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Origins of Towns/cities

  • Origins (cause-effect)

    • More technological advancements

    • Ex. iron plow

    • View iron plow flow chart.png

  • Guilds

    • Organizations of people of the same trades

      • Like unions

    • Set standards of work quality, wages, and working conditions

    • Trade was increased for long-distance

    • Helped the economy

    • Helped influence power over the government

  • Benefits/Downsides

    • Pros

      • More economic opportunities

      • Increased education

      • Serfs had opportunities to become free

      • Social mobility

      • Improvement of legal status

      • Sharing of ideas

      • Opportunities for specialization

    • Cons

      • Unclean and crowded → disease

      • Loss of self-sufficiency 

      • Lack of fresh air

        • Light

        • Clean water

      • Human and waste dumped into streets

  • Effects on feudalism

    • Lords lost serfs

    • Lords used taxes, fees, and rent to control people

    • Merchants fought against ↑ 

      • Won rights with force


Origins of Towns/cities

  • Origins (cause-effect)

    • More technological advancements

    • Ex. iron plow

    • View iron plow flow chart.png

  • Guilds

    • Organizations of people of the same trades

      • Like unions

    • Set standards of work quality, wages, and working conditions

    • Trade was increased for long-distance

    • Helped the economy

    • Helped influence power over the government

  • Benefits/Downsides

    • Pros

      • More economic opportunities

      • Increased education

      • Serfs had opportunities to become free

      • Social mobility

      • Improvement of legal status

      • Sharing of ideas

      • Opportunities for specialization

    • Cons

      • Unclean and crowded → disease

      • Loss of self-sufficiency 

      • Lack of fresh air

        • Light

        • Clean water

      • Human and waste dumped into streets

  • Effects on feudalism

    • Lords lost serfs

    • Lords used taxes, fees, and rent to control people

    • Merchants fought against ↑ 

      • Won rights with force