2008 or newer,
you definitely should be using this RDG
or remote desktop gateway
to better protect your RDP connections.
Now the fifth remote access technology we need to talk about
is VPNs or virtual private networks.
A VPN is used to establish a secure connection
between a client and a server
over an untrusted public network like the internet.
If you're going to use RDP over the internet,
you first need to make sure you create
a VPN connection to create a secure tunnel,
and then run that RDP session over that VPN connection.
We're going talk more about VPNs and their own lesson,
including the three different types of VPNs
and how to establish and maintain
these secure connections over an untrusted network
like the internet.
The sixth remote access technology we need to discuss
is VNC or virtual network computing.
VNC operates over port 5900.
It was originally designed for thin client architectures
and things like virtual desktop infrastructure or VDI.
VNC operates a lot like RDP, but unlike RDP,
which only operates on Windows clients and servers,
VNC is truly cross-platform and it can be used
on Linux OSX or windows, clients and servers.
Our seventh remote access technology
to discuss is virtual desktop infrastructure or VDI,
which I just mentioned that we use
that with VNC a lot of times.
Now virtual desktop infrastructure
is used to host a desktop environment
on a centralized server.
VDI is a form of desktop virtualization
and allows a specific desktop image
to be run within a virtual machine
and delivered to an end user over a network.
In Cloud computing, we call this
desktop as a service or DAS.
Now when you're using VDI, you can access it
through a virtual desktop either by using a web browser
on a regular desktop or laptop,
or you can use a specialized thin client device
that uses a PXE network boot image
to load up a specialized client
that can connect to that centralized server
and provide access to the virtual desktop.
Our eighth remote access technology or concept
that we need to talk about is known as in-band
versus out-of-band management.
Now, inbound management refers to managing devices
through the use of Telnet or SSH protocols over the network.
For example, if you're going to be using
a workstation on your local area network
to configure your land routers,
you can connect to those using SSH
by simply connecting to the gateway over port 22,
this would be considered an in-band management
because you're using the same network
that you're configuring.
Now out of band management on the other hand,
is used when you have an alternate path
or alternate management network
to connect to the different network devices
for configuring them.
This is considered a best practice in security.
For example, in the last large scale enterprise network
I worked on, we had a production network
with the users we're connected to,
and everyone's workstations were there
to be able to do their work on a daily basis
and they can access our servers and the internet.
From this network, you couldn't connect to the routers
and switches in order to configure them though.
Instead, we had a separate network
called a management network,
which was an out-of-band network.
This was a more secure network
and it was limited in its functions.
If I need to configure the routers or switches,
I would connect to the out-of-band network.
And then I could talk to those routers
and switches and configure them.
Another out-of-band management connection
would be if you had a laptop and you directly connected
to the switch or router
using a serial connection or a console port.
Now this direct connection is going to be establishment
you need to configure the router or switch.
And when you're done doing that configuration,
you'd unplug it and disconnect it.
This is a truly out-of-band solution.
Now the goal with using an out-of-band solution
is to prevent a regular users machine
from being able to connect to the management interfaces
of your devices.
This way, if a user's computer is taken over by an attacker,
they would then be unable to cause large-scale havoc
across your network.
Now, by using an out-of-band network,
you can provide separation of data
between your production networks
and your management networks,
which gives you additional layers of security.
Now out of networks do require additional configuration
and equipment to implement though.
if you want to be able to have a management network
and a user network, you're going to need two sets of routers
and two sets of switches.
And all of that starts to get very expensive over time.
Now it is considered a best practice,
especially in large scale networks,
where you can't physically walk to every single switch
or router that you want to reconfigure.
So in those cases, you definitely need
to have a management network.
Finally, we need to discuss some authentication
and authorization considerations
when dealing with these remote access technologies.
When we're talking about authentication,
we're referring to how a system will confirm
that a user is who they say they are.
Essentially, how are we going to validate their identity?
Now, when we're talking about authorization,
we're referring to how a system will give the user
the proper permissions
to access a particular resource on the network.
Now there are lots of different ways
to do remote access authentication,
including PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP and EAP,
pap or PAP is the password authentication protocol.
And it's a really old protocol that was never built
with security in mind.
In fact, when PAP is used,
it's going to send the username and passwords
for authentication in the clear, just like Telnet does.
This makes PAP an insecure choice for any modern network
and you simply should never use it
in today's modern networks.
You see, pap worked by having the clients
send the username and password
in the clear over the network,
then the server would send an authentication acknowledgement
if the credentials matched what they expected to receive,
or they would get an authentication NEC
or a non acknowledgement if the credentials were incorrect.
So why am I even mentioning PAP
if we never use it these days?
Well, because after PAP came CHAP,
which was an evolution to PAP,
and it helps to understand PAP
before you start talking about CHAP.
Now, CHAP is considered the challenge,
handshake authentication protocol, CHAP.
And it's an improvement over PAP that attempted to solve
this problem with sending our credentials
over the network in plain text.
With CHAP, the server sends the client
a string of random texts called a challenge.
This random text is then encrypted by the client
using their password.
And then they send that encrypted message
back to the server.
The server will then unencrypt
the text received from the client
using the stored password on that server.
And if those things match,
that means that that client really did have the password.
And so it's a match and they would be authenticated.
Now by using this method,
the passwords never actually send across the network.
Only this encrypted text.
This allows us to positively identify the user
using authentication while maintaining security.
Now CHAP and MS CHAP were used for many, many years.
And both of these though have been overtaken
by a newer protocol known as EAP,
the extensible authentication protocol.
Now the extensible authentication protocol
or EAP allows for more secure authentication methods
to be used instead of just using a username and password.
With EAP, we can use a username and password,
or we can use things like smart cards,
Kerberos and digital certificates.
In modern remote access implementations,
you should be using EAP TLS for your authentication
in conjunction with a RADIUS or TACACS+ server.
Virtual private networks or VPNs.
In this lesson,
we're going to dive deeper into VPNs
known as virtual private networks.
And we're going to cover all the things you need to know
about a VPN for your exam.
First, what is a VPN?
Well, a VPN is a virtual private network,
and it's going to be used to extend a private network
across a public network
and enable users to send and receive data
across that shared or public network
as if their computing devices were directly connected
to the private network.
