Apush Units 3-4

Mercantilism & Navigation Acts


1) A system in which colonies provide raw materials to its mother country in order to profit from that country’s industry.

2) The Navigation Acts dictated the rules of trade between Great Britain and its colonies.

3) The rules of trade were rarely enforced by the British crown, allowing for a policy of Salutary Neglect to develop by the end of the 1600s.

John Locke; Enlightenment


1) This was a philosophical and cultural movement in Europe.

2) This English philosopher believed in natural rights which greatly influenced American revolutionaries.

3) The ideas of the movement emphasized reason and science as opposed to blind faith and religion.

French & Indian War


1) Colonial war between British colonies and colonies of New France who were supported by Native American allies.

2) Ended with British supremacy of North America and opened the Ohio valley to the American colonies.

3) Led to the end of Salutary Neglect, as the British government became more interested in the colonies.

Albany Plan of Union


1.) Developed by Benjamin Franklin at the beginning of the French and Indian War, this proposed plan would have created an inner-colonial government among the 13 colonies and a system for recruiting troops and collecting taxes for their defense.

2.) The plan came about after the British government called for representatives from the 13 colonies to meet in Albany, NY. The British government was hoping to gather representatives from the colonies to foster colonial unity and also convince the Iroquois to continue their support of the British during the French and Indian War.

3.) The 13 Colonies never adopted the plan because they feared giving any of their powers. The plan is still important though because it previewed future colonial cooperation and set a precedent for future congresses during the American Revolution.

Pontiac’s Rebellion


1) An uprising of Native American allies in the aftermath of the French and Indian War.

2) In response, the British create the Proclamation of 1763, limiting colonial expansion west of the Appalachian mountains.

3) Contributed to ending the policy of Salutary Neglect leading to road to revolution.

Quartering Act of 1765

1) British Act that required the colonies to provide food, drink, quarters, fuel, and transportation to British soldiers.

2) The law was created to help provide necessities to the large number of British soldiers who remained in the colonies following the French and Indian War and Pontiac's Rebellion.

3) The colonists resented the presence of British soldiers and saw the law as a violation of their rights. Some colonies, such as New York, refused to enforce it.

Stamp Act


1) A tax on all printed materials that was the first direct tax on the American colonies by British parliament.

2) British government needed to raise revenue to pay their debts from the French and Indian War as well as help pay for British troops stationed in American colonies.

3) It was eventually repealed as a result of colonial boycotts of British goods.

Sons of Liberty


1) Secret organization created by Samuel Adams to fight the Stamp Act.

2) After the repeal of the Stamp Act, they represented any opposition to future British taxes and pushed for independence.

3) Their motto "No taxation without representation" became a rallying cry of revolution.

Townshend Acts


1) Act passed by Parliament that levied taxes on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea. The tax was a duty or indirect tax collected on goods as they entered colonial ports by British officials. The act also gave officials the power to search private homes for smuggled goods known as a writ of assistance.

2) The money raised by the Townshend Acts would be used to pay the salaries of colonial governors and judges, previously paid by colonial legislatures. To many suspicious colonists, this was an attempt by the British government to remove their political power.

3) These Acts led to more colonial protests and boycotts of British goods. John Dickinson argued in his Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer that the British government could not levy any kind of tax on the colonies without the consent of the local representative assemblies.

Boston Massacre


1) A small group of British soldiers were being harassed by Bostonians who hated their presence.

2) The soldiers fired shots into the crowd killing five colonists.

3) This event was used as propaganda by Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty to rile up the colonies against British government.

Coercive Acts


1) Also known as the “Intolerable acts” they were punitive laws passed by British parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party.

2) The British Parliament hope to make an example of Massachusetts to the other 12 colonies.

3) Instead it led to the First Continental Congress and the colonies becoming more unified in their response to Britain.

Second Continental Congress


1.) Representative body of delegates from all thirteen colonies. The group drafted the Declaration of Independence and managed the colonial war effort during the American Revolution.

2) The group was first assembled after fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord. Delegates met in Philadelphia, where they tried to address the growing tensions with Great Britain.

3) George Washington was named Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. The delegates also voted to send an "Olive Branch Petition" to King George III in which they asked the king to acknowledge colonial rights and liberties in exchange for peace. This petition angered the king, furthering the course of the war.

Common Sense


1) This was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine.

2) It circulated in the colonies, advocating for colonial independence from Great Britain.

