DECA Marketing KPI

explain the role of promotion as a marketing function

Promotion is the business of communicating with customers. It's one of the four elements of the marketing mix as well as one of the seven core marketing functions. Its role in the marketing function begins with influencing, informing, or persuading a potential buyer's decision. Branding,building customer loyalty, positioning products, and maximizing profits are all key roles of promotion

explain the types of promotion

There are two classes of promotion: personal and non personal. Four promotional strategies fall into these categories and make up the promotional mix: advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotions. Personal selling is part of the personal category because direct contact between a sales person and customer is necessary. This allows for two way communication. Types of non personal communication include advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. These involve non personal communication to the target market

identify the elements of the promotional mix

Advertising, Public relations, sales promotion, personal selling and direct marketing

describe the use of business ethics in promotion

Marketing ethics is the area of applied ethics that deals with the moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing. Ethic pitfalls in advertising and promotional content include Truth and Honesty Issues, Violence and Profanity Issues, Taste and Controversy Issues, and Negative Attack Issues

describe the use of technology in the promotion function

Technological advancements have opened up promotional channels through the internet. Technology has brought media to a global scale. Technology has also generated an interactive culture of promotion through social media. Technology has also aided in the management of customer data and customer relationship management systems. This use of technology has created a powerful form of personalized communication with identified target audiences

describe the regulation of promotion

Advertising is regulated in three ways: self regulation, federal regulation, and state regulation. In self regulation, if an advertisement is controversial, the advertising industry will try to resolve the problem. Federal regulation is controlled by the FTC that it is illegal to male unfair or deceptive practices. States may also implement regulations of their own

explain promotional methods used by the hospitality and tourism industry

Promotional methods used in the travel and tourism industry, include:

Personal Selling: Any staff that come in contact with guests/clients are involved in personal selling.

Advertising: Any promotion that is paid for, is considered advertising. This includes all paid promotion

that is seen in three categories: print, broadcast, and specialty.

Public Relations: Public relations enhances a business's image or reputation. This form of promotion

includes publicity which is unpaid promotion.

Sales Promotion: Any activity that engages guests/clients. These include contests, games, coupons or


explain types of advertising media

The types of media are broadcast media, print media, specialty media, and online media. The reason that media outlets have grown is because of advancements in technology

describe word-of-mouth channels used to communicate with targeted audiences

Word of mouth marketing is based on the exchange of info from one person to another. Word of mouth channels include face to face, video conferences, telephone conversations, emails, text messages, and social media sites

explain the nature of direct marketing channels

Direct marketing reaches audiences without using formal channels. Businesses communicate directly with the consumer using things like direct mail, email marketing, telemarketing, and relresentatives

identify communications channels used in sales promotion

Sales promotions targeted at consumers are called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted at retailers and wholesalers are called trade sales promotions. Some sales promotions may generate poor perception and are considered gimmicks. Popular channels of consumer sales promotions include price deals, loyal reward programs, cents off deals, price pack deals, coupons, and loss leaders. Channels of sales promotions directed at channel members include trade allowances, dealer loader, trade contests, and point of purchase displays.

explain communications channels used in public relations activities

Public relations can use a variety of tools to develop media coverage. A main tool is a press release that is sent to appropriate media for the company and/or product. Other channels of communication include press kits and press conferences.

explain the nature of word-of-mouth (WOM) strategies

WOM - is a powerful asset in our line of work. It not only piques people's interest, but as the name implies, it gets people talking

90% of customers say buying decisions are influenced by others reviews

WOM generates 2x the sales versus paid ads with a 37% higher customer retention rate

- get authentic customer testimonials

- use a website rating and review tool

- implement a referral campaign

- build relationships with influencers in your niche

- encourage user generated content

UGC is content created by your customers this significantly reduces the demand to create content on your now has much more impact

discuss the role of customer voice in word-of-mouth strategies

having customer voice they can spread that information about a company to anywhere including social media and apps of social media and then that gets spread and it just spreads

explain the nature of buzz-marketing

it is a term used in viral marketing is the interaction of consumers and users of a product or service which amplifies or alters the original marketing message. This emotion, energy, excitement, or anticipation about a product or service can be positive or negative

describe the referral programs that can be used to build brand/promote products

referral marketing - is spreading the word about a product or service through a business' existing customers, rather than a traditional advertising

explain the use of product placement

- it is a practice in which manufacturers of goods or providers of a service gain exposure for their products by paying for them to be featured in movies and television programs

- an advertising technique used by companies to bully promote their products through a non-traditional advertising technique


- coca cola could pay a given fee to have the title character drinking a coke, instead of a pepsi beverage or a car company can pay for someone to drive their own car which is the product they sell

discuss types of direct marketing tactics

- occurs when businesses address customers through a multitude of channels, including e-mail, phone, and in person. Direct marketing messages involve a specific call to action, such as call this toll free number or click this link to subscribe


- physical mail

- email

-telemarketing (phone)

- short message service (texting)

- broadcast faxing

- coupons

- direct response TV

- insert media

- face to face selling

- door to door

explain the nature of online advertising

also called online marketing or internet advertising or web advertising is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers

explain the nature of e-mail marketing tactics

you are sending out information to a specific group of customers and those customers tend to be more loyal to the company/business

explain the role of business websites in digital marketing

digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as google search, social media, email, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers

explain the use of social media for digital marketing

you can use social media for marketing in order to promote a business or a product, types of apps that you can use are Facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram and many others that involve digital marketing

describe the use of blogging for marketing communications

a blog is a frequently updated online personal journal or diary. It is a place to express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and your passions. so for a business they can use blogs to promote businesses or even their own products and just potentially talking about the benefits and advantages of the products

explain the use of video/images for digital marketing

using video/images can help in explaining how a specific product works or for the hospitality and tourism industry companies can show how the destinations of the location look like

describe mobile marketing tactics

you can send text messages, give phone calls, or even send coupons to specific types of customers

explain mobile marketing applications

there are apps that certain companies have to get customers to be loyal to them

explain the components of advertisements

advertisements are very specific because they go towards certain target markets and they have to be in color harmony

explain the importance of coordinating elements in advertisements

-is the features of the product or service, the features are what the product offers that the customer can benefit from. for example, if you were selling carpet, a feature would be that the carpet fiber is nylon. this is a specific feature that this piece of carpet offers that other carpets do not.

benefits are another essential component to include when creating an advertisement. while benefits are closely related to features, they are not the same

explain the nature of online advertisements

- it is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers

explain the nature of e-mail marketing strategies

when sending out e-mails you are sending them out to a specific target market and you have to make sure when you send it, it is not long enough that will bored the customer but make it catchable as something they would read and easy to understand

describe mobile advertising strategies

1. boost social posts

- a boosted post on Facebook or twitter shows up in the news feed like a post from a contact, attracting more attention than traditional advertising and bypassing ad blocks

2. create great content

- today's average viewer has been inundated with ads for much of their life, to the point where they scroll past ads and don't even notice them.

3. change behavior and user experience

- entrepreneurs should consider user behavior and the context in which users experience their brand message. Mobile ads are typically relegated to the top or bottom in minuscule spaces. These are practically useless, and more of an annoyance than anything else. Consider more valuable

advertising tools that provide more utility for users and are in places they frequent with their mobile device.

4. focus on relationship building via social media

- rather than sitting back and waiting for ads or posts to garner clicks, reach out and build relationships with potential customers on social media.

5. use video streaming

- with the rise of snapchat and instagram video, these 15 second clips can be manipulated, edited and produced in many creative ways to gain brand awareness and authority.

discuss hospitality and tourism's use of search-engine optimization strategies

search engine optimization - the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine

so for a hospitality and tourism industry, they would want customers to search their website first and by doing that the customers destination or particular desired has to match with the search of the hospitality and tourism industry and it doesn't have to be similar it can be something close to it

describe the use of color in advertisements

color helps in creating harmony in advertisements, and you have to remember to keep it in a certain pattern that way the advertisement doesn't look funky or wacky, you also have to remember about there are people that are color blind that is a factor that is very important in advertisements

describe the elements of design

elements of design describe here are point, line, shape, form, space, color, and texture

discuss the use of illustrations in advertisements

illustration is still being used to visualize advertising campaigns, adding artistic distinction, style, and individualism to concepts and content communicated by advertisers

discuss the nature of typography

- is the effective use of type, typography involves more than the type or lettering. It involves the style and size of type as well as the space between letters or words. Typography has a significant effect on the look of an ad and helps to convey a message and express a certain feeling.

explain types of styles used in advertisements

repetition is a simple yet effective technique used to build identity awareness and customer memory.

adversing that promotes specific features or makes claims about a product or service can do for the potential customers

describe effective advertising layouts

1. have a message in mind

- having a clear message in mind is imperative when making print advertising design that are effective. Consider the message you want to share and how you plan to convey it once you ready to move forward.

2. use an updated logo

- use an updated and visually appealing logo that is modern, relevant and suitable for any audience or demographic you are trying to reach. the right color scheme

- selecting the right color scheme for your advertising also matters when building a brand and its presence or local and online awareness.

