could write with both hands
knew multiple languages
Jefferson wrote constitution
against working under higher power, of dictator
no kings
no president
anti federalist / dem rep
Political career
ambassador to France during constitutional convention, antifederalist teachings, gaining allies
thought president would become a tyrant, did not want one leader
secretary of state under Washington, most trusted ally and advisor
ran against John Adams because he thought he would become a dictator, lost
worked with sons of liberty
Election of 1800
ran against Adams for his second term
thought he betrayed by the affairs with XYZ and Alien Sedition Acts
4 way tie, due to procedural error Jefferson wins
Aaron Burr VP, rarely agree with each other
ends with pistol duel/Hamilton
12th amendment - no longer loser is vp
chosen vp
chosen dates
Jefferson Presidency (2 terms)
Louisiana Purchase
paid for 15 states, 1m each
Lewis and Clark Expedition, arts and sciences
Citizenship reform - 5 years
prior you had to live here for 15 years
library of congress
us military west point
fought Barbary pirates
no taxes from income money, vetoes
did not end slavery
may have caused another crusades
Louisiana purchase - illegal
Sally Hemmings affair with slave
national debt reduction
only taxes goods
hurt American people longterm
Embargo Act - taxes goods not people
kicked natives
James Madison Presidency
close allies with Jefferson
popular person
Dolly Madison (wife) - named the first lady
banned single religion
finished the white house
established trade
no foreign countries take us serious
war of 1812
second national bank
govt bank, back you up
did not care about natives
James Monroe Presidency
last of revolutionary war presidents
8 years of peace
era of good feelings
Monroe Doctrine
1823 - anyone in new world that speaks spanish is our friend
if Europe touches south/central America - will atomically become allies with them
took Florida from Spain wo war
Missouri Compromise
bullied spain to get florida
war with seminal
did not end slavery
Panic of 1819
economic crash
first great depression
banks did not check if Americans could actually pay their loans
McCulloch v. Maryland states cannot tax federal govt
other way around
2nd Great Awakening -in Boston
*Quakers come to northeastern u.s., ran into Puritans and Church of England
got along
realized that they dont act what they say
methodists pu, John Wesley
make a mission to go to southern states
tent revivals
write letters to govt to get rid of bad things in America
end slavery
new political group - abolitionists
will send money to build path in south for freedom
to go to New England
Underground Railroad
Missouri Compromise
people were very strong in what they believed in
22 state represents
11 slave holding
want to leave America
11 anti slave
abolitionists ask president to help
always become 50/50, need 60%
Any new states/land - divide in half slavery no slavery
Missouri - is ready to become a state, but pro slavery
Mass. makes Maine
adds to non slavery, making it 50 50 again m
leads to Mexican American War
owners want slaves to increase in population to have more votes/representation in the house of reps
success ^: tried something to end it
negative: did not actually end, made it worse