Now with a VPN,
your users can work in a remote office or work from home
and they can telecommute
simply by logging into their laptop and establishing
a secure VPN tunnel to the organization's network,
regardless of where it sits in the world.
To do this,
they're going to connect to a VPN device
sitting at the headquarters data center,
and then they're going to establish a secure tunnel
using a VPN protocol in order to allow a secure connection
for that corporate user over an untrusted or public network,
something like the internet.
Now, this allows them to then reach
into the corporate network
and be connected to the internet
as if they were sitting right at their desk in their office.
VPNs can be configured as a site to site VPN,
a client to site VPN,
or a clientless VPN.
With a site to site VPN,
we can connect two offices together.
With a client to site VPN,
we're more concerned with connecting a single remote user
back to a corporate network as I described earlier
with the user who needed to telecommute.
When we talk about a clientless VPN,
these are usually going to be used with web browsing.
All right. Let's dive a little bit deeper
and talk about a site to site VPN.
Now, a site to site VPN is used to interconnect to sites
and provide an inexpensive alternative
to dedicated lease lines.
For example,
let's pretend I have a branch office in California
and my headquarters is in Washington DC.
Now, if I want to be able to connect
my remote regional office in California,
to my headquarters office in Washington DC,
I could buy a dedicated lease line
from a telecommunications provider
and they would give me a direct connection
that covers over 3000 miles in distance
between these two sites.
Even if I got a low speed T1 connection,
this would be very expensive.
Now, on the other hand,
I could use a site to site VPN and I can save
a lot of money.
Instead of using that dedicated lease line,
I could simply create a VPN tunnel from the regional office
back to the headquarters over the public internet,
using the internet connectivity
that's already in that office.
This solution might cost me 50 or $100 per month
for a standard cable modem or a fiber modem service
from the local ISP.
Once that VPN tunnel is established,
it's going to take all the traffic
from the regional office in California
and run it back to the headquarters in Washington DC,
over the internet within this secure tunnel.
And then, once it gets to Washington DC,
it's going to be decrypted and put back
inside of my corporate network.
Now, when a California user
wants to go to, for instance,
that data is going to go from California to Washington DC,
out the Washington DC's office internet connection
to visit that website,
get the information,
send it back
to the Washington DC's office internet connection,
and then back through the VPN to that California user,
where they'll be able to view the website they requested.
By using this site to site VPN,
all the traffic that goes back and forth
between California and Washington,
is going to be encrypted and secure.
So no one can see the internal network traffic
that's going
through this external public internet connection.
Now, when we deal with a client to site VPN
on the other hand,
we're going to be seeing data from a single host,
like a laptop or cell phone or smartphone or tablet,
and connecting it back to our headquarters office.
This is going to be done instead of going
from router to router,
we're going from client to router.
This allows a remote user to be able to connect
back to the head office.
And that's why we call it a client to site.
Now, in addition to site to site and client to site VPNs,
we also have to decide whether or not,
we're going to use a full tunnel
or a split tunnel VPN configuration.
Both full tunnel and split tunnel VPNs
can be used with either a site to site
or client to site model.
Now, a full tunnel VPN is usually used by default
in most organizations.
And it's what I described earlier.
With a full tunnel VPN,
we're going to route and encrypt all the traffic requests
through the VPN connection, back to the headquarters,
regardless of where the destination
of that service is located.
This is considered more secure,
but when we're connected using a full tunnel,
the clients are considered
to be fully part of the headquarters network
when they're connected.
This means if you're trying to access a local area resource
like a wireless printer in your home office,
you're not going to be able to do that
because that wireless printer in your home office,
is not connected to the headquarters network,
like your laptop is, over that client to site VPN.
Conversely though,
you can still print to the printers
in the headquarters office,
even if you're connected using a full tunnel VPN,
because you could be sitting in a hotel room
halfway around the world,
but logically, you're still sitting in your office
at the corporate headquarters.
Now, a split tunnel VPN on the other hand
is going to divide your traffic and network requests
and then route them to the appropriate connection
or network.
With a split tunnel VPN,
we're going to route and encrypt the traffic
bound for the headquarters over the VPN,
and we're going to send all the other traffic
out the regular internet.
So, let's pretend that I'm using a client to site VPN
on my laptop with a split tunnel configuration
from my home office.
The VPN here is going to decide which traffic
goes back over the VPN
and gets sent over to the headquarters
and what traffic goes over the internet.
So, if I'm trying to access a file server
or a Microsoft exchange mail server,
that's back on the headquarters network,
those packets will get encrypted
and write it over the VPN to the headquarters.
But, if I need to attend a Zoom conference
or access Office 365 or traffic outbound for the internet,
I'm simply going to bypass that encrypted VPN connection
and go directly out my internet connection
to those public websites.
Now, this is why we call it a split tunnel
because we have an encrypted VPN tunnel
for traffic that needs to go to the headquarters
and another un-encrypted tunnel
that takes a direct path out to the internet from your ISP.
The challenge when using a split tunnel,
is that they can be less secure
because there is a possibility
that an attacker could connect to your device
over that un-encrypted internet tunnel,
and then they could pivot through your laptop
and send out over the VPN back to the headquarters network.
For this reason,
if you're connecting the VPN over an untrusted network,
like Wi-Fi at a hotel or a coffee shop,
you should never use a split tunnel.
And instead, you should be using a full tunnel.
Now, a split tunnel does give you better performance
because it's going to route all your internet based traffic
directly to those servers
and bypass the entire company headquarters network.
So, as you see,
it becomes a trade off between security and performance.
If you want more security,
use a full tunnel VPN.
If you want better performance, use a split tunnel VPN.
So, at this point we've talked about two main types of VPNs,
a site to site VPN and a client to site VPN.
But, there is one more type of VPN that we need to discuss.
And it's known as a clientless VPN.
Now, a clientless VPN is used
to create a secure remote access VPN tunnel
using a web browser without requiring any software
or hardware clients to be used.
In fact, using this type of VPN,
is something you do every day
without even knowing it.
A clientless VPN is used by your web browser
when it makes a secure connection to an e-commerce
or other secure website using HTTPS.
This can be done using an SSL or TLS tunnel
by using those protocols.
Now, SSL or the Secure Socket Layer,
is going to provide cryptography and reliability
using the upper layers of the OSI model,
specifically, layers five, six and seven.
