Course Title: Stress & Stress Management
Faculty: Vidhi Agarwal
Chapter at a Glance:
Nature of Stress
Causes of Stress
Effects of Stress
Stress Reduction Strategies
At the end of the chapter, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of:
Psychological Disorders
Psychology in relation to environment and social concerns
Stress: Subject to various definitions, it refers to both the situation that imposes demands on an organism and its responses to such demands.
Eustress: Positive stress that enhances performance.
Distress: Negative stress that results from challenges exceeding coping abilities.
Stressors: Events or situations causing stress.
Lifestyle: Overall decisions and behaviors influencing health and quality of life.
Hassles: Minor everyday events affecting well-being.
GAS Model:
Alarm Phase: Emergency reaction mobilizing energy.
Resistance Phase: Coping with threat.
Exhaustion Phase: Depletion of resources leading to health issues.
Definition: Methods used by the ego to manage unacceptable impulses (e.g., repression, projection).
Assertiveness: Communicating feelings confidently.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Sequential muscle relaxation technique.
Hardy Personality: Traits that enable stress resistance: commitment, control, challenge.
Cognitive Appraisal Model: Involves assessing a situation and personal resources to cope.
Primary Appraisal: Initial assessment of a situation's threat level.
Secondary Appraisal: Judgment of available coping resources.
Wellness & Distress Cycle: Distress cycle impacts short-long term effects, wellness cycle focuses on stress coping strategies.
Exploring various definitions and dimensions of stress, linking it to psychological responses.
Different researchers define stress in various ways, emphasizing physiological responses and interpretations of threats.
Key Studies: Cannon (homeostasis), Selye (non-specific response), Lazarus (resource assessment).
Link different stress definitions to emotional theories.
Compare definitions by Cannon and Selye.
Reflect on personal appraisals of stress in similar situations.
Stress: Response to events disrupting functioning.
Distinction between Eustress and Distress clarified.
Eustress: Positive and motivating; Distress: Negative, overwhelming.
Reflect on personal experiences of distress and eustress.
Explore individual perceptions of stress and the implications for coping.
Categories: Physical, Psychological, Social, Environmental.
Internal vs External pressures.
Life Events: Major transitions (e.g., graduation).
Hassles: Cumulative daily stressors.
Duration: Chronic vs Acute.
Intensity: Low vs High.
Controllability & Predictability: Determines stress perception.
Stressors can be predictable or unexpected, influencing stress levels.
Physiological: Digestive slow down, increased heart rate.
Emotional: Mood swings, anxiety.
Behavioral: Poor performance, unhealthy eating.
Understanding the basic structure of the nervous system.
Overview of the body's nervous systems: Central and Peripheral.
Parasympathetic: Rest and digest.
Sympathetic: Fight or flight.
Activation of HPA axis and stress hormone release in response to perceived threats.
Describes the body's psychological stress response in three stages.
Stages: Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion.
Hormonal responses during these stages and their effects on health.
GAS Application: Stages of stress during exams illustrated.
Introduction to the cognitive appraisal of stress and coping mechanisms.
Stress perception as a result of interpreting circumstances.
Primary Appraisal: Determining the threat of an event.
Secondary Appraisal: Evaluating coping resources.
Insights on distinct appraisal stages and outcomes.
Examining the differences in perceived stress and coping mechanisms.
Example illustrating stress response via cognitive appraisal.
Additional scenarios applying the cognitive appraisal model to exam stress.
Comparison: How two models explain stress reactions differently.
Limitations of the GAS and Cognitive Appraisal Models discussed.
Definition and comparison of stress and anxiety as emotional-cognitive-physiological responses.
Highlighting key emotional and physical symptoms.
Illustrating anxiety and stressful events clearly.
Relationship between stress levels and health outcomes.
Various body systems significantly impacted by prolonged stress.
Overview of psychoneuroimmunology and stress's biological impact on health.
Specific conditions linked to prolonged stress exposure discussed.
Further details on stress-related health complications .
Explanation of stress-related disruption of immune responses.
Indicators of burnout due to high stress, including emotional exhaustion.
Differentiate overload burnout from other forms; details stress reactions.
Strategies for improving person-environment fit and targeting specific stressors.
Discussing optimal stress levels for improved performance.
Insights into how stress affects performance quality under different conditions.
Describing different states of stress from optimal functioning to clinical disorders.
Criteria for when normal stress transitions into psychological disorder.
Identifying personality-related stressors and their impacts.
Understanding how frustration can increase stress.
Description and characteristics of personality types related to stress susceptibility.
Characteristics of hardy personality as a defense against stress.
Metaphors illustrating different responses to life's challenges among personalities.
Comparisons of stress responses linked with attitude types.
Discussing personality-related expectations concerning control over life outcomes.
Classification of coping strategies; healthy vs unhealthy.
Overview of various effective techniques for managing stress.
Concept of unconscious defense mechanisms in managing stress.
Importance of breath control in stress management discussed.
Techniques for reducing stress through physical relaxation and feedback mechanisms.
CBT methods to manage stress through cognitive restructuring.
Strategies for effectively managing time to reduce stress.
Promoting good habits to maintain overall well-being and mitigate stress.
Overview of yoga components contributing to stress reduction.
Multilevel perspective on stress responses and coping factors.
Summary of the importance of stress awareness and management.
Included textbook references for further reading on psychology and stress management.