3) Based on the principles of the Enlightenment, it argued that an island should not rule a large continent.

Declaration of Independence


1) This was written by Thomas Jefferson.

2) It outlined specific grievances that the colonists had with King George III.

3) Heavily influenced by John Locke and the Enlightenment, it argued that all men are entitled to inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Treaty of Paris


1) This was created after the British defeat at Yorktown.

2) It was the conclusion to the American Revolution, and recognized the United States as an independent nation.

3) It dictated that the Mississippi River was the western boundary of the U.S., doubling the size of the colonies.

Republican Motherhood

(Late 1700s)

1) Belief that women had an important role in the new government of the United States by protecting morality and nurturing civic virtue in their husbands and children.

2) Led to an increased role for women in the United States, because it encouraged women to get an education.

3) Women became more political during the American Revolution, serving as nurses, cooks, running family farms, and even sometimes posing as soldiers. These political roles led to a focus on developing republican ideals in their children when the war was over.

Articles of Confederation


1) First constitution of the United States, which was created during the Revolutionary war.

2) The central government was intentionally very weak and had very few powers: it had no army, could not tax, could not regulate trade, and lacked a federal court system.

3) The weaknesses in the government created major economic problems and led to turmoil such as Shays’ Rebellion.

Northwest Ordinance


1) Organized the Northwest territory for government and future statehood.

2) Granted freedom of religion, banned slavery, and provided for public education in the territory.

3) One of the only major accomplishments of Congress under the Articles of Confederation.

Three-fifths Compromise


1) This addition to the constitution stated that each slave would count as 3/5 of a person when determining total population.

2) This population count was used to determine taxation and representation in Congress.

3) This was meant to serve as a compromise between northern and southern states while creating the Constitution, which would not have been ratified without this compromise.

Federalist Papers


1) A series of essays written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton.

2) The purpose of the essays was to convince Americans to ratify the Constitution.

3) There were 85 essays that advocated for the creation of a strong central government.

Proclamation of Neutrality


1) A formal declaration by George Washington, who publicly declared neutrality in conflicts between Great Britain and France.

2) Washington was concerned about the new nation’s ability to handle foreign conflicts.

3) This caused political division, resulting in Jefferson’s resignation from the cabinet.

Shays’ Rebellion


1) This uprising was caused by Massachusetts farmers who were upset over high taxes and imprisonment over debt.

2) Many of the farmers had fought in the American Revolution and stopped the collection of taxes by the Massachusetts government.

3) This demonstrated a weakness in the Articles of Confederation, as only the state militia was able to stop the uprising, and as a result, it eventually helped lead to the Constitutional Convention.

Benjamin Franklin


1) American public official, writer, scientist, and printer, who promoted freedom of the press. After the success of his "Poor Richard's Almanac", he entered politics and played a major part in the American Revolution.

2) He embodied the ideas of the Enlightenment with its emphasis on philosophy and scientific reasoning. His numerous scientific and practical innovations include the lightning rod, bifocal spectacles, and a stove.

3) Developed the Albany Plan of Union in 1754, which proposed an intercolonial government, and systems for recruiting troops and collecting taxes. During the American Revolution, he negotiated French support for the colonists, signed the Treaty of Paris, and later helped draft the Constitution.

Bill of Rights


1) First ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which attempted to establish key rights for individuals and reserve to the states all powers not explicitly delegated or prohibited by the Constitution.

2) One of the biggest critiques by the Anti-Federalists was that the proposed constitution contained no protection of people's individual rights. The Federalists persuaded key states such as Virginia to support the U.S. Constitution by promising to add a bill of rights after the new government was ratified.

3) Written by James Madison this document safeguards some of the most important individual rights, including freedom of religion, speech, and the press; the right to bear arms and to be tried by a jury; and the right to assemble peacefully.

Whiskey Rebellion


1) Alexander Hamilton introduced excise taxes on goods such as whiskey as part of his financial plan.

2) Western Pennsylvania farmers rejected the tax on distilled grains.

3) Washington sent troops to stop the protests, demonstrating the power of the new federal government under the U.S. Constitution.

Treaty of Greenville


1) As settlers began moving west and encroaching on native lands, violence broke out.

2) The native tribes were supplied by the British, but the Americans defeated the native confederation at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

3) The natives gave up the Ohio Territory, which was open to U.S. settlement.

Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan


1) Goal was to stabilize the U.S. economy after the Articles of Confederation

2) Consisted of a national bank, tariff and federal government’s assumption of state debt

3) Thomas Jefferson and other states’ rights advocates were against this and worried it only benefited the wealthy and gave too much power to federal government

Federalist party


1) One of the first political parties that was led by Alexander Hamilton

2) Believed in a national bank, tariffs, loose interpretation of Constitution, and pro-British foreign policy

3) Supported by the wealthy and business owners, especially in the North



1) One of the first political parties that was led by Thomas Jefferson

2) Believed in strict interpretation of Constitution, pro-French foreign policy, and were highly Anti-national bank and tariff

3) Supported by small farmers, especially in the South

Washington’s Farewell Address


1) Set precedent for serving maximum of two terms as president

2) Warned against getting involved in European affairs and forming alliances (continued neutrality in foreign affairs)

3) Warned against forming political parties (but advice was too late)

Alien & Sedition Acts


1) Passed by President John Adams

2) Allowed the president to deport any foreigner deemed dangerous and made it illegal to speak out against the president

3) Passed as a means for the president to reassert control in response to growing demands to go to war against France

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions


1) Written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in response to Alien & Sedition Acts

2) Argued that states could nullify federal law

3) Only adopted by two states but raised question of how much power states should have versus federal government

Abigail Adams


1) The wife of John Adams and the mother of future president John Quincy Adams. She served as the first lady of the United States from 1797-1801.

2) Often separated from her husband due to his work with the American Revolution, like many women of the day, she oversaw the family's household and raised 4 children on her own. Despite being away for her husband, she maintained constant correspondence (letters) with her husband and other revolutionary figures such as Thomas Jefferson.

3) She was a strong advocate for women's rights, female education, and the abolition of slavery. While women did not gain equality as a result of the American Revolution, the development of Republican Motherhood, allowed more educational opportunities for women in early America.

Phillis Wheatley


1.) First African American female writer and enslaved person to be published in the United States. Her book "Poems on Various Subjects" was published in 1773, pioneered African-American literature.

2.) Born in West Africa (Senegal), she was kidnapped at the age of 7 and brought to Boston as part of the Middle Passage. She worked for the Wheatley family, who encouraged her poetry.

3.) Wheatley often wrote about the new republic, covering topics such as the Stamp Act. She also wrote patriotic poems about George Washington AND George Whitefield.

Barbary Pirates


1) The name given to several renegade countries on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa who demanded money in exchange for refraining from attacking ships in the Mediterranean. From 1795-1801, the U.S. paid the Barbary states for protection against the pirates.

2) President Jefferson stopped paying the money, and the U.S. fought the Tripolitan War (1801-1805) against the countries of Tripoli and Algeria.

3) After years of intermittent fighting, a peace agreement was reached in 1805, and the U.S. gained some respect from foreign nations.

Louisiana Purchase


1) The purchase of a large tract of land from Napoleon and the French for 15 million dollars after their failure to control Haiti during the Haitian Revolution.

2) Doubled the size of the United States, and Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the newly acquired land.

3) Thomas Jefferson struggled with the decision, because it conflicted with his strict interpretation of the Constitution. However, he went through with it because the additional land would help him achieve his goal of a nation of small yeoman farmers.

Marbury v. Madison


1) The Supreme Court decision that established the principle of judicial review.

2) Ruling was made by John Marshall, who was a Federalist and wanted to increase the power of the central government and the judicial branch.

3) Established the Constitution as actual law rather than a simple set of political principles, and it further defined the concept of the three branches of government by separating the executive and judicial branches of government.

Lewis and Clark Expedition


1.) Thomas Jefferson, who is considered to be the first westard expansion President, sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to investigate the resources the U.S. had acquired with the Louisiana Purchase.

2.) They crossed the Rockies and reached the Pacific Ocean by way of the Columbia River. They recorded the types of wildlife, plants, and number of Indian tribes. Their expedition contributed significant geographic and scientific knowledge of the West, helped expand the fur trade within the United States, and gave America claims to lands in the Pacific Northwest (the Oregon Territory).

3.) The men relied on the help of a Shoshone Native American woman named Sacagawea, who served as an interpreter and valuable resource navigating the land.

Embargo Act


1) A general restriction of trade with all nations enacted during the Napoleonic Wars.

2) Was passed as a reaction to impressment by French and British ships and as a way to preserve U.S. neutrality.

