Early Arabia Pre-Islam
•The Arabs were a semitic-speaking people
• During Roman Time, the religion was inhabited by Bedouin Arabs nomadic people organized
in tribes
• Ruling member of tribe; was called a;sheikh
- Each tribe was autonomous - independent
• Eventually domesticated camels and began to participate in the caravan trade themselves
- They were polytheistic
- Supreme god: Allah
He believed that Allah revealed himself to moses and Jesus
• 622; He left Mecca and went to median
(Hijran was the journey)
• He returned to mecca w/ thousands of new followers he conquered mecca
•monotheistic religion
• Islam makes no claim to the divinity of its founder
• Muhammad = main prophet of islam
• Stories of his life come from Quran/holy book of islam
•Born in Mecca (570 CE), received revelations from Angel Gabriel.
•Returned to Mecca and united Arabian tribes under Islam.
Early Islam
• Death of muhammad presented his followers with a dilemma
•muslims never agreed whether he was a successor• A number of his closest followers selected Abu Bakr, Muhammads father - in - law. First Caliph
caliph: leader of islamic community
• Under Abu Bakr islam grew
Pressure non believers to convert → not voluntary
Those who refused to convert had to still sumit to + mustin law and pay extra tax
•Place of worship for Muslims.
•Pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
Five Pillars of Islam
1. Belief
2. Pray x5 a day
3.Ramadan (fast)
4. Hajg (pilgrimage to mecca)
5. Aims giving Basically giving to the poor and needy.
Abu Bakr
muslims never agreed nether he was a successor
•First caliph after Muhammad’s death.
•Expanded Islam beyond Arabia.
Sunni vs. Shia
Sunni Shia (shi’ites)
community should select the leader based on
or merit
believed that leadership
Stay within the prophet muhammad's family
•Sunni: Believed caliphs should be chosen by consensus.•Shia: Believed leadership should stay within Muhammad’s family.
Umayyad Caliphate (661–750 CE)
• promoted Al, muhammads cousin
• made the caliphate hereditary
• Damascus, Syria was the capital of the caliphate Arab armies marched across north africa
•went into southern spain
•First Islamic dynasty, expanded empire from Spain to India.
•Arabic became the official language.
•Overthrown by Abbasids.
Abbasid Caliphate (750–1258 CE)
• Abbasids caliphs brought political, economic, and cultural change to the Islamic world
• Opened schools to popularize their teachings
- moved capital city to Baghdad
• Judges, merchants, gove officials were now ideal citizens
• golden age of the Abbasid caliphate
Translated classic greer works into Arabic
Opened astronomical observatories
• Baghdad: became a cultural center
Golden Age of Islam (advancements in science, math, and culture).
•Capital moved to Baghdad.
•Declined due to internal conflict and Mongol invasion.
Seljuk Turks
Seljuk Turks threatened the Abbasid caliphate
•they were known for their ability as mounted arches•1055; Seljuk Turks captured Baghdad and commanded the empire witn title sultan
• Turks started moving into Anatolian peninsula
•Nomadic warriors who took control of the Abbasid Caliphate.
•Fought in the Crusades.
Achievements of Islamic Caliphates
Arabic became an international language
• Many scholars started meeting in Baghdad to leam
• Ibn Sina: Muslim physician that stated the world operated by its crun natural law
Arab world founded Algebra
•Math: Algebra (Al-Khwarizmi), Arabic numerals.
•Medicine: Hospitals, medical encyclopedias.
•Science: Astronomy, optics.
•Art & Literature: Calligraphy, architecture, Arabian Nights.
Ibn Battuta
Ibn battota: muslim traveler who chronicled political and social conditions throughout the Middle
Muslim traveler and scholar who documented his journeys across Africa, the Middle
East, and Asia.
Arabian Nights
Arabian nights: collection of Middle Eastern folktales compiled during the islamic golden age.
Collection of Middle Eastern folktales, including Aladdin and Sinbad.
West African Kingdoms & Islam
•Ghana: First Kingdom to win control of the prosperous sahara trade
• Ghana controlled the gold salt trade across West Africa
• King created a toll system to enter or leave the kingdom.●
First major West African trading empire, known for gold-salt trade.
• Mansas: kings of mali expanded their influence over the gold-mining regions to the south
Powerful empire after Ghana, famous for wealth and trade.
•Mansa Musa: sonusa: King of mali uno came to throne in 1312
- Expanded mali's borders westward to Atlantic
- Converted to Islam
Wealthy king of Mali made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca, spreading Islam.
•Songhai: •Sonni Ali built the largest statue that ever existed in West Africa (WA) -
• Didn’t convert to Islam
Largest West African empire, strong military and trade.
• Grandest city in W.A.
• Center of W.A Trade
• Uni of Sankore ~ 25,000 student
• City of reading → thousands of manuscripts
●Center of trade and Islamic learning.
East African Kingdoms
•Axum: Christian kingdom in Ethiopia, major trading hub.
•Ethiopia: Continued Christian traditions from Axum, known for rock-hewn churches.
•Great Zimbabwe: Stone city in southern Africa, center of trade and wealth.