4. consider the size of your print advertising designs

- consider the size of your print advertising designs when you are working to complete any graphics or prints

5. typography matters

- choosing the right font when it comes to typography also matters, especially if you are looking to make an impact with a specific message you are sharing

identify types of drawing media

charcoal, pencils and your standard drawing utilities

explain the impact of color harmonies on composition

different colors have very different effects on people. the images surrounding us serve a very specific purpose.

describe digital color concepts

the color cube is a three dimensional model by which one can understand and teach digital color theory. This elegant representation of color bridges the gap between additive and subtractive systems of color

explain website-development process

1. information gathering

2. planning

3. design

4. development

5. testing and delivery

6. maintenance

identify strategies for attracting targeted audience to website

advertise it - tell people about the website

- tell why has it improved/if not yet improve then improve it

- word of mouth can help a lot to let people know about the website

- make sure that website is working just in case if any problems do come up they can be resolve easy and quickly

explain how businesses can use trade-show/exposition participation to communicate with targeted audiences

trade show - an exhibition at which businesses in a particular industry promote their products and services

- this way businesses can know what do customers actually think about the product

explain considerations used to evaluate whether to participate in trade/shows expositions

your business should participate in trade shows so that you can talk to your target market and let people know about the products you have and this eventually creates word of mouth advertising

plan special events

when planning any event it involves budgeting, finding who your target market, and training people or letting people know what they are suppose to do. If the event is for someone make sure you know what they want

identify types of public-relations activities

press kits - include written material about the organization and its top people

audio releases - or video releases are prerecorded messages distributed to various media channels

matte releases - small local newspapers accept articles written by organizations when they do not have sufficient articles or stories to publish

website press room - public relations experts promote their organization and its products/services through online press rooms

discuss internal and external audiences for public relations activities

publics are customers, current and potential employees, investors, vendors, suppliers, media, government and opinion leaders who are important audiences for an organization. public relations seeks to develop and sustain relationships between a company and its publics

write a press release

an official statement issued to newspapers giving information on a particular matter

create a press kit

a press kit, also known as a media kit, is a page on your website that contains resources and information for reporters and publishers. a press kit makes it really easy for reporters to quickly learn about your product and brand and access photos and marketing materials they can use in their content

explain the importance of company involvement in community activities

having businesses to participate in community activities can really improve the outlook of that business and the way they can help out the community is by donating, helping build more schools, or by even helping the elderly

propose community issues for company involvement

for example if there was insufficient funds to build a school a business can come in and help pay for the rest to build the school

participate in community outreach activities

you can help out the community many ways, building play grounds, building ramps for elderly, donating wheelchairs and maybe even donating food to people in need.

identify ways to track promotional activities

1. profits

- look at your profits, is there an impact in sales promotion, see if your investments are worth it

2. sale volume

- in order to accurately measure the increase in sales volume, you need to know your baseline (what sales were prior to the promotion)

explain the nature of a promotional plan

A promotional plan outlines the promotional tools and strategies you plan to use to accomplish your marketing objectives. It outlines where the majority of the marketing budget will be spent. To accomplish goals and specific objectives, the promotional plan must be carefully planned, taking into consideration the audience, budget, and final results. Specific objectives must be set stating what you want to do, when it should be done,and how to measure success

coordinate activities in the promotional mix


2Public Relations

3)Sales Promotion

4)Personal Selling

5)Direct Marketing

describe the nature of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a set of personal skills in the following areas.

• Foster self-understanding to recognize the impact of personal feelings on others.

• Develop personal traits to foster career advancement.

• Apply ethics to demonstrate trustworthiness in working with others.

• Exhibit techniques to manage emotional reactions to people and situations.

• Identify with others' feelings, needs and concerns to enhance interpersonal relations.

• Use communication skills to foster open, honest communications.

• Use communication skills to influence others' point of view.

• Apply problem solving techniques to obtain solutions to issues and questions.

• Manage stressful situations to minimize negative workplace situations.

• Implement teamwork techniques to accomplish goals.

• Employ leadership skills to achieve workplace objectives.

• Manage internal and external business relationships to foster positive interactions.

explain the concept of self esteem

Self esteem is the way you perceive your worth or value as a person. It is an important interpersonal skill that allows you to believe in yourself and helps you relate positively to others. You can demonstrate positive self esteem by treating others with respect and friendliness, dressing appropriately on the job, and behaving in a confident yet courteous manner.

recognize personal biases and stereotypes

A stereotype is an oversimplified distorted belief about a person or a group. It is important to recognize personal biases or stereotypes so that we may correct them. When you learn about others you become more tolerant and understanding.

assess personal strengths and weaknesses

When assessing your strengths and weaknesses, many areas can be explored. Interpersonal skills that can be assessed include self esteem, attitude, initiative, self control, creativity, flexibility, stress management, and time management skills. You will also want to assess more concrete skills and abilities. These are things that you will be asked to do in the workplace, such as selling a product or organizing an activity.

Complete a self-assessment by asking yourself if you have these types of skills and taking inventory of your workplace values and needs. Determine what skills you are lacking and where you can make improvements. Develop your skills and abilities by reading, observing, and working in a real-world situation.

identify desirable personality traits important to business

There are many characteristics of successful businesspeople, including persistence, creativity, responsibility, confidence, and enthusiasm. A businessperson should be inquisitive, goal-oriented, independent, a risk taker, and action oriented. Essential skills

for running a business include the following: communication, math, problem solving, technology, decision making, organizing, teamwork, social, and basic business skills.

exhibit self-confidence

Self-confidence can be demonstrated by how you present yourself and through your actions. It is shown in your personal hygiene and the way you dress. It can also be shown through your relationships with others and your work habits.

demonstrate interest and enthusiasm

Interest and enthusiasm can be demonstrated verbally and non-verbally. When speaking choose words that are descriptive, vary your tone, listen and ask relevant questions. Non- verbal cues can be seen in your facial expressions, body language and eye contact.

demonstrate initiative

Demonstrating initiative means taking action and completing tasks without being specifically asked to do so. An example of taking initiative is developing a new idea for a marketing campaign and conducting the research to show that your idea has viability.

demonstrate responsible behavior

Demonstrating responsibility means being willing to accept an obligation and being accountable for an action or situation. One can demonstrate responsibility in a myriad of ways. Be willing to accept change and volunteer for jobs and tasks. Display initiative by doing what needs to be done without being told. Be punctual and have a solid work ethic.

demonstrate honesty and integrity

Honesty and integrity are desirable qualities of a good employee and a good person. You can demonstrate these qualities by being loyal and trustworthy at work and in daily activities. Act responsibly and ethically, even though it may be difficult at times.

Respect others' feelings and possessions. Being dishonest can ruin your reputation and can harm personal and professional relationships.

demonstrate ethical work habits

Ethics are the basic values and moral principles that guide behavior. Characteristics of ethical work habits include honesty, respect, and equity. Being honest is more than just telling the truth. It means maintaining confidentiality and having respect for company property. Honesty is the basis for a trustworthy business relationship. Another solid base for business/customer relations is showing respect. This means listening to others with an open mind and responding with courtesy and tact. Equity means that everyone has equal rights and opportunities. Because people expect to be treated the way those around them are treated, it is important to be fair and equitable in dealing with others.

take responsibility for decisions and actions

when a task needs to be carried out, the responsible employee should step up to the plate. However, if something goes wrong, he/she should take the blame.

manage commitments in a timely manner

commitments should be managed in a timely manner by not procrastinating and utilizing sequential tasking. if applicable, multitasking can be powerful productivity tool

exhibit a positive attitude

positive attitude can be exhibited via methods such as team encouragement, enthusiasm and implementing a reward system

demonstrate self control

self-control can be demonstrated via methods such as anger management, stress management, and compulsive behavior control

explain the use of feedback for personal growth

The way feedback is given often affects the way you accept it. Destructive criticism focuses just on the bad things and gives the recipient no help. Conversely, constructive criticism is designed to be helpful. It is said calmly with a focus on the problem, not the person, and suggestions for improvements are given. Anyone who is new to a job must expect criticism.

One can control his/her reaction to feedback. Maintain a positive attitude and try to avoid getting defensive. People who respond to negative feedback in a positive way generally impress others. Those who work on correcting their weaknesses tend to move ahead in their careers. When giving feedback, it is important that your message be clear and easily understood. Give feedback in a nonthreatening manner, discussing problems with others one-on-one when possible.

adjust to change

change is common in the workplace and by adapting policies, work habits and routines this change can be adjusted to

respect the privacy of others

Respecting others' privacy includes treating the conversations, property, and work of friends and coworkers as if they were your own. At work, be respectful of the phone

calls, faxes, e-mail, voice mail, and documents of others. Many of these things should not be shared with others, and much of the information at your workplace must be kept confidential.