3) The act undermined national unity and led to a severe decline in the American economy before its repeal, especially in the North where trade was a primary source of revenue.

War Hawks


1) Democratic-Republican Congressmen who pressed James Madison to declare war on Britain.

2) Largely drawn from the South and West, these congressmen resented British constraints on American trade (impressment) and accused the British of supporting Indian attacks against American settlements on the frontier.

3) Led by Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Felix Grundy. They beleived a war with Great Britain could lead to the acquistion of new territory for the United States.

War of 1812


1) Conflict between the US and Britain during the period of the Napoleonic Wars over the issue of impressment and control of lands on America's western frontier.

2) Pushed for by southern and western congressmen known as Warhawks that saw an opportunity to expand into Canada and increase America's prestige.

3) Ended by the Treaty of Ghent before the main victory in New Orleans that led to an increase in national pride and a period of national unity.

Hartford Convention


1) Event at which New England Federalists met to discuss their grievances concerning the ongoing War of 1812. The Federalists resented the strength of Southern and Western interests in the federal government.

2) Discussed removing the 3/5 Compromise, criticized Louisiana Purchase and Embargo Act, and wanted to limit presidential terms.

3) Led to the collapse of the Federalist Party, especially after New England states considered seceding from the union.


(Early 1800s)

1) Shawnee warrior and chief who became the leader of a multi-tribal confederacy who fought against the US for control of land in the Ohio River Valley.

2) While he was absent recruiting, his brother lost the Battle of Tippecanoe in the Indiana territory in 1811.

3) Sided with the British in the War of 1812 and was killed- ending the native american alliance and their resistance to American settlement of the Northwest Territory.

Treaty of Ghent


1.) The official peace treaty that ended the War of 1812.

2.) The treaty halted fighting and territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.

3.) While the treaty never addressed the original issues that began the conflict (i.e. impressment), it did mark the beginning or a rise in nationalism within the United States. After re-affirming their independence from Great Britain, Americans were now prepared to begin creating their own culture and economy separate from Great Britain.

Market Revolution

(Early 1800s)

1) Creation of a national economy as people begin to produce surpluses of goods to sell to new markets outside of their local area.

2) Earliest factories begin to form, especially in the North which turn southern cotton into textiles.

3) This was spurred by advancements in transportation such as canals, railroads, and turnpikes that allowed people to transport their goods further distances.

Cotton Gin


1) Eli Whitney’s machine that quickly separates fibers from their seeds increasing production and making cotton a major cash crop.

2) This led to an increase in demand for slaves and slavery becoming entrenched in the South, eventually dividing the country in the Civil War.

3) As a result of this invention, the South dramatically increased production of cotton and the North’s textile industry was bolstered.

Interchangeable Parts


1) First invented by Eli Whitney as a way to easily manufacture firearms.

2) Was applied to other products, allowing for mass production of goods during Market Revolution.

3) Created a further separation between the Southern agricultural economy and the growing Northern industrial economy.

Robert Fulton


1) Engineer and inventor who created the first commercially successful steamboat.

2) The Clermont (the first steamboat) proved the viability of steam powered propulsion and increased transportation mobility in US.

3) Major impact on river traffic and trade in the United States, which allowed people to send goods further distances in less time.

Lowell System


1) Revolutionary factory system that organized the production of goods under one roof, essentially ending the "putting-out" system.

2) Factories were located in Massachusetts because they required fast moving rivers to help power the machinery.

3) This allowed primarily young women the opportunity to work in the textile industry and have their housing provided. Many women were from farming backgrounds, looking to make money for their families back home.

Henry Clay’s American System


1) This was proposed to increase economic independence and promote American industry after the War of 1812.

2) It called for an increase in protective tariffs and the establishment of the Second National Bank of the United States.

3) The tariffs would then be used to finance internal improvements, such as roads and canals.

Missouri Compromise


1) This was meant to keep the balance of senators from slave and free states.

2) Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state.

3) Law prohibited slavery north of the 36° 30´ latitude line, and created intense feelings of sectionalism between the North and South over the expansion of slavery.

Monroe Doctrine


1) This foreign policy initiative was meant to keep European powers out of the western hemisphere, stating that the U.S. was the sole protective power of all countries in North and South America.

2) The policy was supported by the British government who also didn't want other European countries in the western hemisphere.

3) While it was proposed at the time to promote American neutrality, future presidents used this policy to justify imperial claims in the western hemisphere.

