Dialogue-based user interface - Use human voice to give commands to a computer system. Eg. Amazon Alexa, Google Now, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana
Advantage and disadvantage of dialogue based gesture - A. 1. very useful for people with disabilities cuz tasks can be carried out by speaking
2. can be used for security feature due to voice recognition
D. 1. unreliable cuz some commands not recognized or needs to be repeated several times
2. can be complex to set up; user needs to know which commands to use
Gesture-based interface - Rely on human interaction interaction by the moving of hands, head, or even feet. allows humans to interface with a computer in a natural fashion without mechanical devices. uses computer vision and image processing. eg. in luxury cars moving a hand near a window switch automatically opens a window
Advantage and disadvantage of gesture-based interface - A. 1. replaces mechanical input devices due to natural interface for a human operator
2. no physical contact or training required to interface with the computer
D. 1. possible for unintentional movement to be picked up
2. may only accept a limited number of movements and take several attempts to recognize movements
Interface - the way in which users communicate and give commands with the computer. 2 types: command line interface and graphical user interface
CLI - Command Line Interface requires a user to type in instructions or a number of commands that’s required to type such as to save or load a file. does not make use of images, icons or graphics, just plain black screen. considered hard to use. Eg. Windows has a CLI called the ‘command prompt’
Advantages and disadvantages of CLI - A. 1. User in direct communication with computer 2. Not restricted to a number of predetermined options
D. 1. Needs to learn a number of commands for basic functions
2. All commands need to be typed in correct format which takes time and is error-prone
Windows - can divide screen into separate areas known as windows that allow you to work on several tasks at the same time
Icons - symbols or graphics that represent files and commands, can be clicked to carry out a function
Menus - allow users to select functions from a list, are either pop-up or drop-down
Pointers - little arrows that you move across the screen by directing your mouse. select and use icons, selections options in menus, reposition folder and icons
GUI - Graphical user interface allows the user interact with a computer using pictures or icons rather than having to type in a number of commands i.e. point and click objects on the screen. eg. Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers (WIMP). Touch-screen devices use post-WIMP interaction where fingers are in contact with screen allow actions such as pinching and rotating, difficult on single pointer device like mouse
Advantages and Disadvantages of GUI - A. 1. doesn’t need to learn any commands
2. user-friendly cuz icons represent applications
D. 1. uses up considerably more computer memory cuz it needs an operating system i.e. Windows
2. user is limited to the icons provided on the screen