In recent years,
SSL has become a bit outdated and less secure.
So, most clientless VPNs are now using TLS,
which is Transport Layer Security,
to provide secure web browsing over HTTPS.
So, when you logged into this website to watch this video,
you had to enter your username and password,
and you saw that little green padlock
in the upper left corner of the address bar.
That's how you knew you had a secure connection using HTTPS.
That means you're using either SSL or TLS
to create that secure clientless VPN tunnel
from your web browser in your computer to my servers,
so you can pull these videos.
Now, SSL and TLS,
both use TCP to establish their secure connections
between a client and a server.
But, this can slow down your connection
because TCP has a lot more overhead
than a UDP connection does.
So, if you want,
you can instead opt to use DTLS
or the Datagram Transport Layer Security,
which is essentially a UDP based version
of the TLS protocol.
This provides the same level of security as TLS,
but it does operate a bit faster
because there's less overhead inside the UDP protocol.
Now, DTLS is an excellent choice to use
when you're wanting to do things like video streaming
and things like Voice over IP
over secure and encrypted tunnels.
This provides the end-user with security over UDP
and prevents eavesdropping, tampering and message forgery
inside that clientless VPN connection.
Now, there are a few older VPN protocols
you need to be aware of as well.
This includes things like L2TP, L2F and PPTP.
L2TP is the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol.
L2TP was a very early VPN.
It was invented all the way back in the 80s and 90s.
L2TP lacks security features like encryption by default.
So, if you're going to use L2TP,
you have to combine it with another protocol
to provide encryption for your VPN tunnel
when you're using L2TP.
Even though it's an older protocol,
it's still used by a lot of modern networks
by combining it with that extra encryption layer
for protection.
L2F or Layer 2 Forwarding is a VPN protocol
that was originally developed by Cisco
to provide a tunneling protocol
for the point to point protocol or PPP.
Unfortunately, it also lacks the native security
and encryption features
just like the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol.
For this reason,
LTF has lost most of its popularity,
and it's not used in most modern networks.
PPTP or the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
is an older version of the VPN protocol as well.
And it was used for dial up networks.
PPTP also lacks the native security features,
but Microsoft Windows has added security features
to their implementation of PPTP.
Therefore, if you're using a VPN through Windows with PPTP,
you can still consider this to be pretty secure.
All these VPN types can still be used today.
It's just a matter of how secure
you need your implementation to be,
and if you need to add an additional layer of encryption,
provide a more secure tunnel.
But in most modern VPNs,
you're going to see overwhelmingly that IPsec
or IP Security is being used.
Now, IPsec is used in virtual private networks
to provide authentication and encryption of packets
to create a secure encrypted communication path
between two computers
over an internet protocol based network.
We're going to talk more about IPsec in a separate lesson,
because there's a lot to cover in terms of IPsec
and how it operates.
For now, remember there are three main types of VPNs,
site to site, client to site,
and clientless.
Also, remember there are two methods of communication
using a VPN.
You can use full tunnel or split tunnel.
Finally, remember there are several VPN protocols
you can use to establish those VPNs.
You can use the L2TP,
and IPsec.
IPSec or IP Security.
In this lesson, we're going to talk all about IPSec.
Now, IPSec is a secure network protocol suite
that provides authentication and encryption of data packets
to create a secure encrypted communication path
between two computers over internet protocol network.
IPSec is the most popular protocol in use today
for the creation operation of VPNs
or virtual private networks.
IPSec provides confidentiality, integrity,
authentication, and anti-replay
when using a VPN connection
for both site-to-site and client-to-site VPNs.
IPSec provides confidentiality by using data encryption.
It's also going to provide integrity
by ensuring that data was not modified in transit
by checking that it's hashed before transmission
and upon receipt, match.
Authentication is going to be provided
by having each party verify
that they are who they claim to be.
And IPSec is also going to provide you
with anti-replay by checking the sequence numbers
on all the packets prior to transmission.
This prevents the transmission of duplicate packets,
and it prevents an attacker from being able to capture
and resend packets later as part of an attack.
Before we go too deep into IPSec,
let's take a big picture view of how IPSec works.
There are five main steps in the process
of establishing and using a secure VPN tunnel
when you're using IPSec.
First, there is a request to start a key exchange.
Second, IKE Phase one is going to authenticate the parties
and establish a secure channel for negotiation.
Third, IKE Phase two is going to negotiate
the security association parameters
and fully establish the secure tunnel.
Fourth, we're going to have data transfer,
and this is going to allow data transfer
between the two parties over the secure tunnel to occur
using the IPSec parameters and keys
stored from the security associations
that were negotiated back in step three.
Fifth, IPSec tunnel termination is going to occur.
And this happens when the security associations
are terminated through either mutual agreement
and deletion or due to timing out of the tunnel
due to one party becoming non-responsive.
All right, those are our five main steps,
but it's important for us to fully understand
how all of this works in our networks
so that we can better troubleshoot these IPSec tunnels
if we ever have a problem with their not working properly.
Now, the first step is pretty self-explanatory here.
We need to request to start a key exchange.
This can be done by your devices automatically
if you're using a site-to-site VPN,
or it can be initiated by a software client
on your laptop, if you're going to be using
a client-to-site method.
Either way, the request to initiate a VPN connection
is going to occur, and then we can move to our second step,
the IKE Phase one.
Now, during IKE Phase one,
the IPSec peers have their identities authenticated
and encrypted for protection.
Then there's going to be a negotiation that occurs
to create a matching IKE SA
or internet key exchange security association
between the two IPSec peers
to protect the key exchange that's about to occur.
Next, the IPSec peers are going to perform
an authenticated Diffie-Hellman key exchange
so that both IPSec peers
will have a copy of the same shared secret key,
and that way they can use that to establish
and secure an IKE Phase two tunnel.
The internet key exchange or IKE Phase one
can use one of two modes to conduct this process.
We can use either main mode or aggressive mode.
Now, when we're using main mode,
it's going to conduct three 2-way exchanges
between the peers.
This goes from the initiator to the receiver.
Now, the first exchange between the IPSec peers
is to agree upon which algorithms and hashes
are going to be used to secure the IKE communications
throughout this process.