Confidentiality means not sharing sensitive information that you know with someone else. These acts of professional courtesy are also part of displaying workplace etiquette. Failing to respect others' privacy can harm your personal and professional relationships, including being disciplined or fired on the job.

show empathy for others

Empathy is an understanding of another person's situation or frame of mind. On the job, you should be open-minded, realizing that many people are under pressure. Treat others considerately, and call on your own experiences. Before you react to someone, think of the position the other person is in. You may see things differently, and your reaction may be more effective. Be aware of how you appear to someone else, trying not to hurt or offend them. Speak carefully, and think about the way others will feel when they hear what you have to say. Let other people know you are interested in them, smile, and make them feel important. Do not assume that certain behaviors and views are universal; many people in the world have ideas that are very different from yours.

maintain the confidentiality of others

confidentiality is the protection of private information and employees must not violate by spreading personal information of others to third parties

exhibit cultural sensitivity

In order to exhibit sensitivity to other cultures, begin by respecting differences among people. Another key is to avoid and overcome stereotypes. A stereotype is an oversimplified, distorted belief about a person or group. In business, you must maintain an awareness of the language and cultural differences that will affect company employees as well as customers.

explain the nature of effective communications

Communication is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and a receiver. Effective communicators need to understand channels of communication and media, effective listening skills, barriers to communication, and non-verbal cues. In addition, one must be prepared to read for meaning, speak properly, and write effectively.

Channels (or media) are the avenues through which a message can be delivered. The choice of medium depends on the nature and importance of the message. Effective listening allows a person to identify the purpose of the speaker, give feedback, and

evaluate the speaker's message. Communication may be impeded by a number of barriers, including physical such as distance and position from the speaker, and verbal as in using vague or unclear language. Lastly, a person's non-verbal cues—such as his or her tone of voice, emphasis, and body language—are critical because they often communicate as much as the speaker's actual words.

explain ethical considerations in providing information

Ethical business practices ensure that the highest standards of conduct are observed in a company's relationships with everyone in the company or who is affected by its activities. Ethical behavior is lawful and does not harm some while benefiting others. Business practices are ethical if its actions are not embarrassing if they become public. Many businesses develop a statement of core values that guide the ethical decisions and actions of the company.

A company's commitment to ethics should be clear during the hiring process as well as in day-to-day operations. Interviewees may be questioned about ethics, and new hires should be provided information about the company's commitment to ethics and values.

Ethical behavior should be a part of employee evaluations and promotions, and managers should model ethical behavior when dealing with customers.

solicit feedback

ask for feedback for personal development

use social media to solicit new ideas and solutions

social media can be used to research other businesses promotional strategies for their products

sell ideas to others

evidence, emotion, and reasoning can sell and idea to an audience

persuade others

Logos (statistics and reasoning), pathos (feeling and emotion) and ethos (expertise and qualifications) can be used to persuade an audience

demonstrate negotiation skills

Negotiation is the process of working with or among the parties in a conflict to find a resolution, and requires a willingness to work together to achieve a mutually-agreeable solution. No company will completely avoid conflict in the workplace, so learning and practicing negotiation skills is important. Six effective techniques for negotiating conflict are:

1) show respect

2) recognize and define the problem

3) seek a variety of possible solutions

4) collaborate, or work together

5) be reliable

6) preserve your relationship

The two most important negotiation skills are speaking and listening.

Each party must first present the problem from their point of view. Use a non-aggressive tone and "I statements" to make your point, trying not to cast blame. Active listening on your part shows you are interested in the other person's ideas and feelings. Try to empathize with the person who is speaking. The problem is solved only when both/all parties reach a common agreement.

use appropriate assertiveness

exhibit self-confidence and assurance without being aggressive by being negotiable and encouraging

use conflict-resolution skills

Begin by allowing each party of a dispute to define the problem from his/her point of view. Then, allow each one to suggest a solution to the problem. Next, those options should be evaluated, so each party can explain what they can and cannot accept. To overcome the differences, parties to a problem may have to think creatively and compromise.

Compromising means that each party will agree to give something up in order to settle a dispute. Conflict-resolution is done best when solutions are found that will allow each side of a dispute to save face and create the least amount of ill will. Sometimes, parties in a dispute may have to seek mediation or arbitration from an independent third party.

explain the nature of office politics

office politics is a scenario in which multiple employees battle for dominance over decision-making. It can be helpful (clear leader) or harmful (uncontrollable conflict)

overcome problems and difficulties associated with office politics/turf wars

by using negotiation techniques, office drama can be resolved in an effective manner

explain the nature of stress management

Stress is a person's reaction to pressures from the outside world. It can be mental or physical. Managing stress is important to a healthy lifestyle and effectiveness in the workplace. Stress can be harmful, causing undue anxiety and suppressing the body's immune system.

Three things are essential to help prevent or reduce stress: regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep. Researchers emphasize engaging in recreational activities as a way to manage stress. In times of stress, it is important to make reasonable compromises and learn to accept those things you cannot change about the world around you.

participate as a team member

teamwork includes leadership and collaboration. By providing input to a task and facilitating new initiatives, employees can be a better team member

use consensus-building skills

A consensus is a decision upon which each member of a group agrees. It is a critical component of teamwork as well as negotiation. To achieve a consensus, it is helpful to allow all members to state their opinions. It will often require members of the group to be flexible and accept a compromise. Allowing team members to be involved in setting and achieving the team's goals is important and often results in increased company loyalty and a stronger team spirit. Consensus building is also beneficial in that it leads to extra motivation and a sense of ownership among team members.

motivate team members

A variety of methods can be useful for management to motivate team members. Factors that motivate employees are achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, growth, and the reward from doing the work itself. The use of rewards for good work can be effective. When giving rewards, identify those workers who are effective and efficient, and not those who simply get the work done. Also, reward and recognize long- term employees for their loyalty to the company.

Employees are also motivated by the freedom to be creative. Encouraging them to show creativity without risk of penalty often yields positive and ingenious results.

explain the concept of leadership

Leadership is helping members of an organization achieve their goals. Leadership requires a wide range of skills and personal traits, including self-confidence, creativity, problem-solving, and effective communication. Good leaders understand people, show social judgment, and can motivate others. Leaders have a vision, and can communicate that vision with those around them while minimizing conflicts that may arise.

determine personal vision

personal vision can be defined as a future goal that one hopes to attain. it should be SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound

demonstrate adaptability

adaptability is the ability of an individual to adjust to changes in the workplace

develop an achievement orientation

it is important that employees develop cognition and behavior relative to the interpretation and reaction to a variety of tasks

lead change

leaders should initiate positive feedback through methods such as assessing the current scenario, finding areas for improvement, brainstorming solutions and implementing a course of action

enlist others in working toward a shared vision

collaboration is a powerful tool and it is important that fellow workers exhibit personality traits such as motivation, positive attitude, empathy, and conflict resolution skills in order to form the perfect work team

coach others

others may need coaching and leaders should do so by assessing weaknesses brainstorming solutions and suggesting them in an assertive manner

treat others fairly at work

everyone should be treated the same be heard, and have their rights protected regardless of race, gender, age, religion or sexual orientation

foster positive working relationships

Working with others is not always easy, which is why it is important to create and maintain a working environment that is positive and effective. Working as a team is a critical component for a group of people to achieve a common goal. Being a valuable team member involves making the team's goals our top priority, building positive group dynamics, and being an active listener.

One way to foster a positive working relationship with others is to show respect for their ideas and feelings. Being prompt with your assignments and showing responsibility are

other ways to maintain those relationships. Also, as in most areas of business, being able to communicate effectively with others is a skill that must be learned and utilized.

maintain collaborative partnerships with colleagues

colleagues should identify common goals brainstorm collaborative solutions and win-win situations and enact the steps necessary to achieve such results

explain the impact of political relationships within an organization

A company's culture affects the way it is organized. A formal culture may include a strict chain of command, with one person at the top making all decisions. Several levels of management, or bureaucracy, may follow. Job titles are important as indicators of power and status within a company in a business with a formal culture. Making changes and passing down decisions in such an organization can be complicated and time consuming.

Other companies have an informal culture, where employees are encouraged to make their own decisions. In such a company, job titles are not as important as creativity and teamwork.

explain the nature of organizational culture

organizational culture is the shared values and conventions of a group of people. in business this includes wearing professional clothing, leading and participating in staff meetings and brainstorming strategies

interpret and adapt to a business's culture

a business's culture is typically serious and professional, but companies often have special quirks and inside jokes that employees accustom to

explain the nature of positive customer relations

o "The customer is always right" & "Make it right" = look at it from the customer's point of view and empathize "I can't control ___, but I can control ____"

o believing that your customers: deserve the very best, are your employers, deserve your focused attention, have the right to expect things of me, and have important problems and complaints

o Steps: know what your customers consider to be good customer service; take the time to find out customers' expectations; follow up on both positive and negative feedback you receive; ensure that you consider customer service in all aspects of your business; continuously look for ways to improve the level of customer service you deliver.

demonstrate a customer-service mindset

o Culture- company, direction employees, treat customers, see company

o Employees- care committee = employees- community, environment, guest, employee's initiatives, meet monthly

o Warm cookies when check in

o "The little things mean everything" - what puts us overtop ie. Recognize birthday or anniversary, show you care, complimenting

o The customer is always right.

o You can afford to be generous.

o Every interaction is a moment to shine.

o Fostering positive customer interactions vs. negative

o View negative customer interactions as a way to identify customer's needs

o View your work through the eyes of the customer

develop rapport with customers

mutual friendliness,trust,interest in well being,customer preferences

reinforce service orientation through communication

concern for customers,enthusiasim

respond to customer inquiries

sense of urgency,customer=own problems,consistency,loyal customers,standards reflect image, employee responsiveness

adapt communication to the cultural and social differences among clients

overcoming language barriers,international business,neutral tone,target audience,technology(time zones),no politics

interpret business policies to customers/clients

employees learn how to interpret and explain corporate policy in a way that customers can appreciate and understand;use simple language, listen/sympathize

,explain (health hazard,nonrefundable)

build and maintain relationships with customers

dependable income,touch base frequently,-be prompt/ organized,respect/care -especially important with small businesses, communicate openly, honesty

handle difficult customers

Control yourself(don't argue),listen intently, show that you care,fix the problem

handle customer/client complaints

assess complaints,ask questions,record/ organize feedback,identify customer,DON't be passive,aggressive

identify company's brand promise

Statement made to customers to identify what they should expect out of a product/service

Also called a slogan (Save Money. Live Better. Walmart)

determine ways of reinforcing the company's image through employee performance

Employees should know their company's mission and vision an work in a way that demonstrates these.

discuss the nature of customer relationship management

Discuss the nature of customer relationship management.

