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midterm review 


  • Civic humanism = setting people up to be political figures

  • secularism = seperation of church and state

  • patronage = rich person paying artist

    • know that the main patronage of the renaissance is the catholic church

know one artist from Northern and Italian:

  • leonardo - italy

  • Albrecht durer - northern

architecture = greco roman

sculptures = naked

painting = oil based paints and linear perspective + geometry

Francis Petrarch - father of humanism

Machiavelli - the Prince = ends justify the means, be feared more than loved

Lorenzo Valla = context for protestant ref, pope doesn’t have real power because the Donation of Constantine was forgery

Christain humanism - how to reform the church (protestant ref context/extra info)

Erasmus = using sarcasm to criticze

Thomas More = criticizing government of England by writing utopia (protestant ref /constitutionalism context)

Renaissance saw growth of secondary education w/ emphasis

only education for rich women = tutors

education for regular women = learning how to be a good wife

Printing press = major invention

  • increase literacy

  • spread of information

  • connect to Enlightenment + protestant ref

writers start to use vernacular language = more people are able to read

race = not based on skin color, but based on ethnic, national, religious identities


social classes = based on birth state (family name)

women = have no rights

Christine de Pisan = womens rights (connect mary wollstonecraft / enlightenment)

new monarchs = kings and queens that are acting more absolutist (what Machiavelli was wanting)

  • supress aristocrats

  • strenghten economy

  • build permenant army

main new monarchs spain = Ferdinand and Isabella

  • their marriage conencts two big states in Spain

  • get control over catholic church in country

  • get rid of muslims and Jews → hurts the middle class big time

  • reconquista = take over Muslim land back

  • inquisition = religious court that forces non-christians out of their country


The Age of Exploration (1450-1650) began during the Renaissance. Extension of Renaissance curiosity.

The Scientific Revolution (1540-1690) had its roots in the Renaissance. Again, Renaissance curiosity. Copernicus (1473-1543) fits squarely into the Renaissance era, and in fact he did study abroad at Italian universities.

Skepticism of the Catholic Church appeared well before the Protestant Reformation, which also began during the Renaissance. Individuals like Erasmus (N. Renaissance guy) appear as precursors to Luther.


protesting and trying to reform the catholic church


  • pluralism - having more than one job

  • absenteeism - you have more than one job and haven’t even big to them

  • simony - selling jobs

  • nepotism - giving jobs to family

  • indulgences = remission of sins in return for money

know Luther!!!!!!!

  • priesthood of believers

  • 95 thesis = his arguments that the catholic church has gone astray

  • salvation is free through faith not by good works

  • faith alone, grace alone, scripture alone

  • diet of worms = hes called to denounce his ideas

  • excommunicated by the popes

  • saved by his friend Frederick

  • German peasants war - luther initially supports peasants overthrowing but then takes it back because he is being protected by a Germanic noble

  • ideas spread through vernacular and printing press

  • Peace of Augsburg - every HRE state much choose between Catholicism Lutheranism

  • the only way to get to heaven is through belief in God

  • religious authority comes through bible not church

  • read the bible for yourself

  • the church is a spiritual thing not a physical thing

  • Luther celebrated marriage - women’s jobs were to support husbands

  • women and men are spiritually equal not politically equal

  • divorce is allowed but rare

  • closed brothels

know Calvinist!!!

  • combined church and state

  • fight for your rights

  • predestination - you get to heaven or hell before you are born

  • elect - people are elected to go to heaven

  • france = huguenots

  • english - puritans

Henry VIII = English Reformation

  • he wants annulment of marriage with Catherine of Aragon because she didn’t bear a son and wants to marry Anne Boleyn → pope wouldn’t grant annulment

  • Supremacy Act - head of anglican church

  • Bloody Mary = Henry VIII’s daughter who forces England to be catholic

  • Elizabeth I - politique protestant but allows private worship of any

  • Elizibeathan settlement = practice religion in your own home

  • anglican church = no pope, and divorce

Catholic refomation

  • Council of trent - they decide what they need to chagne and what they do not

    • maintain doctrine (traditions)

    • indulgences restricted

  • New reliigous orders: jesuits and Ursulines - both emphasized education of the clergy

  • index of prohitibed books - censorship of certain book especially luther (connection back to enlightenment)

French civil wars:

  • causes - religious division between hugeunots and catholics (king is like 11 and catholic)

  • king is being controlled by Catherine Medici

  • St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre - the night before marriage of Henry Navarre into French throne there is a protestant assasination, the protestants blame the catholics, mother of king pressures the king to massarce the protestants to cover up the assassination.