The second exchange that they're going to do
is going to be between the peers,
using a Diffie-Hellman key exchange
to generate the shared secret key material
that's going to be used to create
these shared secret keys
that we can then send to the other party
by sending assigned random number,
and that way the two parties
can prove their identities.
Then we're going to have a third exchange
between the IPSec peers.
And this occurs where each side can verify
the identity of the other side
by looking at encrypted form
of the other peer's IP address.
Now, by the time these three exchanges are finished,
both peers have received matching IKE security associations
or IKE SAs.
These can now be used for ISAKMP exchanges
between the IPSec peers
moving forward throughout the rest of the process.
These security associations are going to contain
the authentication methods used by the peers,
the encryption and hash algorithms used,
the Diffie-Hellman groups used,
the expiration of the IKE SA,
and the shared secret values for the encryption algorithms.
Basically these IKE SAs have everything
that both peers need in order to make and maintain
their IPSec tunnels.
Now, the second mode you can use
is known as aggressive mode,
and this has fewer exchanges than the main mode.
So instead of having three,
we're going to have less.
This results in fewer packets
and a faster initial connection
than using main mode.
Now, in aggressive mode, almost everything needed
for the proposed security associations
is going to be sent by the initiator at first.
This includes the Diffie-Hellman public key,
the signed random number, and an identity packet.
Then it's going to be received
and the receiver is going to send everything back at once.
So the initiator only needs to confirm the exchange
to finish the association.
This is why it's considered more aggressive
because one side is saying,
"Here's all the things I want to use,"
and the second side can say,
"Okay, I'll go along with that."
Now, this is concerned less secure than main mode,
but again, it's a lot faster than using main mode
'cause we don't have to go through these three passes
and three exchanges.
Now, once you have the IKE security associations
and they've been received
by either using main mode or aggressive mode,
we can move into step three of our process.
This is the IKE Phase two portion
of our tunnel establishment.
Now the purpose of IKE Phase two is to negotiate
IPSec security associations
to set up the IPSec tunnel.
IKE Phase two is used to negotiate
the IPSec security association parameters
that are protected by the existing IKE SA
that we created in phase one.
This allows us to establish IPSec security associations
to periodically renegotiate security associations we need,
to maintain that security, and to perform
additional Diffie-Hellman key exchanges
if we need to.
During IKE Phase two,
we can accomplish this by using quick mode.
Now, quick mode can only occur after IKE
has already been estabished
in that secure tunnel during Phase one,
using either main or aggressive modes.
Using quick mode,
we can negotiate a shared IPSec policy,
and we can also drive shared secret key materials
using the IPSec security algorithms.
And then we can use that to establish
our IPSec SAs.
Now as discussed in phase one,
each essay has a limited lifespan
and it will then expire.
Now with quick mode,
we can negotiate a replacement SA
before the expiration occurs.
And this lets us maintain that VPN tunnel
for longer periods of time
without worrying that the attacker
could crack our security associations
and enter that tunnel.
Now, the fourth step of this process
is to conduct our data transfer
with those newly established encrypted IPSec tunnels.
This is done by using IPSec SAs
that were created in IKE Phase two.
Now, these packets are going to be encrypted by the sender,
and they're going to be decrypted by the receiver,
and this makes sure everything is kept
confidential and secure.
Now, our fifth and final step of this process
is to terminate the tunnel.
This occurs whenever the IPSec SAs
are deleted by mutual agreement by both peers,
or if the SAs reach their lifetime expiration
and simply time out without being replaced.
When this happens, we need to go and create
a new phase one and phase two key exchange
if we want to re-establish that tunnel
and conduct more data transfers.
Now, you may or may not understand
the basics of asymmetric cryptography yet,
so let me take a quick detour
and explain how this whole key exchange thing works.
You may have noticed I kept saying the words
I kept talking about a Diffie-Hellman exchange.
Well, Diffie and Hellman are basically names
of two computer scientists who came up
with this really brilliant way
for two systems that don't know each other
to be able to exchange a secret key and trust each other.
This process is known as the Diffie-Hellman key exchange
named after them.
So at IKE Phase one, there's an initial tunnel
created between the two peers.
And they're going to begin to exchange some information
to create those IKE SAs or security associations,
and then authenticate each other.
Now, in a Diffie-Hellman key exchange,
the two clients, in this case PC1 and PC2,
are going to create their own private key.
And I'm labeling this PRI for private.
From that key, they can use a mathematical algorithm
to calculate a corresponding public key,
and then they can hand that public key
to the other PC to create a key exchange.
Now, PC2 has a private key called PC2 PRI,
and they have a public key for PC1 called PC1 PUB.
PC1 has its private key, PC1 PRI,
and a public key for PC2 called PC2 PUB.
Now at this point,
each side is going to calculate a shared secret
using the Diffie-Hellman protocol.
By using their private key
and the other person's public key
in this mathematical algorithm,
they get a Diffie-Hellman shared key,
which is going to be the same on both sides.
And now they both have the same shared secret.
They can now create a tunnel with it.
At this point, they both agreed to the encryption
and the integrity methods,
and they're going to establish the IKE Phase two tunnel
using that Diffie-Hellman key.
At this point, they are going to use
the IPSec tunnel created,
and that becomes known as a phase two key
that's going to create this IPSec tunnel
and secure it.
Once they have this phase two key in use,
they now have encryption and integrity intact
for this tunnel and it becomes a tunnel
inside of a tunnel.
And now we have a secure method
to communicate between the two peers.
Now, I know that was a lot,
so let me break it down again into just five steps
and show you what it looks like in the real world.
First, I have PC1.
And they want to send traffic to PC2.
When they do this, router one is going to create
an initiation of an IPSec tunnel.
Second, we're going to see router one and router two,
and they start negotiating the security associations
to form the IPSec IKE Phase one tunnel.
This is also known as our ISAKMP tunnel.
Now, in step three,
the IKE Phase two is going to create this tunnel
inside of the tunnel when it's negotiated and set up.
Now, once that tunnel is established,
we can begin to conduct data transfer in step four,
and the information starts flowing
between PC1 and PC2 securely.
When they're all done with that,
we reach step five, and the tunnel is going to be torn down,
and the IPSec security associations
are going to be deleted.
Now, if you wanted to be able to create another VPN,
you can do that by starting this whole process over
from the beginning and going through those five steps again.
