Ecology: It is defined as the study of interrelationship of different organisms with each other and with their environment. It is concerned with the general principles that apply to both animals and plants.
The meaning of the word ecology was given by German Biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1869. The term Ecology was derived from two Greek words, OIKOS, meaning house, and LOGUS meaning study of.
Classification of Ecology
Based on Study Area
Autecology: It deals with the study of an individual species of organisms and it’s population, It is also called the Species ecology.
Synecology: It deals with the study of communities, their composition, their behavior and relation with the environment. It is also called as Ecology of Communities and is further divided in to 3 types.
Population Ecology
Community Ecology
Ecosystem Ecology
Based on Environment or habitat
Terrestrial Ecology : The study of interaction of organisms on land
Grassland Ecology
Forest Ecology
Desert Ecology
Aquatic Ecology : The Study of interaction of organisms in the water
Freshwater Ecology
Lotic (Running Water)
Lentic (Standing Water)
Marine Water Ecology
Deep Sea
Based on Advancement in the field of Ecology
Productive Ecology
Population Ecology
Community Ecology
Ecosystem Ecology
Microbial Ecology
Radiation Ecology
Pollution Ecology
Space Ecology
Concept of Ecosystem
Ecosystem: It is defined as the living community of plants and animals in any area together with the non-living components of the environment such as soil, air and water.
Ecosystems are divided into terrestrial or land based ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems or water based. These form the two major habitat conditions for the Earth’s living organisms.
Types of Ecosystems
1) Natural Ecosystems
These ecosystems operate under natural conditions without any major interference by man.
Terrestrial Ecosystem : Forrest, grassland, desert, etc.
Aquatic Ecosystem
Fresh Water: Lotic or Lentic
Marine Water: Such as deep bodies such as ocean or shallow ones such as Sea or an estuary.
2) Artificial (Man Engineered) Ecosystems
These are ecosystems maintained artificially by humans where by addition of energy and planned manipulation, natural balance is disturbed regularly. eg crop land ecosystem.