Biomechanics: involves the study of how the body moves
Relates body motion to the anatomical and physiological processes in the human body
Mechanics: the study of physical movement that results from forces
Contains two divisions
Statics : the study of systems that are in a consistent state of motion. This could mean at rest or in motion. In homeostasis
Dynamics: study of systems that are in motion with acceleration. Entire system is not in homeostasis
Kinematics and Kinetics: additional components in the field of biomechanics
kinematics : describing the characteristics in motion (displacement, velocity, time, etc.)
Kinetics: study of forces that are associated with movement of the human body
The human body acts as a machine
Bones and muscles work together to create movement
The goal of the machine is to work in a cohesive unit to provide a mechanical advantage
Ability to apply small amount of force in order to overcome a large amount of resistance
Mechanical advantage = force or resistance
Four functions of machines
Balance multiple forces
Reduces the amount of force needed to overcome a given resistance by enhancing the force
Increases the speed and/or distance of the given resistance enhancing range of motion
Alters the overall direction of the force being applied
Simple machines
In the human body there are three types of machines that provide movent
Each machine balances a rotational force about the axis
Levers ( most common )
Levers (most common) : rigid bars that turn about an axis of rotation
Axis of rotation is the same thing as a fulcrum
Force against a resistance causes the lever to rotate
Include force, resistance, axis
First class levers
Purpose : assist in balanced movements
Location of the axis in relation to the force and resistance changes the mechanics of the movement
The type of lever can change for any given body part by altering the body's position
If the axis is in the middle it is first class
Second class lever
Produce force movements
Move a larger resistance with relatively little force
Third class lever
Produce speed and range of motion movements
A great amount of force is required in order to move a relatively small amount of resistance
Most common type of lever
Factors that influence anatomical levers
Length of lever arm
Wheels and axles
Torque: the tendency of a force to cause a rotational movement around the axis.
Effects the eccentric force
→ eccentric force is an off-balance force. Applied away from the center of rotation
→ rotation does not occur without the presence of an eccentric force
→ muscles put eccentric force on the bones causing them to rotate on the axis (joint)
→ calculated as - force magnitude X force arm
Force magnitude = amount of force
Force arm = distance between application of force and axis
→ resistance arm: distance between axis and point of resistance application
Wheels and Axles: used to enhance range of motion as well as speed of movement
→ basically function as a lever
→ center of wheel and axle = fulcrum
→ radii = force arms
→ mechanical advantage = radius of the wheel/radius of the axle
Pulleys: a single pulley has a fixed axle
→ changes the effective direction of force application
→ a single pulley has the mechanical advantage of one
Using more than one increases the mechanical advantage