Customer relationship management involves finding customers and keeping them satisfied through a variety of means. It is useful for developing and maintaining customer relationships. The sharing of customer information among businesses has led to privacy issues. The government has regulations protecting the privacy of consumers, including offering customers the option of being added to mailing lists.

explain the role of ethics in customer relationship management

o Building trust and loyalty is key

o Customer information is personal information and must be protected

o The company has a moral obligation to safeguard personal information collected from the customer

o The company often is legally culpable if information is mishandled or not properly protected

o Some customer information could be used to steal from the customer or impersonate him/her

Children's information often has legal restrictions concerning what can be collected and stored

o Security measures when handling credit card payments and information

o Customer data is stored in a secured manner that monitors when and who accesses the information

o There are secure levels of access so those that should not be able to see certain information can't

o Data is properly deleted when a customer leaves the CRM program

describe the use of technology in customer relationship management

o By gathering and organizing customer information: determine and fulfill its customers' needs and wants; identify the most profitable, loyal customers. After identifying these customers, the business may provide higher, better service to these customers to maintain their loyalty and increase their profitability

o Uses: Customer information; Employee information; Create reports on buying habits and trends; Track sales and create goals for the sales team

o Types of software:

Operational CRM - provide support to front office business processes such as sales personnel, marketing and service staff

Analytical CRM - Basically it evaluates the necessary customer data for a wide variety of reasons

o Types of data:

Contact data - ability to build stronger, longer lasting relationships with customers. Know what they "Like" on Facebook and who/what they're following on Twitter in addition to their personal data

Demographic data - income, zip code, etc.

Transactional data - what, when, where, and how much a customer bought

Relationship data - allows customer facing employees in such areas as sales, customer support, and marketing to make quick yet informed decisions on everything from cross-selling and upselling opportunities to target marketing strategies to competitive positioning tactics.

o Use for creating a view of the customer:

Software can be programmed to collect and display customer information in a way the works best for the employee

• A "dashboard" summarizes information so that a manager or employee can get pertinent information at a glance

• Employees can be taught to read standardized summary pages that give them the information needed to best approach the customer

CRM technology can present only the critical information for the particular customer and can be used to compare customers using like information

maintain appropriate personal appearance

Your personal appearance is someone's first impression of you.

- facial expression (eye contact, nodding, look understanding)

- clothes (appearance is a reflection of your own self-esteem and you should aim to present yourself to your best possible advantage)

- body language (gestures and mannerisms say more than words)

- personal hygiene

demonstrate systematic behavior

Demonstrating systematic behavior is immensely profitable in the workplace.

- plan out approach / know what you are going to do before you do it

- be productive

- stay organized and orderly

- act in a methodical manner

- will increase employee focus, efficiency and productivity, which will result in an increase in profits

set personal goals

- increases focus and motivation






balance personal and professional responsibilities

A lack of balance between personal and professional life could have a detrimental impact on you and the people in both aspects of your life.

- invest a reasonable amount of time in both

- create a schedule

- separate social media accounts

- avoid distractions

adhere to company protocols and policies

should be meticulously read and properly followed

follow rules of conduct

- direct appropriate, professional behavior

- should be meticulously read and properly understood/followed

follow chain of command

interns < associates < managers < senior managers < vice presidents < C-level executives

determine the nature of organizational goals

- 2 types: official (general and long term) vs operative (specific and short term steps)

should be:

- SMART (Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound)

- guide employee efforts

- clear and concise

- overall benefit the company as a whole / result in profit and success

ascertain employee's role in meeting organizational goals

When trying to meet an organizational goal, employees should be aware of their role in helping the business reach this goal.

- spread motivation / determination

- contribute and help others contribute

- give / receive feedback

explain the need for innovation skills

Employees that obtain strong innovation skills are an asset to any business.

- innovative employees increase productivity by creating and executing new processes

- new ideas may increase competitive advantage

- increased employee motivation, creativity, and autonomy

make decisions

The ability to make smart decisions is a key skill in the workplace, especially to be an effective leader.

- made to benefit the employees and company as a whole

- use intuition (gut feeling) and reasoning (facts)

- consider all factors

- consider possible outcomes

demonstrate problem solving skills

- focus on the solution, not the problem

- be optimistic / have an open mind

- think laterally (change your approach and look at things in a new way)

- use positive language (ex "what if..." "imagine if...")

- simplify things (generalize the problem)

demonstrate appropriate creativity

Appropriate creativity is a useful skill when you need to come up with a unique and effective strategy.

- ideas must have value / be appropriate to the cognitive demands of the situation

- be innovative / try new and different approaches

- write down brainstorm ideas

- communicate with others / get feedback

use time management skills

The ability to manage time well is imperative to obtain when working in a business environment.

- delegate tasks

- prioritize work

- avoid procrastination

- schedule tasks

- set deadlines

- start early

- avoid multi-tasking / learn to say "no"

assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business

- communication skills

- technology skills

- leadership

- creative and innovative

analyze employer expectations in the business environment

Employers expect a lot of things from their employees, including cooperation, initiative and a strong work ethic. Employees need to display a willingness to follow directions, to learn job tasks and skills

explain the rights of workers

- safe work environment (free of dangers and harassment)

- privacy

- not discriminated against

- fair pay and minimum wage

identify sources of career information

Information on possible careers can be found in a variety of easily accessible resources.

- friends/family

- Occupational Outlook Handbook

- counselors

- the Internet / LinkedIn

- career fairs/centers

identify tentative occupational interest

When determining what career you want to go into, it is critical that you identify your occupational interests and explore career possibilities.

Explore possibilities:

- take a career interest assessment / career exploration course to define interest

- meet with a Career Advisor to create a plan

Develop a Plan:

- develop tentative career goals and make a strategic plan to achieve those goals

- attend Job & Internship Fairs (to find out more about prospective careers)

explain employment opportunities in business

- variety of employment opportunities in business

- includes marketing, accounting, market research, sales, finance operations, business operations, human resource management, etc. in the fields of technology, hospitality, tourism, sports/entertainment etc.

explain career opportunities in entrepreneurship

- entrepreneurship gives you control of your future

- career opportunities in entrepreneurship include starting a restaurant, inn, travel agency, medical firm, accounting firm, etc.

utilize job search strategies

utilize = make practical and effective use of

- find a job in the most effective way

Jobs can be searched using:

- Internet

- Occupation Outlook Handbook

- LinkedIn (powerful tool, able to connect w/ people who interest you, connect w/ potential bosses)

- attend events (ex career fair to network w/ professionals)

complete a job application

job applications require applicants to fill in personal informational well as prior experience

interview for a job

An interview is a series of questions asked by a human resources employee to assess the competence of an employee to work in a certain position at a company.

write a follow up letter after job interviews

Follow-up letters should reinforce the applicant's interest in the company.

write a letter of application

letters of application are requests to apply for a job

prepare a resume

Résumés should include all prior experience and qualifications that support the candidate

use networking techniques to identify employment opportunities

Using effective networking techniques will help you to identify employment opportunities.