All right, at this point,
we've covered the tunnel establishments
a few different times in a few different ways,
so hopefully it's beginning to make some sense.
The reason I cover this so many times
in so many different ways is this is an area
that a lot of people struggle with.
Now, to allow the data transfer to happen,
there are two methods that we can use.
These are known as transport mode
or tunneling mode.
Now, transport mode is going to use
the packet's original IP header,
and it's used for client-to-site VPNs.
This approach works really well
if you have problems increasing your packet size
because you may end up hitting
a maximum transmission unit size
or MTU inside your network.
Remember, by default, the MTU
or maximum transmission unit size
is set at 1500 bytes in most networks.
If you go over 1500 bytes,
the packet will become fragmented
and this can cause issues with your VPN's functionality.
If you're using a client-to-site VPN,
I highly recommend you use transport mode
as your IPSec method,
because it doesn't add additional padding
to your packet and doesn't increase its size.
Now, on the other hand,
if you're setting up a site-to-site VPN,
like having a regional office
connecting back to a main office,
then I would use tunneling mode.
Now, tunneling mode is used to encapsulate
the entire packet and put another header on top of it.
This is going to increase the size of that packet
and it could go over your MTU.
Now, think about it this way.
Let's say you had an envelope
and you put it inside another envelope
and then wrote an address on it.
You readdressed it and then you shipped it to somebody else.
This new header is going to have a new source
and destination of the VPN terminating devices
at the different site that it wants to go to.
When it gets to the other site,
the VPN concentrator is going to remove
that outer envelope
or that header inside of a network packet,
decrypt the content,
and then route it across their private local area network,
just as if it was coming
from an internally connected client.
When using tunneling mode
you're encapsulating the entire packet
into a new packet.
So this is going to increase
the size of your overall packet.
And it could go above that MTU default size
of 1500 bytes.
If you're going to be using a site-to-site VPN,
you may need to allow jumbo frames,
which is any frame above the MTU size of 1500 bytes.
This way it'll be properly supported.
Normally the best way to configure your devices
would be to drop your maximum MTU size
on your inner router
to something like 1400 bytes,
and then connect it to the VPN.
This way there's enough room to add the extra encapsulation
and the new packet header before transmitting it out
over the public internet inside your VPN tunnel.
If you control the entire network,
you could actually raise your MTU size up
to a maximum of 9,000 bytes if you wanted to,
but this should only be done on your own local area networks
because 9,000 byte packets will have trouble
traversing the internet.
Now remember, transport mode
is normally going to be used for client-to-site VPNs
and tunneling mode is normally going to be used
for site-to-site VPNs.
The final thing we need to discuss in this lesson
is the concept of an authentication header or AH
and an encapsulating security payload or ESP
within your IPSec protocol.
Now, the AH or authentication header
is used to provide connectionless data integrity
and data origin authentication for IP datagrams,
and it provides protection against replay attacks.
Be aware though,
that the authentication header does not provide
any kind of confidentiality of the data itself.
Instead, the authentication header
contains a cryptographic hash of the data,
and this acts as identification information
to provide the integrity between the sender
and the receiver of each packet being transmitted.
Now, the encapsulating security payload
or ESP is used to provide authentication,
integrity, replay protection,
and confidentiality of the data.
By using ESP within IPSec,
you can rewrite the payload of the packet
inside of an encrypted format.
Now, with ESP, we're only protecting
the confidentiality of the payload
contained within the packet,
not the headers themselves.
So if you're using transport mode,
such as in a client-to-site VPN,
you can use the authentication header
to provide integrity for your TCP header.
And then you can add the ESP,
encapsulating security payload,
to encrypt the TCP header and the data in the payload.
But this does not encrypt the end-to-end header,
so people outside your organization
can see where the data's coming from
and where it's going to.
If you're using the tunneling mode,
such as in a site-to-site VPN,
you can instead use both the authentication header
and the encapsulating security payload
to provide integrity and encryption of that payload,
including the end-to-end header.
In this case, a new IP header is going to be added
to the front of the packet to cover the hops
to the other end of the secure connection.
This means that nobody on the internet
can see the source or destination of the traffic
within the organization's internal networks
on either side of this VPN connection.
The Simple Network Management Protocol or SNMP.
In this lesson we're going to discuss
the Simple Network Management Protocol.
SNMP is an internet protocol
for collecting and organizing information
about managed devices on IP networks,
and for modifying that information
to change the devices behavior.
When we talk about managed devices
we're referring to any device that can communicate
with an SNMP manager
known as the management information base or MIB.
Now this includes things like routers and switches
and firewalls and printers and servers
and even your end user client devices.
SNMP can be used to send and receive data
from these managed devices
back to a centralized network management station.
When you're configuring your SNMP architecture,
you have to have a manager and then you have agents.
Now the SNMP manager could be any machine on your network
that's running the SNMP protocol
to collect and process information
from the devices on your LAN or WAN.
Normally though, you're going to set this up on a server,
especially in a large enterprise environment.
Now, the agents are different network devices,
they're sending information about themselves
over the network, back to that manager.
Usually an agent is just running a background service
to collect the data and send it back to the manager
at regular intervals, or when they're requested to do so
by that manager.
Now the SNMP manager is essentially a master node,
and it's going to be able to send and receive these messages
to those agents using three different message types.
These are set, get, and trap messages.
Now the set and get messages are pretty straightforward.
The set request is a manager to an agent request,
and it's going to change the value of a variable
or a list of variables.
When this request is received by the agent,
it's going to update its variables to the latest status,
and then provide a response to the manager
with a list of all the new values for that variable.
A get request is a manager to agent requests to retrieve
the value of a variable or a list of variables.
Using a get request, one or more variable values
can be requested from the agent by the manager.
Now, a trap message is a little bit different though,
because these are going to be sent asynchronously,
as notifications from the agent to the manager.
In the case of trap messages, the agent is going to send
the information without first being requested
from the manager.
This allows the agents to notify the management station
of a significant events that are occurring
in near real time.
In general, traps are going to be used to provide events
or alarm notifications to the manager from the agent.
Since trap messages are unsolicited information
being sent from the manage devices
back to your network manager, you might be wondering
what kind of information is contained
within an SNMP trap message?
