P1 (1491-1697) Context
Ancestors of Native Americans 10,000-40,000 years ago : Ice Age Many may have crossed the ice bridge to America Over a thousand tears, many groups migrated and covered two continents Hunter-gatherers
Similarities and Differences Sedentary Groups |
Meso-America Central America and Mexico
Olmec (5th-6th century B.C.)
Maya (14-13th century A.D.) Advanced mathematicians Came up with a calendar Pyramids and human sacrifices Constant warfare (contributed to their demise/fall) Complex social structures
Aztecs (12th century) One of the greatest empire Built Tenochtitlan Thrived in agriculture, dominated groups around them, demanded tributes Last emperor : Montezuma II Met the Spanish Sacrificed around 10,000 people Failure to please the gods made him vulnerable Conquered by Hernan Cortes in 1521
Inca Empire |
Northern American Civilizations
European Exploration
Contextualization 15th century Europe Unification of many countries Pursuit of wealth combined with technology led to exploration Europe is emerging out of a plague at this time
European Exploration Turks controlled the path to Asia across the Mediterranean Sea Religiously tolerant, yet had a tax for the People of the Book Europeans wanted to find a way to make money, not spend money-> led to the west
Technology Portugal (15th Century) Spain (15th Century) Conquistadors Spanish Hierarchy in America (in order) Encomienda System Spanish are allowed to enslave NA’s and take their land How could they do this? Completely altered South, Central America, and Mexico Language, religion, hierarchy, diet, appearances
Led to the Columbian Exchange
Columbian Exchange Exchange of food, culture disease, people, technology, plants, and animals from America to the rest of the world and vice versa Examples of exchange Pigs E-A Cows E-A Maize A-W Wheels E-A Horses E-A Benefit to NA Hunting for buffalos (herding) Other NA civilization becoming dominant Changed culture (hunter-gatherers)
Natives were pushed west and people joined different civilizations to survive Led to cultures falling down Florida, Southwest, and Southeast dominated by Europeans
Why did European requisition of land end around 1540?
Continuity |
French Settlement (New France in NW)
Samuel de Champlain Crossed Atlantic, landed in the Northeast of America Found Quebec in 1608 Expanded through the Great Lakes Incentive: fur trade expansion to Europe Alliances were built, especially with the Hurons Never sent big populations but controlled large areas
Geography Ohio Valley, Great Lakes, Mississippi River to New Orleans Claimed Louisiana in 1680s after Louis XIV
Early English Settlement
Henry VIII Broke with the Catholic Church in 1527 Goal : divorce with Catherine for a heir Established the Church of England (Anglican)
James I Took over After Tudor in 1603-1628 Stuart Dynasty Son of Mary Queen of Scots Also James VI of Scotland Raised as a Protestant Allowed joint-stock companies to sponsor trips to America/Virginia Incentive: wealth Charters granted to companies Transferred England Liberty and Laws to America Beginning of self-government