Erie Canal


1) This was built in New York by many Irish immigrants.

2)This linked western farms with eastern cities through the Great Lakes.

3) This led to improved transportation, which resulted in lower food costs and more settlement in the west.

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad


1) This was the first commercial rail line that linked the East coast with the Midwest.

2) This gradually began to replace canals as the major system of transportation.

3) This led to more lines being built, which led to an increased transport of goods and people across the country.

McCormick's Mechanical Reaper


1) This allowed farmers to harvest wheat more efficiently.

2) Farmers were able to sell more wheat as a result.

3) This allowed for the creation of larger corporate farms out West. As a result, western states like Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio became major food producers for the country.

Irish Potato Famine


1) This led to a destruction of crops and mass starvation.

2) As a result, over two million immigrants came to the U.S.

3) Lacking farming skills, they settled in major cities like New York and Boston and faced heavy discrimination.

German Revolution


1) This was a series of protests in which people fought for basic freedoms, such as freedom of the press, assembly, and advocated for a representative government.

2) As a result, many fled to the U.S. and settled in mostly Midwestern cities.

3) Many immigrants found success in farming.

Universal white male suffrage


1) This began in Western states such as Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri and then spread elsewhere.

2) This removed the religious and property qualifications for voting.

3) As a result, voter participation dramatically increased.

King Caucus


1) Up until 1820, presidential candidates were nominated by state legislatures or by closed-door meetings of a political party's leaders in Congress.

2) In the 1830's, this was replaced by nominating conventions.

3) The shift to nominating conventions allowed for more people to participate in the political process and was an example of the expansion of democracy that was occurring during this era.

Spoils System


1) Method of filling government positions with officials that were loyal to the new administration.

2) Policy endorsed by Andrew Jackson, who argued that it allowed for new people to participate in government.

3) Policy represents Jackson's belief in the "Common Man" because he believed any person was capable of filling any position.

Whig Party


1) Political group that was created in opposition to Andrew Jackson and was led by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster.

2) Favored pro-business policies and supported Clay's American System, especially protective tariffs and the Second National Bank of the United States. As a result, most of their support came from Northern business owners.

3) Favored more power to the central government in order to protect American manufacturing and the rule of law.

Trail of Tears


1) Refers to the forced migration of Cherokee Indians from Georgia to present-day Oklahoma. As a result, about 4,000 Cherokee (¼ of the tribe) died on this journey due to hunger, disease, and exhaustion.

2) This event resulted from the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which gave the government the power to remove Native American tribes east of the Mississippi to lands in the West.

3) Native Americans initially protested this action and were supported by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Worchester v. Georgia, but President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce the court’s decision.

Jackson’s Bank veto


1) Caused by the President’s belief that the national bank was unconstitutional and only benefited the wealthy.

2) Henry Clay disagreed with this action.

3) This led to the President transferring federal funds to various “pet banks” and ultimately contributed to a financial panic.

Tariff of 1828


1) This put an increased tax on imports in order to protect American industry in the North.

2) Demonstrates a growing sectionalism in America over economic policies. While Northerners supported it, Southerners were angered that the price of goods has risen, and they labeled this “abominable” (horrible).

3) John C. Calhoun protested against this and threatened to nullify it, leading to the Nullification Crisis.

Nullification crisis


1) John C. Calhoun of South Carolina caused this by suggesting that states could void federal laws they disagree with.

2) Although President Andrew Jackson was a supporter of states’ rights, he sided with the federal government in this case and made South Carolina adhere to the tariff by threatening it with the Force Act.

3) This set the stage for future debates over states’ rights and the power of the federal government.

Second Great Awakening


1) This was a religious revival that began in the “burnt over district” of upstate New York by ministers such as Charles Finney.

2) It created more divisions in American religious sects (increased religious diversity).

3) It led to a significant increase in social reform movements such as the abolitionist movement, asylum movement, temperance movement, and women's suffrage. These movements emphasized morality as well as human perfectionism, which is the idea that individuals and society were capable of improvement.

King Cotton


1) Phrase used by Southerners in the early 1800s to describe the economic importance of cotton to the southern economy.

2) As a result of the cotton gin, cotton overtook tobacco as the main cash crop of the South, making up more than half of the total exports of the U.S.

3) The growth of cotton led to an increased reliance on slavery in the southern states before the Civil War.

John C. Calhoun


1) South Carolina politician and leader of the Democratic Party who served as Vice-President, Secretary of State, and a member of the Senate.

