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4.2.1d - The Psychodynamic Approach

Tuesday 7th May ‘24

Freud was interested in how unconscious, biological drives and desires influence our conscious mind and behaviour. In my view, he could have been interested in the driving force for physiological processes occuring.

What are the components of the tripartite personality?

  • The id - primitive part of personaliy which operates on the pleasure principle; the id gets what it wants, a seething mass of unconscious drives and instincts.

  • The ego - works on the reality principle and is the mediator between the other two parts of the personality.  The ego develops around the age of two years and its role is to reduce the conflict between the demands of the Id and the Superego.  It manages this by employing a number of defence mechanisms.

  • The superego - formed at the end of the phallic stage, around the age of five.  It is our internalised sense of right and wrongBased on the morality principle it represents the child’s same-gender parent and punishes the ego from wrongdoing (through guilt).


How is the phallic stage (3-6 years) seen through males and females?

  • Superego also develops.

  • Oedipus complex

    • Father is threat and rival.

    • Castration anxiety.

    • Identifies with father.

    • Adopts male identity and role.

  • Electra complex

    • Mother is threat and rival.

    • Penis envy.

    • Sees himself and mother as powerless.

    • Converts desire for penis into desire for baby.

    • Identifies with mother and adopts female role.

How can I evaluate the Little Hans case study?

4.2.1d - The Psychodynamic Approach

Tuesday 7th May ‘24

Freud was interested in how unconscious, biological drives and desires influence our conscious mind and behaviour. In my view, he could have been interested in the driving force for physiological processes occuring.

What are the components of the tripartite personality?

  • The id - primitive part of personaliy which operates on the pleasure principle; the id gets what it wants, a seething mass of unconscious drives and instincts.

  • The ego - works on the reality principle and is the mediator between the other two parts of the personality.  The ego develops around the age of two years and its role is to reduce the conflict between the demands of the Id and the Superego.  It manages this by employing a number of defence mechanisms.

  • The superego - formed at the end of the phallic stage, around the age of five.  It is our internalised sense of right and wrongBased on the morality principle it represents the child’s same-gender parent and punishes the ego from wrongdoing (through guilt).


How is the phallic stage (3-6 years) seen through males and females?

  • Superego also develops.

  • Oedipus complex

    • Father is threat and rival.

    • Castration anxiety.

    • Identifies with father.

    • Adopts male identity and role.

  • Electra complex

    • Mother is threat and rival.

    • Penis envy.

    • Sees himself and mother as powerless.

    • Converts desire for penis into desire for baby.

    • Identifies with mother and adopts female role.

How can I evaluate the Little Hans case study?