  • War of three henrys - Henry IV (navarre) wins

  • Henry Navarre is a politique because he converts to catholicism for the good of France

  • Henry IV passes Edict of nantes (religious toleration for huguenots

Dutch Revolt:

  • they want Independence from Spain

  • they want to trade with anyone they want

  • Nothern of provinces gain independcen from Spain

  • Ultrecht - divides spanish netherlends (north gets independence south stays under spain)

Thirty Years war:

causes: habsubrgs having too much power (political) catholic vs protestant (religious)

  • four phases

  • Bohemia phase 1:

    • defenestration of prague - catholic ambassadors are thrown out a window into manuer

    • the new prince of bohemia is catholic but the people of bohemia are protestant

    • the leader tries to force the people to be catholic

    • a war starts because of defenestatrion of Prague

    • catholics win

  • danish phase 2:

    • king of Denmark sees the conflict going on and brings an army to bohemia to fight against catholics

      • fails miserably + catholics win again

    • catholic army is being led by a mercenary = Wallenstein

    • Wallenstein wins phase 2 (catholics win)

    • Edict of Restitution because the Catholics win - catholic church gets back land from protestants

  • swedish phase 3:

    • leader of swedish = Gustavus Adolphus (military leader)

    • Protestants win under aldlophus for the first time ever

    • french gov is paying the swedish to fight because they want to weaken habsburgs

  • French phase 4:

    • stop paying swedish to fight and decide to fight habsburgs themselves

    • French people are fighting against catholics (EVEN THO THEY ARE CATHOLIC)

    • Richeliue becomes a politique because he fights against the catholic people even though he’s catholic

    • PROTESTANTS ULTIMATELY WIN and habsbrugs win

  • Peace of Westphalia:

    • independence of HRE and dutch

    • there is basically no more HRE, they practically lose their power

    • instead of the choice between just Lutheran and Catholics you can also be Calvinist (Huguenot)


midterm review 


  • Civic humanism = setting people up to be political figures

  • secularism = seperation of church and state

  • patronage = rich person paying artist

    • know that the main patronage of the renaissance is the catholic church

know one artist from Northern and Italian:

  • leonardo - italy

  • Albrecht durer - northern

architecture = greco roman

sculptures = naked

painting = oil based paints and linear perspective + geometry

Francis Petrarch - father of humanism

Machiavelli - the Prince = ends justify the means, be feared more than loved

Lorenzo Valla = context for protestant ref, pope doesn’t have real power because the Donation of Constantine was forgery

Christain humanism - how to reform the church (protestant ref context/extra info)

Erasmus = using sarcasm to criticze

Thomas More = criticizing government of England by writing utopia (protestant ref /constitutionalism context)

Renaissance saw growth of secondary education w/ emphasis

only education for rich women = tutors

education for regular women = learning how to be a good wife

Printing press = major invention

  • increase literacy

  • spread of information

  • connect to Enlightenment + protestant ref

writers start to use vernacular language = more people are able to read

race = not based on skin color, but based on ethnic, national, religious identities


social classes = based on birth state (family name)

women = have no rights

Christine de Pisan = womens rights (connect mary wollstonecraft / enlightenment)

new monarchs = kings and queens that are acting more absolutist (what Machiavelli was wanting)

  • supress aristocrats

  • strenghten economy

  • build permenant army

main new monarchs spain = Ferdinand and Isabella

  • their marriage conencts two big states in Spain

  • get control over catholic church in country

  • get rid of muslims and Jews → hurts the middle class big time

  • reconquista = take over Muslim land back

  • inquisition = religious court that forces non-christians out of their country


The Age of Exploration (1450-1650) began during the Renaissance. Extension of Renaissance curiosity.

The Scientific Revolution (1540-1690) had its roots in the Renaissance. Again, Renaissance curiosity. Copernicus (1473-1543) fits squarely into the Renaissance era, and in fact he did study abroad at Italian universities.