2) Strongly advocated for states’ rights, nullification, and slavery.

3) Argued that slavery was a “positive good” that morally improved the lives of those who were enslaved.

Cult of domesticity


1) Philosophy that emphasized “separate spheres” between the genders where men were responsible for work and politics while women remained in the home.

2) Philosophy emerged during the time of the Market Revolution and discouraged women from taking wage labor jobs.

3) Was most prominent among white, Protestant, upper class families in the Northeast.

American Temperance Society


1) Reform organization that was created in opposition to the consumption of alcohol.

2) The group originally persuaded drinkers to take a pledge of abstinence; however, as time went on, they began to push for the prohibition of alcohol.

3) Founded by ministers, it was concerned about the impact of alcohol on the morality of American society.

Nat Turner’s rebellion


1) Most important slave uprising in 19th century America, led by a slave preacher, who with his followers, killed about sixty white persons in Southampton County, Virginia.

2) Led to a large debate within Virginia over the future of slavery, and the pro-slavery side won.

3) As a result, the Virginia government created harsher slave laws, which made it illegal to teach reading and writing to slaves and banned slaves from gathering in groups for religious purposes without a white minister present.

William Lloyd Garrison


1) Radical abolitionist who believed that all slaves should be immediately emancipated without any compensation to the slave owners.

2) Founded the Liberator newspaper, which helped spread the ideas of abolition before the Civil War.

3) One of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society, which viewed slavery as morally wrong and a corrupt institution within America.

Frederick Douglass


1) Escaped slave who became a leading advocate for abolition.

2) Wrote and published The North Star as well as an autobiography that detailed the horrors and immorality of slavery.

3) As the only African American to attend the Seneca Falls Convention, he was also a strong advocate for women’s rights prior to the Civil War.

Oneida Community


1) Religious, Utopian community that was formed in New York.

2) Practiced free love and communalism, where members shared property and personal possessions.

3) The Utopian community collapsed by the late-1800s and became a joint-stock company in 1881, which still produces silverware today.

Seneca Falls Convention


1) As the first women’s rights convention in the United States, it launched the movement for women’s suffrage.

2) Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, who had met as part of the abolitionist movement.

3) Resulted in the Declaration of Sentiments, which was modeled after the Declaration of Independence and called for equality for women.

Second Middle Passage


1) Internal slave trade in which slaves on old tobacco plantations in Virginia and North Carolina were sold "down the river" to areas in the Deep South.

2) Resulted from the U.S. Congress outlawing the international slave trade in 1807.

3) Over 800,000 slaves were sold to the Deep South between 1820 and 1860, concentrating slavery in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, a region that became known as the Black Belt.

Charles Ball


1) Born into slavery in Maryland in 1781. He was sent into the Deep South in 1806 via the Second Middle Passage, where he worked on cotton plantations in South Carolina and Georgia. He later escaped back to the North in 1810.

2) He served in the U.S. Navy during the War of 1812 as a free man, and after the war he remained in Baltimore, purchasing land and building a home for himself and his family.

3) In 1830, he was kidnapped and sold back into slavery in Georgia. He escaped again and returned to his home in Maryland to find that his wife and children had also been kidnapped and sold into slavery. He then settled in Pennsylvania where he published his autobiography.

Dorothea Dix

(1820s and 1830s)

1.) Former school teacher from Massachusetts who was horrified by conditions in mental hospitals and prisons.

2.) Major reformer who was part of the Asylum Movement, which resulted from the Second Great Awakening. She publicized the horrible treatment and conditions in the mental hospitals and advocated for the moral treatment of patients and inmates.

3.) Her campaign led to new hospitals being built and better treatment for patients and inmates.

Horace Mann


1.) Reformer during Second Great Awakening and Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education; Known as the "Father of the public school system" and advocated for public school reform.

2.) Set the standard for public schools throughout the nation; lengthened academic year; supported training & higher salaries to teachers.

3.) Middle class reformers became concerned with the growing number of both immigrant and native-born Americans without access to a proper education.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


1.) American transcendentalist author during the Second Great Awakening.

2.) The transcendentalist movement included writers and philosophers who believed in self-reliance, the importance of nature, the goodness of humanity, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience. Transcendentalist writings were a direct response to the Market Revolution.

3.) Emerson becomes an important voice in the 1840s, speaking out against the Mexican-American War and slavery.