Well, this can include lots of things.
Things like uptime, configuration changes,
unexpected downtime of a particular network link,
or other essential information on your network,
that's used in the monitoring and detection of unforeseen
events and network outages.
Now there are two different methods used to encode the data
inside your SNMP trap messages.
These can be sent as granular traps or verbose traps.
With a granular trap, each SNMP trap message
is sent with a unique object identifier or OID.
This number allows the SNMP manager to distinguish each
message as a unique message being received.
Now, an OID is a unique object identifier,
which identifies a variable that can be read
or set via SNMP.
As these individual OIDs are received,
they're going to be consolidated and stored inside
a translation file known as the MIB
or management information base.
The MIB is used to describe the structure of the management
data of a device subsystem using a hierarchal namespace
containing object identifier that OID,
as well as other information.
Since the MIB contains all the details about the OID,
this now allows the SNMP trap messages to send
just the changes for particular OID and not the entire list
of data known about every variable or measure
on a specific device or system.
This is bandwidth on the network for us because SNMP traps
don't send redundant information over the network.
Instead they seek to conserve network resources for us.
Now, if we're using verbose traps,
the SNMP traps may be configured to contain
all the information about a given alert or event
as a payload.
Since more data is being sent to the manager
from the device, it's going to take up more resources
on that server, for it to be able to analyze the data
contained within each trap.
This takes more resources, and it's going to use up more
bandwidth as it goes over our network.
Now data in these SNMP traps are going to be sent and stored
in a key value pair configuration.
This is known as variable binding.
For example, I might have a list of variable bindings
for particular router, things like site name, PR-Branch,
criticality, high, severity, low,
alarm description, high temperature,
and other pertinent information for a given alarm or event
basically, that's going to be reported
through one of these trap messages.
Now, when you're implementing SNMP in your network,
you need to keep in mind that there are three different
versions of SNMP, and they're not all created equal.
SNMPv1 version 2 and version 3
have different varying levels of security.
Now, as you can probably guess,
SNMPv3 is the newest and it was built as an improved version
over version 1 and version 2 making it the most secure.
When you're dealing with SNMPv1 and version 2,
these versions use a community string to give them access
to the devices as their security mechanism.
Now, these community string act as a shared secret key,
but in SNMPv1 and version 2,
it was set and stored in plain text,
making it really insecure.
Now these default community strings are either
public read-only, or private read-write,
and the devices are considered a huge security risk when
they're using these default community strings
in SNMPv1 and v2 because they're vulnerable to attack.
So in SNMPv3, there was some added security
to overcome this issue.
To mitigate the vulnerability with the community strings,
SNMPv3 provides three security enhancements,
which added integrity, authentication,
and confidentiality to the SNMP protocol.
So how does SNMP solve all these problems?
Well, for integrity, they started hashing the messages
before they were being transmitted,
to make sure nobody could alter the data
as it was being sent from the routers or switches
to the management node.
For authentication, they started validating
the source of the messages, that way you knew
where they came from.
For confidentiality, they added encryption
and they started using DES or the Data Encryption Standard
with a 56 bit encryption key to provide
confidentiality and privacy.
Now, if you know anything about encryption you know
that DES is considered a weak algorithm.
And so over time it's been replaced by 3DES
and now AES, the Advanced Encryption Standard
in newer devices that rely on SNMPv3.
But you can only use those newer algorithms,
if you have a firmware on your device
that supports those newer algorithms.
If not, you're still going to have to rely on DES.
Now another benefit of SNMPv3 is that it groups
our SNMP components into different entities
to increase security.
Each group can then be given different authorizations
and access privileges, such as read, write,
or read-write access.
By allowing us to create groups of smaller
and smaller sizes, we can better protect our networks
and the SNMP traps that are being sent across them.
Network logging.
In this lesson, we're going to discuss how we conduct
network logging inside of our networks.
Now all of our network devices are going to generate logs
based on the information, events, warnings, alerts,
and other critical data that they generate.
If you have a very small network,
it's pretty easy for you to log into a network device
and review the logs individually or manually.
But, if you're like me and you start working on large
enterprise networks, this is impossible.
For example,
one of the networks I previously worked on
had thousands of network switches and hundreds of routers.
There is no way I could possibly log into each and every one
of them and review those log files individually,
each and every day.
So instead we use something known as Syslog.
Syslog is a protocol that's used to send these logs
to a centralized server.
This becomes the easiest way for us to gather all the logs
across all our routers and switches
and bring them back to a central point
where we can analyze and review them.
All of our routers, our switches, our servers,
and all of our other devices can be configured
to send their own logs back to the centralized server,
to make our jobs easier and more efficient;
if we use syslog.
These centralized servers are known as syslog servers.
Or you can have a SIM,
which is a Security Information Management System.
Or a SEM, a Security Event Management System.
Or the new combination of the two known, as a SIEM,
a Security Information and Event Management System.
These days, most people have moved to a SIEM
because it combines the functionality
of all these other types of logging
and analysis systems into one device.
By sending all of your logs to the centralized server,
it allows you, as an administrator or analyst,
to normalize and correlate the events
in order to see trends over time.
For example, if I see someone's conducting
a ping sweep of my firewall,
that's really not that big of a deal.
But, if I see that as coming within a few minutes of that
sweep, and I see from the same IP address,
somebody trying to connect to my servers or my clients,
that may be a concern that can be flagged for investigation.
Because maybe, they were preparing the environment
by seeing what ports were open.
And now they're launching an attack.
When you configure your syslog server,
your SIM, your SEM, or your SIEM,
there are two primary components you have to have.
You have to have a client and you have to have a server.
Now, a client is just the device
that's going to send the log information
to the syslog server.
This can be a router, a switch, a firewall,
a web server, or any other type of device.
Then you have a server and this is going to receive
and store all those logs from all the different clients.
Each client can be configured to send logs to the server
based on different severity levels
of the information they contain.
Now, when it does this, it's going to send the data
over port 514, using UDP,
the User Datagram Protocol.
Now syslog has eight different severity levels.
The severity levels start at zero
and they count upward to seven.
So zero is going to be the most severe
and seven is going to be the least severe
or the most benign.
Now level zero is going to be used for emergencies,
and it's going to be considered the most severe condition
because the system has now become unstable.