- go to events (ex meetings / charity events) and network

- interact with people / establish relationships with professionals

- exchange info/business cards and develop contacts

- exchange business cards

- maintain communication

describe techniques for obtaining work experience

- volunteer (non-profit organizations where you can can work experience)

- complete an internship (gain hands on experience doing the kind of work you would like to do)

- networking (great way to make professional connections that could lead to a first job)

- freelancing (prove that you can do the work before you are hired)

explain the need for ongoing education as a worker

- become more qualified

- can lead to opportunities for career advancement

- some professions require OE to remain licensed of certified

- boost confidence

explain possible advancement patterns for jobs

Associates can be promoted to managers who can be promoted to senior managers who can be promoted to vice presidents who can be promoted to C-level positions.

identify skills needed to enhance career progression

- emotionally intelligent

- productive, efficient, and effective

- technology skills

- communication skills

- leadership skills

- creative and innovative

utilize resources that can contribute to professional development

- make good use of resources = increase your success

- attending seminars

- participating in leadership development conferences

- internet resources (ex LinkedIn Learning Webinars)

identify sources that provide relevant, called written material

Apply the REVIEW concept to sources. R: Relevance, E: Expertise of Author, V: Viewpoint of Author/Organization, I: Intended Audience, E: Evidence, W: When Published.

extract relevant information from written materials

Extracting information while reading is a process that consists of three main activities: pre-reading,reading and review. Before you begin to read, determine what you need to know as a result of your reading. Scan the titles, headings, sub-headings, topic sentences and graphics to more efficiently gather and prioritize the information. Always pay close attention to introductions and summaries, as they will keep the information in context. During the pre-reading process, you may want to create your own table of contents based upon the information you are seeking. You can use this as a guide later as you read, and when you review, it can be used as a checklist so you can rest assured that you have covered everything. It helps if you know the terminology involved in the material before you actually start.

apply written directions to achieve tasks

Read all of the written instructions all the way through at least once.

Understand the written instructions. If you have a question reread the instructions or the part you do not understand. Comprehend what the instructions tell you to do. Do not start to follow the instructions until you are completely clear with them. If necessary, call the person who wrote the instructions and ask any questions you still have. Follow the written instructions. Perform each step of the instructions in the exact order written. For example if the instruction says "take pill 'a' with a full glass of water and then take two pill 'b' with orange juice", make sure you take pill "a" first. Keep the instructions with you as you follow them. Even if you think you will remember them, find and read the instructions. Follow the written instructions at the same time.

analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures

Review the policies and procedures related to the information system to see how well they are working. Identify any weaknesses. As technology changes so quickly, it is important to have the policies and procedures reflect that. If, for example, the policy and procedures manual states "All employees will back-up their files on Friday before they leave work," you may want to delete it in view of the automatic back. Solicit opinions from the information system stakeholders as to whether the policies and procedures work. Determine how they see the juxtaposition of the policies and procedures in relation to the information system. This data can be collected by sending an email survey or asking people is they think the system is working well. Schedule a general staff meeting to review the policies and procedures if employees don't think the existing ones are working properly. The more input you have for revisions to the policy and procedures for the information system, the more people will feel "ownership" about the process and adhere to the manual. Follow up on any changes or revisions to the policies and procedures for the information system with an email to all staff. This will make ensure everyone is aware of exactly what changes have been made, and how they can work with the alterations that will affect them.

explain communication techniques that support and encourage a speaker

active listening, taking notes, and nonverbal cues such as eye contact

follow oral directions

Maintain eye contact with the speaker. To follow oral directions you must carefully listen as the directions are presented. Look the speaker directly in the eye to keep yourself focused and listening throughout the time you are receiving the directions. Repeat the words the speaker is saying in your head. Listen actively with internal monologue. As you hear the directions, take them into your head and silently repeat them to yourself. By doing this, you internalize the directions you are receiving. Paraphrase any difficult to understand sections. If the direction giver uses language structures or vocabulary that confuse you, reword the complex sections in your head. By translating the directions into more comfortable language silently you can increase your likelihood of retaining the information. ng process, mentally review all of the steps given to ensure that you remember all of the orally presented directions. Review the mental list you created at the conclusion of the direction giving. Ask yourself if the steps seem logical. If not, you have likely skipped a step. Ask for clarification. If you don't understand something or you feel that you have forgotten part of the instructions, ask questions of the direction giver. By doing so before you begin the task you can avoid potential missteps or mistakes. Complete the described task. Move through your mentally prepared list of steps to complete the process as outlined in the orally presented directions.

demonstrate active listening skills

1. Face the speaker. Sit up straight or lean forward slightly to show your attentiveness through body language.

2. Maintain eye contact.

3. Minimize external distractions.

4. Respond appropriately to show that you understand. Murmur ("uh-huh" and "um-hmm") and nod. Raise your eyebrows. Say words such as "Really," "Interesting," as well as more direct prompts: "What did you do then?" and "What did she say?"

5. Focus solely on what the speaker is saying.

6. Minimize internal distractions.

7. Keep an open mind.

8. Avoid letting the speaker know how you handled a similar situation.

9. Even if the speaker is launching a complaint against you, wait until they finish to defend yourself. The speaker will feel as though their point had been made. They won't feel the need to repeat it, and you'll know the whole argument before you respond. Research shows that, on average, we can hear four times faster than we can talk, so we have the ability to sort ideas as they come in...and be ready for more.

10. Engage yourself. Ask questions for clarification, but, once again, wait until the speaker has finished. That way, you won't interrupt their train of thought. After you ask questions, paraphrase their point to make sure you didn't misunderstand. Start with: "So you're saying..."

explain the nature of effective verbal communications


Verbal communication can be classified into two types, interpersonal communication and public speaking. Examples of interpersonal communication, communication between two or more individuals, include talking with friends and having a family meeting. Important aspects to interpersonal communication include what you say and the atmosphere you're in, especially when making a first impression. Public speaking, a more formal version of verbal communication, involves speaking to a group of people. The purpose for public speaking can vary from sharing information to persuasion.


The language you use proves to be significant in the effectiveness of your verbal communication. Factors which affect the language you should use include profession and age.


Without showing proper communication etiquette, you run the risk of accidentally being disrespectful to somebody. The tone of interaction, formal or informal, dictates proper etiquette. F


Implementing verbal communication strategies can help improve the effectiveness of your communications. Strategies include knowing your listeners and using visual aids. Knowing who you're talking to gives you the opportunity to cater your message to others' needs.

Visual Aids

Visual aids can be used to supplement your verbal message. For example, you could use a slide show to help illustrate points you're making in a business presentation.


Supporting your message with research and statistics helps to increase your chances of effectively communicating.

ask relevant questions

Explain your misunderstanding.

State what you know.

State what you don't know.

Sound confident.

Speak as well as you can.

Always research first.

Keep calm.

Use the best spelling and grammar possible.

Think about what they said.

Ask for clarification when you need it.

interpret others' nonverbal cues

Notice overall signals. The way someone dresses and habits of grooming can convey clues about who they are, or how they wish to be perceived.

Pay attention to posture. This means more than just whether someone sits up straight. Leaning forward expresses interest in interacting with you. Turning away could mean that they do not want to continue the conversation.

Understand gestures. Some people pepper their conversation with hand motions to emphasize or enhance their verbal meaning. Gestures often convey the emotional intensity behind words.

Tune in to vocal tone. When a speaker's voice becomes high-pitched, it usually indicates excitement or other emotional intensity. Lowering the voice may mean that the speaker is trying to appear more authoritative or influence you as a listener.

Watch the expression. Movements of the face, especially the eyebrows, can tell you how someone is reacting to you.

provide legitimate responses to inquiries

-answer in a professional, friendly voice and state your role and company

-Listen carefully to what they have to say

-Use your knowledge,

-Thank them for their time

-gently take control of the conversation, keeping answers concise and focused on your product/service

give verbal directions

-tell them what you want them to do

-watch them do it

-correct them if they did something wrong

-give further instructions

employ communication styles appropriate to target audience

-youth- internet, social media

-older- literary materials (newspaper etc)

1) identify target audience

2) analyze message you want to communicate

3) calculate the cost

4) choose interactive channels if you want to monitor feedback

defend ideas objectively

-Defend yourself without being defensive

-Maintaining an even keel in the face of skepticism or even hostility

-Be prepared for criticism

-Consider who will say what and why.

-Develop comeback arguments to address concerns.

handle telephone calls in a businesslike manner

-respond with first name and company name

-polite, friendly tone

-have the information on hand to respond to inquiries

-keep discussion flowing, goal is to make a sale

-good manners

-proper grammar

-short and to the point

participate in group discussions

-maintain eye contact


-let other finish what they are saying

-take care of body language and cues

-exchange your views confidently when an opportunity comes to you

-disagree politely

-use simple vocab, no jargon, short and concise

1. Prepare

2. Listen

3. Don't dominate

4. Back up your points

5. Learn some useful phrases (in agreeing, disagreeing, etc.)

6. Be polite

7. Take notes

8. Speak clearly

9. Relax!

facilitate (lead) group discussions

bring up a problem or topic of casual conversation and initiate conversation

make oral presentations

-make sure you are well prepared, know your content

-watch language, keep it simple, emphasizing the key points by repeating them with different phrasing

-voice clear, words pronounced clearly

-don't rush, speak slowly and loudly

-good body language, stand up straight

-interact with audience, have questions and points for discussion ready for them

-open to questions, check if they are with you "Does that make sense"

utilize note-taking strategies

-don't record everything, listen for key points

-ask instructor to slow down if necessary

-seek further resources later on, as you cannot take notes on everything, or speak with instructor later

Ask yourself= what are the main points? What is informative? What is analytical? What is the lecturer's opinion

organize information

1. Inventory of current content

2. Establish a hierarchical outline of your content

3. Divided the content into their respective units

Various online programs for transactions, payroll, accounting and bookkeeping, contracts, corporate records, correspondence, employee records

select and use appropriate graphic aids

goal is to make the data stand out on the page, and do make the data support the main purpose of the document as clearly and strongly as possible

