What factors delayed French efforts in colonization? What changed that encouraged those efforts?
French monarchs were dealing with both foreign wars and internal problems within their country, which delayed their effects in colonization because they were more focused on their own problems. When the crown issued the Edict of Nantes, it granted toleration to protestants and tensions within the country went away, and they could now prioritize colonizing the New World.
What were the economic and religious pursuits in New France?
New France used beaver fur for trade, and they mostly depended on the natives to trade with because they weren’t able to establish many colonies in the New World. However, the colonies they did establish were exclusively Catholic. So, French Protestants were not allowed to migrate to the new colonies, and French Jesuit missionaries are sought to convert Natives to Catholicism.
How and why did the Spanish push farther into North America?
The Spanish pushed farther into North America to convert, profit, and conquer. The New World had many goods like, gold, silver, pearls, and natural resources. They did this by establishing New Mexico and Santa Fe which gave them a gateway to North America.
What factors delayed English efforts in colonizing the New World? What changed that encouraged these efforts?
England had religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants, which started the Protestant Reformation. Eventually, Protestantism became the dominant religion. The defeat of the Spanish Armada increased England’s spirit. Along with increased spirits, there was a surplus of population, younger sons without inheritance, economic depression, and a rise of forbidden Puritanism. This would cause more people to travel to America.
Describe the early years in Jamestown. What struggles did the settlers face? What allowed them to survive?
The early years in Jamestown were disastrous. About a hundred setters disembarked to Jamestown. Of those settlers, forty died on the voyage, dozens died from disease, malnutrition, and starvation. About sixty people survived these first years. They survived because John Smith took leadership.
How was New Netherland similar to or different from French and English colonies in North America?
Like New England, New Netherland had much colonial power. Unlike New France and New England, New Netherland allowed religious toleration, free speech, and democratic practices.
How did the arrival of competing European powers change the lives of the Indians they encountered?
Europeans introduced many new things to the Natives like horses, disease, advanced technology, slavery, and trade. The introduction of diseases altered the Natives the most because it killed much of their population. They were, in some cases, also being used as slaves and when they died out, Europeans started getting African slaves. However, for the Natives that did survive, the new things they were introduced to revolutionized them. For example, horses quickened the process of hunting and became a part of their culture.