With level one, we're going to have an alert condition.
And this means there's a condition
that should be corrected immediately.
Level two is used for a critical condition.
And it means there's a failure
in the system's primary application.
And it requires somebody immediate attention.
With level three, we have an error condition.
And it means that something is happening to the system
that's preventing it from functioning properly.
Now, for example,
your file system storage may have reached it's limits
and now the system can't write the data.
And so it's generating a write error
when it tries to save that log information.
And that could generate an error condition.
Now level four is going to be used for warning conditions,
and it can indicate that an error is going to occur
if action isn't taken soon.
For example, let's say your file system
only has two gigabytes of space remaining.
So you need to free up more space
before you start to get write errors.
This can send an alert.
This would be known as a warning condition
because you're running out of this space.
Now level five is used for notice conditions.
And that means these are events that are unusual,
but they're not exactly error conditions.
Level six is for information conditions.
And this is going to be a normal operational message
that requires no action.
For example, you might see in your logs
that an application has started or paused
or ended successfully.
These are all informational logs.
Level seven is going to be used for debugging conditions.
And it's just information that's useful to developers
as they're debugging their networks and their applications.
Now, as a network or system administrator,
it's your responsibility to determine
what levels should be logged
and how long do you want to keep those logs inside
your syslog server or your SIEM?
Now, while we would love to keep everything forever.
For most of us, that's just not practical
because we'll eventually run out of hard disk space.
So, some administrators will limit what they log.
And they decide to only log things
from level zero to level five.
And they'll ignore the informational or debugging logs.
This all depends on your organization and the policies
you're going to set forth inside your business.
All right,
we've talked a lot about logs so far in syslog.
But we haven't really looked at one yet.
So let's pull up a log and take a look inside.
Here's an example from a syslog server.
Here, we have the date, the time, the location,
and then we have the log level.
And you could see things like alerts, emergency,
error, warning, notice, informational,
and things like that.
Then, you have the machine or the host name
and the IP in the next column.
So, you know, what machine did the reporting
of this error or information or warning.
Then you have the actual text of the log message itself.
This will say things like, "this is a test message",
or "this is an error. And here's the error I had".
By having this information and understanding
what it is, as an analyst or administrator,
you can start going back and figuring out what caused
the incident and what really occurred.
Now for the exam, what do you need to know about syslog?
Well, you need to understand the eight different levels.
You may get a question that says,
"what is level number three in syslog?"
And you need to say, "that's an error message".
Alright, let's go ahead
and talk a little bit more about logs.
Remember, a syslog server is all just a big collection of
all the different logs from all the different servers
and clients and network devices we have.
Now, when it comes to network device logs,
we can review these inside the syslog server,
as well as by looking at our traffic logs
and our audit logs.
Now, when it comes to network traffic logs,
these are going to contain information about traffic flows
within your network.
For example, if you collect network traffic logs
from your router or your firewall,
you're going to see a list of every connection
that's been made to and from your network.
For example,
you could see the source IP, the source port,
the destination IP, the destination port,
as well as the Mac address of the client,
the time it took to occur, the length of the packet,
and even it's time to live.
Then you can analyze these traffic flows
to determine if this is normal traffic for you
and something you'd expect to see in your baseline.
Or, is this something that's abnormal
and needs to be investigated further?
For example, if you know that in a given day,
you're used to seeing about a gigabyte of data
leaving your network over port 443,
but today you saw 10 gigabytes of data
was leaving your network.
That is something you need to worry about.
So you might take a look at that and see,
have you been hacked?
Is somebody stealing all your data?
Now does it mean that's happening?
Well, not necessarily.
But we do know it's abnormal, because we expect to see
somewhere around one. And right now we're seeing around 10.
So we need an investigate that closer
and dive into those network traffic logs
to see what's happening.
Let's say for example, that happened in my company.
I would want to investigate that.
Now, most likely what I'll
find is that my video editor was uploading all of our videos
to cloud-based servers because 10 gigabytes of data
is only about an hour or two, a video for our courses.
Now she might edit all week and then on Friday,
upload all that data.
And that's why we're seeing that big spike on Friday.
Similarly, if you see traffic that you're not expecting,
like somebody saying data over some port that you're not
using, like port 21 for FTP,
but you don't have an FTP server.
This could be something that's abnormal
and suspicious as well.
The key to understanding your network traffic logs
is understanding what normal looks like.
And so you have to understand what normal is
in your baseline.
So you can then determine what is abnormal
and what needs to be looked at
much more closely as you do investigations.
Also, when you're looking at your traffic logs,
this can help you during your troubleshooting efforts.
For example,
you might see that you're trying to send data
to a particular IP address.
But it's stopping at a particular router or firewall
within your network.
By investigating this and the traffic logs,
you can determine why this blockage is occurring.
Now the second type of network device log
we need to talk about is an audit log.
Now, an audit log or audit trail is a record
of all the events and changes
that have happened on that device.
Every IT device keeps a log based on the events
and an audit log is typically going to contain
a sequence of events for a particular activity.
In a network device, this would be something
like a configuration change that you made to that system.
So let's say, for example,
you came into work and you found that somebody changed
the configuration on your border gateway router.
Now, you could log in and see who made that change
and exactly what changes were made
by reviewing that audit log for the device.
For your convenience, these audit logs
can be sent over syslog to that centralized server
for review and analysis as well.
Now, when it comes to servers and clients,
we're usually going to be using windows machines
in enterprise networks.
For windows, there are three main types of logs
you can also collect.
These are application logs, security logs, and system logs.
To view these logs, you can open your event viewer
on a windows system and access the different
types of logs.
The first one is an application log.
In windows this contains information
about the software running on your client or server.
Now, there are three severity levels
in a windows application log.
We have informational, warning, or error.
For example, if you have Microsoft word
and it crashes on you, you can go check
the application log and figure out why it keeps crashing.
Our second one we have is a security log.
The security log contains information about
the security of your client or server.
This is going to have things like successful
and failed login attempts,
and other pertinent security information.
This will also show you if an audit success or audit failure
occurred for those logs.
Now, the third one we have is a system log.
The system log contains all the information
about the operating system itself.
There are three severity codes here;
just like the application log.
We're still going to have informational, warning, and error.
In this example, there are four errors
and the rest were informational items.