-we want the reader to grasp the speakers ideas and opinions from their words, and then turn to the graphics for support of those ideas and opinions, sending them back to the words, and so on

-graphics must be visible, must not be too detailed as attention must be on text

-Tables, Graphs and Charts, Photos, Drawings and diagrams

explain the nature of effective written communications

-writer must know their goal, their purpose and state it clearly

-tone is important

-explain in clear terms what you want them do to

-Use active language

-Good grammar

-use visual elements clearly


select and utilize appropriate formats for professional writing

-types of business writing formats: advertisements, emails, snail mail, manual writing, recommendations, proposals, papers, summaries, memo, business letters


-Memo: short documents that normally communicate basic info, such as deadlines within an individual office or company, can be informal

-Business Letters: formal documents, can be used to apply for jobs or deliver information, should be constructed in standard letter format

-Business plan: Define the work of an individual business or how it will operate, can also be a tool to request funding

-Business proposal: documents that present an idea or service as a solution for an identified problem, first define the problem and then explain your proposed solution

edit and revise written work consistent with professional standards

-consider after reading: is my purpose clear? Have I considered the questions and concerns of my audience? Have I written in a appropriate format? Have I included sufficient examples and supporting details?

-examine as a writer: that your intro and conclusion are appropriate, that your paragraphs flow and are organized

-after, check for run on sentences, overused words, spelling and typos

write professional e-mails

1. Open with a greeting

2. Thank the recipient

3. State your purpose

4. Closing remarks (thank you for your consideration)

5. Closing: best regards, sincerely, thank you

write business letters

-font such as arial or times new roman

-block paragraphing,

-company info


-add the recipients info= full name, title, company name, address


-tone should be brief and professional

-simple and short

-be courteous

-formal closing, ("sincerely", signature, name, title, contact info)

-enclosures if necessary

write informational messages

-know your topic well, consider your audience and your format

-keep it short and simple

-provide detail on topic

-be open to questions

-avoid errors

write inquiries

1. Adresss

2. Date

3. Opening greeting

4. Reason for writing

5. Questions asking for specific info

6. Request for extra info

7. Closing: request for a quick answer

8. Closing: greeting and signature

write persuasive messages

AIDA - message sequence that involves attention, interest, desire, and action

talk about the benefits of what you are trying to sell or say

write executive summaries

include a concise mission statement for its business type

provide your name and contact info

introduce the parts of your business plan ask for support

prepare simple written reports

documents which present focused, salient content to a specific audience

explain how digital communications exposes business to risk

digital communications can expose businesses to risk by allowing cyber-criminals access to private records and confidential information. A business's digital footprint can change its reputation

adapt written correspondence to targeted audiences

written correspondence should be written similarly to an oral presentation when directing it to a certain audience through methods such as humor and strong emotion

use data visualization techniques

data visualization is the presentation of data in a pictorial format such as charts, graphs, and maps. these can be used to organize information in a systematic manner

describe the impact of a person's social media brand on the achievement of organizational objectives

social media can improve the morale of the person while improving the public image of the brand

distinguish between using social media for business and personal purposes

social media can be used personally to communicate with friends and family, while professionally to promote products and events

explain the nature of staff communication

-determine if upwards, downwards, lateral, horizontal

-Be straightforward and encourage staff communication

-meet one on one

-group meetings to discuss goals, challenges or operating plan for the day

-group chat technology

-group document sharing technology

-emails and phone calls

-encourage feedback, reward feedback

choose and use appropriate channel for workplace communication

-formal communication channel= transmits organizational information, such as goals or policies and procedures.

-Messages in a formal communication channel follow a chain of command. This means that information flows from a manager to an employee.

-Examples of formal communication channels are newsletters, business plans, annual reports and employer manuals.

Informal=fall outside of the formal chain of command structure.

-Examples of informal communication channels are quality circles, teamwork and lunchtime in the cafeteria of an organization.

-Employees can still receive important organizational information but in a relaxed, informal atmosphere

Also Upwards, Downwards, Lateral, Horizontal

participate in a staff meeting

-be prepared and have an understanding of the agenda

-think before you speak

-contribute to the discussion, asking questions, making comments, or lending your support

-choose timing, don't be the first one, wait until you are confident and your input is needed

-don't dominate

-frame disagreements in a positive way

participate in problem-solving groups

development of solutions with input by the people who will be affected

maintain day-to-day content on social platforms

making sure content that needs to be posted to make it posted, make sure there are no errors

discuss the nature of law and sources of law in the United States

There are two kinds of law. One is based on Justice. The other is based on control. The predominant form in use today, and which has the greater ancient heritage, is the latter. It is the law of control, of raw power, of "might making right". It is retribution, instead of restoration. Consider our current body of laws. They define what is permissible and what isn't. The federal government creates laws in a variety of ways. The most common sources of federal law are statutes enacted by Congress, common law created by the federal courts, and regulations promulgated by the various executive departments and agencies.

describe the United States' judicial system

Depends on adversarial system of justice in which two different litigants present their case before a neutral party, allowing the judge or the jury to determine the truth.

describe methods used to protect intellectual property

Protect ideas w/ Trademarks, patents- no one can copy your idea

describe legal issues affecting businesses

Consumer protection, product safety. Zoning laws- protect real estate value. Public health. Licensing for service providers. Employee protection, minimum wage standards, equal opportunity employment, guidelines for workplace safety, the family and medical leave act. Environment laws. Maintaining competition.

identify the basic torts relating to business enterprises

Tort- pain from business, ex. Fraud. Basic torts- misrepresentation (lying about product), interfering with contract, interfering with competition

describe the nature of legally binding contacts

Important regarding lease agreements for the use of a physical location. As well as franchise agreements. With a contract each party is accountable to specific expectations

discuss the nature of debtor - creditor relationships

Two types of debt:

-Involuntary-arises by operation of law or judicial preceding.

-Voluntary-majority of detor-creditor relationships

-Loans, credit lines, use of credit cards are examples.

An example- When a person purchases a car and finances the cost. The purchaser is voluntarily incurring debt.

explain the nature of agency relationships

An agency relationship-The fiduciary relation which results from the manifestation of consent by one person to another that the one person shall act in his behalf and is subject to his control; and consent by the other so to act.

-Usually results to the following terms:

-Principle and agent

-Employer and employee

-Principle and Independent contractor

Some types of agency relationships:



-actual authority

-apparent authority


discuss the nature of environmental law

A legal forum for environmental and natural resources

discuss the role of administrative law

the body of law that regulates the operation and procedures of government agencies.

explain types of business ownership

sole proprietors - one person owning and operating a business

partnerships - legal business with two or more parties

corporations - legal entity with authority to act/have liability separate from owners

explain the nature of import/export law

A tax collected on imports and some exports by the customs authorities of a country. This tax is used to raise state revenue. It is based on the value of goods called ad valorem duty or the weight, dimensions, or other criteria of the item such as its size.

describe the nature of customs regulations

Customs- country sends products, has to go through certain regulations to ensure product is safe

explain the nature of regulations affecting the hospitality and tourism industry

there are a set of laws that regulate what can be put in a business

describe the rights of customers in the hospitality and tourism industry

Regulations are put in place to protect consumers' health and safety. All hospitality and travel-related

businesses must comply with state and local laws governing fire, safety and health standards.

explain the nature of and scope of channel management

-Channel members (anyone involved in channel management) help store, distribute, and sell a business' products

-intermediaries allow for greater efficiency for a firm/product's availability to consumers

**a channel is effective when members are assigned task they can do best, when they cooperate to achieve channel goals

explain the relationship between customer service and channel management

-maintain good customer service by delivering products in a timely manner, communicating effectively

-business must have the correct shipping info, correct products, friendly employees, must handle/solve customer complaints

explain the nature of channels of distribution

The path a product take from its producer to the final destination

-either direct or indirect

-How can we best reach the target market? Where will customer go to buy product or service?

**ex.) wholesalers, retailers (outlets), online channels

-exclusive distribution, selective distribution, intensive distribution

describe the use of technology in the channel management function

-businesses can use online channels of distribution (e-commerce)

-satellite tracking allows distributor to know where product is (package's bar code is scanned a transition points on its route)

-problems: need to update systems, systems must be compatible between businesses/countries

explain legal considerations in channel management


-ethics: knowing what is right/what isn't; set of rules/standards that govern the conduct of (members of) a profession/business

-ethical guidelines are put in place to avoid conflict

-poor ethics while marketing/distributing a product--->weak customer loyalty and legal conflicts

-must communicate effectively with stakeholders (channel partners, vendors, parents company, etc.)


