Visual Cues for Data Sources:
Icons indicate the type of data source.
Primary Data Source: Blue check mark.
Secondary Data Source: Orange check mark.
Connected Data Sources:
Relational data source or file.
Extract that references underlying data.
Cube (multidimensional) data source (Windows only).
Excel table, sub-table, named range.
Published data source to Tableau Server.
Field Icons:
Discrete Fields: Blue icons.
Continuous Fields: Green icons.
User-defined Calculations: Icons preceded by "=".
Field Types:
Text or string values.
Numeric values.
Date values.
Date and time values.
Boolean values (true/false).
Geographical data.
Indicates geographic role for building map views.
From custom geocoding file.
URL set to Image Role.
Calculations defined on server or database.
User-defined sets, groups, clusters.
Relational and multidimensional hierarchy levels.
Fields for blending, stitching, and hidden fields.
Field Icons on Shelves:
Blue Field: Indicates a discrete field (creates headers).
Green Field: Indicates a continuous field (creates axis).
Sort Icon: Indicates computed/manual sort.
Slicing Filter: Sigma icon for cube data source.
Set Icon: Venn diagram icon.
Unrelated/Related Icons: Show field relationships.
Marks Card Icons:
Color: Field applied to color.
Size: Field applied to size.
Label: Field applied to label.
Shape: Field applied to shape.
Detail: Field applied to detail.
Tooltip: Field applied to tooltip.
Path: Field applied to path (line/polygon type).
Sheet Icons:
Worksheet: Sheet is a worksheet.
Dashboard: Sheet is a dashboard.
Text Color Coding:
Orange Text: Field is a dimension, measure, or set.
Purple Text: Field is a parameter (prefixed with [Parameters]).
Secondary Data Source: Orange text with prefix [Data source].
Calculation Function: Blue text.