Skepticism of the Catholic Church appeared well before the Protestant Reformation, which also began during the Renaissance. Individuals like Erasmus (N. Renaissance guy) appear as precursors to Luther.


protesting and trying to reform the catholic church


  • pluralism - having more than one job

  • absenteeism - you have more than one job and haven’t even big to them

  • simony - selling jobs

  • nepotism - giving jobs to family

  • indulgences = remission of sins in return for money

know Luther!!!!!!!

  • priesthood of believers

  • 95 thesis = his arguments that the catholic church has gone astray

  • salvation is free through faith not by good works

  • faith alone, grace alone, scripture alone

  • diet of worms = hes called to denounce his ideas

  • excommunicated by the popes

  • saved by his friend Frederick

  • German peasants war - luther initially supports peasants overthrowing but then takes it back because he is being protected by a Germanic noble

  • ideas spread through vernacular and printing press

  • Peace of Augsburg - every HRE state much choose between Catholicism Lutheranism

  • the only way to get to heaven is through belief in God

  • religious authority comes through bible not church

  • read the bible for yourself

  • the church is a spiritual thing not a physical thing

  • Luther celebrated marriage - women’s jobs were to support husbands

  • women and men are spiritually equal not politically equal

  • divorce is allowed but rare

  • closed brothels

know Calvinist!!!

  • combined church and state

  • fight for your rights

  • predestination - you get to heaven or hell before you are born

  • elect - people are elected to go to heaven

  • france = huguenots

  • english - puritans

Henry VIII = English Reformation

  • he wants annulment of marriage with Catherine of Aragon because she didn’t bear a son and wants to marry Anne Boleyn → pope wouldn’t grant annulment

  • Supremacy Act - head of anglican church

  • Bloody Mary = Henry VIII’s daughter who forces England to be catholic

  • Elizabeth I - politique protestant but allows private worship of any

  • Elizibeathan settlement = practice religion in your own home

  • anglican church = no pope, and divorce

Catholic refomation

  • Council of trent - they decide what they need to chagne and what they do not

    • maintain doctrine (traditions)

    • indulgences restricted

  • New reliigous orders: jesuits and Ursulines - both emphasized education of the clergy

  • index of prohitibed books - censorship of certain book especially luther (connection back to enlightenment)

French civil wars:

  • causes - religious division between hugeunots and catholics (king is like 11 and catholic)

  • king is being controlled by Catherine Medici

  • St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre - the night before marriage of Henry Navarre into French throne there is a protestant assasination, the protestants blame the catholics, mother of king pressures the king to massarce the protestants to cover up the assassination.

  • War of three henrys - Henry IV (navarre) wins

  • Henry Navarre is a politique because he converts to catholicism for the good of France

  • Henry IV passes Edict of nantes (religious toleration for huguenots

Dutch Revolt:

  • they want Independence from Spain

  • they want to trade with anyone they want

  • Nothern of provinces gain independcen from Spain

  • Ultrecht - divides spanish netherlends (north gets independence south stays under spain)

Thirty Years war:

causes: habsubrgs having too much power (political) catholic vs protestant (religious)

  • four phases

  • Bohemia phase 1:

    • defenestration of prague - catholic ambassadors are thrown out a window into manuer

    • the new prince of bohemia is catholic but the people of bohemia are protestant

    • the leader tries to force the people to be catholic

    • a war starts because of defenestatrion of Prague

    • catholics win

  • danish phase 2:

    • king of Denmark sees the conflict going on and brings an army to bohemia to fight against catholics

      • fails miserably + catholics win again

    • catholic army is being led by a mercenary = Wallenstein

    • Wallenstein wins phase 2 (catholics win)

    • Edict of Restitution because the Catholics win - catholic church gets back land from protestants

  • swedish phase 3:

    • leader of swedish = Gustavus Adolphus (military leader)

    • Protestants win under aldlophus for the first time ever

    • french gov is paying the swedish to fight because they want to weaken habsburgs

  • French phase 4:

    • stop paying swedish to fight and decide to fight habsburgs themselves

    • French people are fighting against catholics (EVEN THO THEY ARE CATHOLIC)

    • Richeliue becomes a politique because he fights against the catholic people even though he’s catholic

    • PROTESTANTS ULTIMATELY WIN and habsbrugs win

  • Peace of Westphalia:

    • independence of HRE and dutch

    • there is basically no more HRE, they practically lose their power

    • instead of the choice between just Lutheran and Catholics you can also be Calvinist (Huguenot)