-direct marketing is very controversial, especially when approaches are not asked for

-ex.) electronic spam/telemarketing can stretch the borders of ethics and legality

describe ethical considerations in channel management

The American Marketing Association lists the following as responsibilities in channel management: not manipulating the availability of a product for purpose of exploitation, not using coercion, and exerting undue influence over the reseller's decision to handle the product.

coordinate channel management with other marketing activities

-dominant members of channel often control the channel itself

-all must communicate to make choices that will affect promotion, selling, marketing, pricing (minimizing costs), etc.

explain the nature of channel-member relationships


explain the nature of positive customer relations

o "The customer is always right" & "Make it right" = look at it from the customer's point of view and empathize "I can't control ___, but I can control ____"

o believing that your customers: deserve the very best, are your employers, deserve your focused attention, have the right to expect things of me, and have important problems and complaints

o Steps: know what your customers consider to be good customer service; take the time to find out customers' expectations; follow up on both positive and negative feedback you receive; ensure that you consider customer service in all aspects of your business; continuously look for ways to improve the level of customer service you deliver.

demonstrate a customer-service mindset

o Culture- company, direction employees, treat customers, see company

o Employees- care committee = employees- community, environment, guest, employee's initiatives, meet monthly

o Warm cookies when check in

o "The little things mean everything" - what puts us overtop ie. Recognize birthday or anniversary, show you care, complimenting

o The customer is always right.

o You can afford to be generous.

o Every interaction is a moment to shine.

o Fostering positive customer interactions vs. negative

o View negative customer interactions as a way to identify customer's needs

o View your work through the eyes of the customer

develop rapport with customers

mutual friendliness,trust,interest in well being,customer preferences

reinforce service orientation through communication

concern for customers,enthusiasim

respond to customer inquiries

sense of urgency,customer=own problems,consistency,loyal customers,standards reflect image, employee responsiveness

adapt communication to the cultural and social differences among clients

overcoming language barriers,international business,neutral tone,target audience,technology(time zones),no politics

interpret business policies to customers/clients

employees learn how to interpret and explain corporate policy in a way that customers can appreciate and understand;use simple language, listen/sympathize

,explain (health hazard,nonrefundable)

build and maintain relationships with customers

dependable income,touch base frequently,-be prompt/ organized,respect/care -especially important with small businesses, communicate openly, honesty

handle difficult customers

Control yourself(don't argue),listen intently, show that you care,fix the problem

handle customer/client complaints

assess complaints,ask questions,record/ organize feedback,identify customer,DON't be passive,aggressive

identify company's brand promise

Statement made to customers to identify what they should expect out of a product/service

Also called a slogan (Save Money. Live Better. Walmart)

determine ways of reinforcing the company's image through employee performance

Employees should know their company's mission and vision an work in a way that demonstrates these.

discuss the nature of customer relationship management

Discuss the nature of customer relationship management.

Customer relationship management involves finding customers and keeping them satisfied through a variety of means. It is useful for developing and maintaining customer relationships. The sharing of customer information among businesses has led to privacy issues. The government has regulations protecting the privacy of consumers, including offering customers the option of being added to mailing lists.

explain the role of ethics in customer relationship management

o Building trust and loyalty is key

o Customer information is personal information and must be protected

o The company has a moral obligation to safeguard personal information collected from the customer

o The company often is legally culpable if information is mishandled or not properly protected

o Some customer information could be used to steal from the customer or impersonate him/her

Children's information often has legal restrictions concerning what can be collected and stored

o Security measures when handling credit card payments and information

o Customer data is stored in a secured manner that monitors when and who accesses the information

o There are secure levels of access so those that should not be able to see certain information can't

o Data is properly deleted when a customer leaves the CRM program

describe the use of technology in customer relationship management

o By gathering and organizing customer information: determine and fulfill its customers' needs and wants; identify the most profitable, loyal customers. After identifying these customers, the business may provide higher, better service to these customers to maintain their loyalty and increase their profitability

o Uses: Customer information; Employee information; Create reports on buying habits and trends; Track sales and create goals for the sales team

o Types of software:

Operational CRM - provide support to front office business processes such as sales personnel, marketing and service staff

Analytical CRM - Basically it evaluates the necessary customer data for a wide variety of reasons

o Types of data:

Contact data - ability to build stronger, longer lasting relationships with customers. Know what they "Like" on Facebook and who/what they're following on Twitter in addition to their personal data

Demographic data - income, zip code, etc.

Transactional data - what, when, where, and how much a customer bought

Relationship data - allows customer facing employees in such areas as sales, customer support, and marketing to make quick yet informed decisions on everything from cross-selling and upselling opportunities to target marketing strategies to competitive positioning tactics.

o Use for creating a view of the customer:

Software can be programmed to collect and display customer information in a way the works best for the employee

• A "dashboard" summarizes information so that a manager or employee can get pertinent information at a glance

• Employees can be taught to read standardized summary pages that give them the information needed to best approach the customer

CRM technology can present only the critical information for the particular customer and can be used to compare customers using like information

explain the concept of marketing strategies

Is a process or model to allow a company or organization to focus limited resources on the best opportunities to increase sales and thereby achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

explain the concept of market and market indetification

A market is a group of consumers who have a common interest, need or want of a given good or service. This group of consumers also must be able to purchase the product. Identifying a market is an important activity in marketing as products will not appeal to everyone. Marketers identify markets' common interests by classifying consumer's demographic, geographic and psychographic information. Examples of this information include age, income, education, zip code, buying behavior, and leisure activities.

explain the nature of marketing plans

A marketing plan is a business document written for the purpose of

describing the current market position of a business and its marketing strategy for the period covered by the marketing plan. This could take years.

explain the role of situation analysis in the marketing planning process

Situation analysis is an integral part of marketing. The situation

analysis refers to the combined external and internal factors that are related to marketing decisions. One relationship of situation analysis in marketing is its use in finding out what the company is all about. If a company can accurately define itself and what it stands for, then it has a better chance of devising an effective marketing strategy based on its core values and beliefs.

explain the nature of sales forecasts

Based on sales data, trends, and marketing surveys, projections are

made on the levels of sales revenue.

explain marketing and its importance in a global economy

To remain competitive, companies must often market their product to the entire world, instead of just a small group

The product, price, placement, or promotion of a product or service will vary across the world

By marketing globally, companies like Coca-Cola and Starbucks are known and trusted worldwide

describe marketing functions and related activities

Distribution, Product/Service Management, Selling, Promotion, Marketing-Information Management,


explain factors that influence customer/client/business buying behavior

The process that customers use to decide what they will buy, where they will buy it, and from whom they will buy it.

discuss actions employees can take to achieve the company's desired results

To help achieve a company's desired results, employees should look at long term goals outlined in the company's strategic plan. The employee should see which activities they perform that can contribute to the achievement of the goals set forth by the organization.

demonstrate connections between company actions and results

Company actions that affect consumers include: advertising, pricing, product mix, supply of goods, sales and promotions, product development and improvement, product safety, payment options, etc.

Company actions that affect the competition include: advertising, pricing, product mix, supply of goods, sales and promotions, distribution methods and locations, etc.

Company actions that affect employees include: the use of technology in production and record keeping, managerial ethics, human resources management, production planning and scheduling, risk management, investing, etc.

Other actions to be considered include company actions that affect things like the environment, the global economy, etc.

differentiate between service marketing and product marketing

service marketing - might include the process of selling telecommunications, health treatment, financial, hospitality, car rental, air travel, and professional services

explain the nature of hospitality and tourism marketing

marketing is the process for getting a company's product or service out to consumers. Hospitality marketing takes a look at how segments of the hospitality industry, such as hotels, restaurants, resorts and amusement parks, utilize marketing techniques to promote their products or services

explain the concept of price in the hospitality and tourism industry

price depends on the situation how much a product will cost, to how much it cost to make

explain the nature and scope of the pricing function

Value of money placed on a product or service. Being able to sell and also make a profit

describe the role of business ethics in pricing

Ethical practices as it relates to pricing include understanding price fixing, price discrimination, and unit pricing. Price fixing happens when competitors agree to sell their product at a certain price. Price discrimination occurs when different customers in similar situations are charged different prices. Unit measure lets consumers determine the unit cost of items. All these situations require a business to make fair decisions for the consumer and not work with other businesses to take advantage of the market.

explain the use of technology in the pricing function

Technology allows marketers access to a wealth of information that can affect the price of a product using both internal data and competitor data in the marketplace. Technology can provide real-time prices to consumers online or by scanning bar codes in retail stores. Retailers can also change prices for products using technology effectively.

explain legal considerations for pricing

Pricing decisions are impacted by the Robinson-Patman Act (1936), the Consumer Goods Pricing Act (1975), Federal Trade Commission guidelines and minimum price laws (these vary by state). The Robinson-Patman Act regulates businesses ability to change prices on consumers purchasing similar products in similar situations. The Consumer Goods Pricing Act controls the pricing relationship between manufacturers and retailers.