The errors are notated by that red exclamation mark.
Whereas, if you see the warning,
it's going to be a yellow triangle.
And information is a white circle
with a blue I inside of it.
SIEM in this lesson,
we're going to discuss a security technology known as a SIEM,
or security information and event management system.
Now a SIEM is a security solution that provides real time
or near real-time analysis of security alerts
that are generated by network hardware and applications.
In our networks, we have a lot of different devices,
including not just our network infrastructure,
but also all our client devices that we host on the network
as well, to maintain a strong security posture,
it is critical to understand the status
of each of these devices by reviewing their logs,
informational alerts and events.
But if we had to log into each of these machines
individually to collect and analyze all that data,
it would take us forever.
Luckily, we have a solution known as a SIEM,
that helps us overcome this challenge.
A SIEM is able to gather logs and data
from all sorts of different systems
and combine them into a single combined data store.
This allows our cybersecurity analysts,
system administers and network administrators
to review the logs and find abnormalities
or things that are not operating within our baselines.
When it comes to reviewing these logs,
it shouldn't be done only after an incident
or after breaches occurred.
Instead conducting law reviews should be something
that's done regularly and routinely
as part of your network administration
and system management functions.
To effectively conduct a log review and analysis though,
you really do need to utilize a SIEM.
A seam is used to help us correlate the events
between different systems across the network.
Something that we couldn't do ourselves easily
if we're looking at logs from each individual machine.
Now by using a SIEM, we can combine
five essential functions that provides us
with a more comprehensive view of our enterprise network.
This is done by performing log collection,
normalization, correlation, aggregation and reporting.
Now, first we have log collection.
Log collection of all of our event records
from sources throughout the network is going to happen
usually using something like Syslog.
This will provide us with important forensic tools
and help us address
compliance reporting requirements as well.
Second, we have normalization.
Normalization is going to map log messages
from different systems into a common data model.
This will enable us to be able to connect
and analyze related events,
even if they're initially logged
in different source formats.
Third, we have correlation.
Correlation is going to link the logs and events
from different systems or applications
into a single data feed,
which speeds up our detection of threats,
as well as decreases the time for us
to be able to respond to those threats.
Fourth, we have aggregation.
Aggregation is going to reduce the volume of event data
by consolidating duplicate events
and taking those records and merging them
into a single record.
Fifth, we have reporting.
Reporting is going to be used to present
the correlated, aggregated event data
in a real-time monitoring dashboard
if you're an analyst, and if you're in management,
you're going to get some form of a longterm summary
or report at the end, and that's also part of reporting.
All right, let's consider a simple example.
You're looking through the logs and you see
that somebody has logged in over VPN from Asia.
When you look up the user ID, you see it's John Smith,
all right, that seems normal.
Maybe he's in Asia because he's on a business trip.
Now, while there may be nothing wrong with this,
a few minutes later,
you're looking at your SIEM and you see
that the access control system says
that John Smith's ID was just used
to log into the server room inside your building.
All right, now we have an issue
because if your server room is sitting in America
and John Smith is supposedly accessing us
from a VPN in Asia, something is wrong,
'cause he can't be both in the server room
and on a business trip in Asia at the same time.
So one of these things has to be wrong.
Now, either of these two events
by themselves would be totally fine
and not suspicious at all.
But by seeing them correlated together
at the same time or nearly the same time,
this tells us that there's something wrong here.
And we need to flag that as suspicious
and investigate it further.
Now, as we look into the situation,
we can determine where this person really is.
We can just walk down to the server room and say,
is John here?
And so he says, no, he's on a business trip in Asia.
Now we need to go check the security footage
and see who is logging in with John's credentials
here in the server room.
A SIEM allows us to do this type of correlation
very quickly and very easily,
and be able to deconflict these things.
A security information event management system
or SIEM can be implemented in many different ways.
A SIEM can exist as a piece of software
running on a server, a hardware appliance,
or even as an outsource managed service.
In order to effectively deploy a SIEM,
you have to consider a lot of different things.
First, you need to be able to log
all the relevant events and filter out anything
that's considered to be irrelevant data.
Second, you need to make sure you establish
and document the scope of the events.
Exactly what is it that you're going to log?
What's going to be considered inside or outside of your scope?
Third, you need to develop use cases to define a threat.
This will help you to find exactly what you do
and do not consider a threat and what you may
want to take action on or postpone for later.
Forth, you need to plan incident responses
for given scenarios or events.
If you know that when you see this type of thing occur,
then you need to take those types of actions.
That's what I'm talking about here.
You need to have these pre-planned responses
for any given threat that you might face.
Fifth, we want to establish a ticketing process
so we can track all these different events that we flag.
This way, as we go into the SIEM,
we can see something that looks unusual,
like my example of somebody logging in from Asia
and at the local office at the same time.
And then we can flag it and have it tracked
through the process to completion,
to make sure nobody forgets about it.
Sixth, we want to make sure we schedule regular threat hunting
by working with our cyber security analysts
and using our SIEM.
By doing this, we want to make sure
we're not missing any important events
that may have escaped the automated alerts
that we create inside the system.
By going through and doing threat hunting,
our cyber security analysts will be able to catch bad guys
doing bad things that may have escaped
our automated alerts and seventh,
our final consideration is how are we going to provide
auditors and analysts an evidence trail?
by using a seam, we have this great centralized repository
with lots of different data.
And so it becomes a great place for an auditor
or analyst to look through as they're doing their analysis
as part of a compliance-based inspection, as you can see,
there are a lot of great benefits and considerations
that we have when we start using a SIEM.
It's important for us
to always properly configure our network devices,
to make sure they're feeding their data into our SIEM
within the scope of our events.
Remember, a SIEM is going to take data
using the Syslog protocol.
This means we're going to be using UDP port 514,
or TCP port 1468, as that is being brought into the SIEM,
it's going to be classified
based on a log level from zero to seven.
Zero is our most important or most critical,
and seven is our least important or most informational,
just like we had with our regular devices using CIS log.
For the exam, it's important to understand
the purpose of a SIEM and that a SIEM relies
on the Syslog protocol to collect the data
from all these different network devices
and client devices on our enterprise network.
And then we're going to use that to normalize,
correlate and aggregate that logging data
into a single repository for further analysis.