Gen Bio

Biology - is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms.

Glass - invention of romans in the 1st century

Eye glass - invention of romans in the 13th century

Compound microscope - invention of Zacharias and Hans Jansen in the 16th century

1665 - when did Robert Hooke discovered the cell?

High specs single lens microscope - invention of Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek in 1932

Lentil - lens is derived from what latin word?

Robert Hooke - discovered small compartments of cellula

Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek - discovered egg cells, sperm cells, and cell fertilization

Matthias Jakob Schleiden - botanist who concluded that cell is the basic unit of life

Theodore Schwann - zoologist who concluded that cell is the basic unit of life

Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow - noticed organ and tissue diseases came from affected cells and stated that cells arise from pre existing cells

Robert Remak - Jewish scientist in 1855 proving the idea of cell division by hardening a cell membrane

The spontaneous generation theory - archaic theory stating that living organisms develop from non living matter

Francesco Redi - experimented on 3 jars, disproved sg theory

John Needham - boiled chicken broth, believed sg theory is real

Lazzaro Spallanzani - disproved John Needham,

Louis Pasteur - experimented on s shaped flask

The Cell - basic unit of life

Cell membrane - also called plasma membrane, responsible for in and outside of the cell

Cytoplasm - gelatinous that holds materials

Centrioles - barrel like, located in the cyplasm, and acts like a structure

Nucleus - control center

nucleolus - largest structure in the nucleus, site of ribosomes

Ribosomes - Protein synthesis

Endoplasmic Reticulum - protein folding and transportation system

Golgi Bodies - packages protein before transportation

Lysosomes - breakdown proteins

Mitochondria - powerhouse of the cell and the source of chemical energy

Cell wall - structural layer outside the cell

Flagella - tail like, motile

Cilia - absent in bacteria and archaea

Chitin - exoskeleton, protection to fragile bodies

Root Hair - absorbs nutrients from the outside

Chloroplast - sunlight to energy, contains chlorophyll

Vacuole - maintain water balance in plants, store waste products in animal cells

Prokaryote - simple organisms, mostly unicellular, no true nucleus

Prokaryotic Cells - developed 3.5 billion yrs ago

Eukaryote - larger and more complex structural components, uni or multi cellular, contain membrane bound organelles.

Unicellular - asexual method of reproduction, Phagocytosis Nutrition

Multicellular - examples are plants and animals, undergoes cell division, capable of nutrition and digestion