explain the nature and scope of distribution

channels of distribution - the path a product takes from its producer or manufacturer to the final user

explain the concept of place (distribution) in the hospitality and tourism industry

it is the location of where a business will be located and if it is located near places of its distribution of products

explain the relationship between customer service and distribution

the way you treat customers is very important and especially when distributing items for example by mail and its important to get the customers order done correctly before it gets shipped

discuss the nature of human resources management

The main duties involved in human resources management include recruiting, hiring, orientation and training, scheduling, handling employee complaints, assessing performance, discipline, and termination. Recruiting is the process of locating a pool of job applicants and selecting potential employees from this pool. The hiring process involves interviewing, background checks, and pre-employment testing. Orientation and training programs can be formal or informal, depending on the business. Employee complaints and grievances vary widely, but all should be taken seriously and confidentially. Employee evaluation is usually done annually, and it enables management to develop better, more productive workers. Handling discipline takes two forms: preventative and corrective. Termination is based on poor performance or bad behavior.

explain the role of ethics in human resources management

An ethics policy for employees may discuss working hours, wages and benefits. incentives, flexibility, safety and health issues, and termination procedures. Ethical operations will maintain fairness and safety for all employees and customers, be open and up-front about their policies, and handle problems promptly and equitably. Train your employees in safety and emergency procedures, then reinforce the training with signage in the workspace. Ethical behavior must be maintained in employee evaluation, as well as when giving consideration for promotions, transfers, and bonuses.

describe the use of technology in human resources management

Technology is used more and more in the area of recruiting and hiring employees. Effective sources for locating prospective employees now include Internet career services and company websites. Many companies ask applicants to fill out an application online or at a computer terminal at the company's location. New employee orientation also makes use of technology for job training and disseminating company policies. Payroll functions are automated in many companies.

orient new employees

this is teaching new employees the rules the company has and what they should be wearing and how to properly greet customers

explain the nature of operations

Operations can be defined as the daily activities that provide successful outputs for the business. Some common types of operations are facility management, logistics, scheduling, information management and safety and security.

discuss the role of ethics in operations

Ethical considerations include those that deal with employees and those that deal with customers. An ethics policy for employees may discuss working hours, overtime pay, flexibility, safety, and health issues. Regarding customers, operational ethics deals with product and consumer safety, credit concerns, delivery policies, hours of operation, customer service policies, and return policies. Ethical operations will maintain fairness and safety for all employees and customers, be open and up-front about their policies, and handle problems promptly and equitably.

describe the use of technology in operations

A variety of computer applications assist businesses in their operations. Word processing programs allow you to develop reports, letters, and announcements. Database programs enable you to maintain customer lists and catalog inventory records. Spreadsheet software helps you analyze financial data and track business performance. Uses for desktop publishing programs include creating layouts for forms, advertisements, and product manuals. Presentation software assists you in delivering visual and verbal information for meetings.

The Internet has become an integral part of the business world. Companies use websites for promotion and as a way to stay connected with their customers. Web-page editing software enables you to create and maintain a website. Communications software allows you to communicate electronically with others around the globe through computers and videoconferencing.

describe health and safety regulations in business

Businesses must adhere to health and safety regulations established by the U.S. Department of Labor. Workplace safety regulations are enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) through inspections and fines. Employers must maintain health and safety records and provide safety training. They must stay up- to-date on OSHA standards and resolve violations promptly.

report noncompliance with business health and safety regulations

need to do this to maintain safe work environment and protect other workers

follow instructions for use of equipment, tools, and machinery

Need to totally adhere to safety procedure rules (especially important when working with dangerous equipment)

also need to know rules that specific equipment have

follow safety precautions

Understand what safety precautions are warning against, preventative maintenance (regular inspection for equipment, can expand equipment life) corrective maintenance (AKA repairing equipment

maintain a safe work environment

Confined spaces: make note of confined spaces, regulate air quality, give them proper ventilation, prevent authorized entires

Maintaining safe atmosphere: regulate air temp., provide water and other stuff necessary for safety

Injury/illness: prevent illnesses by providing soap for washing and hiring cleaners to clean the workspaces; working surfaces have to be flat and infrastructure natural disaster safe to prevent injury

explain procedures for handling accidents

Immediately make sure if everyone is alright, call 911 ASAP, report and record incident, take steps to make sure the incident never happens again

handle and report emergency situations

Call 911, first thing, in order to get trained medical responders with tools

explain routine security precautions

add safeguards to make sure criminals can't get their hands on confidential info

conduct background checks on employees and borrowers

install security cameras and sensors

lock down the building as you leave

follow established security procedures/policies

ensure that employees know all security procedures and policies and are actually following security procedures, but they have to apply rules on their own in their own areas

employees who don't follow security rules should be considered liabilities

protect company information and intangibles

protect customer info/records by using passwords and restricting file access

use trademarks to defend company/brand names and protect them

use patents/copyrighting materials to protect written material, ideas, and inventions

explain information privacy, security, and confidentiality considerations in business

information should always be encrypted and secure from cybercriminals and should not be disclosed without authorization

maintain data security

auditing, both by people in company and uninvolved third parties

backing up and regularly archiving information

access control: restrict and maintain access levels in workplace; make your password systems as dastardly as you can (regularly change, put password lists in encryption, use auto-changing random passwords)

physical security - protect important info from physical damage

update info as much as possible

explain the nature of project management

project management is the concept of leaders and employees handling a task including the design, development, marketing, and sales of a product

identify resources needed for project

resources for a project include capital, time and labor

develop project plan

project plans should include monetary expenditures, time constraints and any criteria

apply project-management tools to monitor and communicate project progress

project progress should be tracked by project managers and communicated to higher level managers to develop marketing strategies

evaluate project results

project feedback can be collected from a group of consumers or evaluated by employees of the company

explain the nature of scope and purchasing

customers purchase goods and services from a company anywhere locally, regionally, domestically, or internationally

place orders/reorders

Each company should have a purchasing policy for placing orders and reorders that answer the following questions:

Which person or groups of people in the company have the authority to manage/place the orders?

What is the vendor's policy on which kinds of information are confidential?

What is the vendor's legal policy regarding ordering and reordering?

maintain inventory of supplies

Inventory management is the process of buying and storing materials and products and maintaining the optimum number or amount of each item

Just-in-time inventory systems coordinate the demand and supply for parts and supplies, delivering them just before they are needed.

A perpetual inventory sys tem constantly keeps track of the number of items in inventory, and can be done manually or by computer.

In a physical inventory system, supplies are counted only occasionally by visual inspection. This can be done manually or through the use of technology, such as bar code scanners.

Inventory shrinkage: loss of inventory (shoplifting, breakage, poor recordkeeping)

discuss the importance of utilizing ethical purchasing methods

debts should always be paid on time when purchasing a product. Although one can declare bankruptcy, this has devastating consequences on the individual and the business

explain the impact of the purchasing process on productivity

the formal process of buying goods and/or services can increase productivity as when the company profits, employees are more likely to be motivated

manage the bid process in purchasing

when a customer buys good, services, or the initial public offering (IPO) of stock, the bid process can be used to offer the product to the one with the best price

select vendors

vendors should be chosen based on merit at selling products to consumers

evaluate vendor performance

vendor performance can be evaluated through a measure of sales

explain the concept of production

production is the concept of designing, developing and manufacturing a product it is one of the functions of marketing

identify quality-control measures

what you do to ensure what you are providing customer is quality

utilize quality control methods at work

double checking work, quality leaders

describe crucial elements of a quality culture

A quality control program is a set of measures built into the production process to ensure products/services meet certain standards and performance requirements. Standards can be set for product appearance, performance, and consistency. Two key elements ensure a quality culture. A quality circle is a small group of employees doing similar jobs who meet regularly to identify the quality of their work. They can serve as a way to motivate employees, and give employees a vested interest in the company's success. Product inspection is another way to control quality. A quality culture can encourage a team spirit among employees as well as lead to greater profits from the sale of higher quality goods and services.

explain the nature of overhead/operating costs

cost business has to operate, electricity, insurance, heat

explain employee's role in expense control

every employee has the power to be more productive and decrease the expenses for the company (more labor in less time for the same amount of money)

comply with policies and procedures for use of property and equipment

all policies and procedures should be meticulously read and clearly understood by all employees

explain the concept of supply chain

Supply chain management(scm) is the streamlining of a business' supply-side activities to maximize customer value, to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, to develop and implement efficient/economical supply chains

explain the benefits of supply chain collaboration

supply chain collaborators can work together as designers and manufacturers product the commodity while marketing specialists and vendors distribute and sell the commodity

practice safe and sanitary handling/disposal of wastes/recyclables

employees should wash hands whenever they finish the restroom, when they get a cut, whenever they pick up something from the ground

this is to help stop spreading germs

handle emergency situations in hospitality and tourism

if there ever were an emergency check on the person and call 911 if necessary make sure to follow protocol

explain security considerations in the hospitality and tourism industry

Protecting national security is important, as well as protecting the health and safety of travelers. The travel

industry and the government try to work closely to make rules and regulations that are beneficial to both.

Security measures usually include the following:

• Sanitation rules and regulations

• Passenger and luggage screening

discuss employee security issues in the hospitality and tourism

make sure employees have an identification card that way an imposter can be easily spotted

explain procedures for handling robbery situations

follow protocol and remain calm, make sure to remember who the robber look like so that you can report it to the police

track invoices

make sure you are paying for what you bought

describe the nature of legal procedure

A court hears and determines what happens in a civil lawsuit, ensures fair and consistent application of due process
