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US history

Why were the Spanish exploring?

  • Gold

  • Glory

  • God

Why were the English Colonizing?

  • to send criminals(Georgia)

  • religious freedom(god)

  • military power(glory)

  • economic benefit(god)


  • Founded in 1607(to make money)

  • leader is John Smith

  • located at Chesapeake Bay, Virginia

  • government-house of Burgesses, 1619


  • Founded in 1620 by Separatists(pilgrims) for religious freedom

  • located at Cape Cod, Massachusetts

  • government-mayflower compact 1620(social contract)

  • self-government-direct democracy(town meetings)

US history

Why were the Spanish exploring?

  • Gold

  • Glory

  • God

Why were the English Colonizing?

  • to send criminals(Georgia)

  • religious freedom(god)

  • military power(glory)

  • economic benefit(god)


  • Founded in 1607(to make money)

  • leader is John Smith

  • located at Chesapeake Bay, Virginia

  • government-house of Burgesses, 1619


  • Founded in 1620 by Separatists(pilgrims) for religious freedom

  • located at Cape Cod, Massachusetts

  • government-mayflower compact 1620(social contract)

  • self-government-direct democracy(town meetings)