^^Unit outline^^
IMPORTANT5opp.9890 DATES: 1648---------------------/1715--------------------1789
This unit is policies and intellectual history
Part I
1648-1715 :
political →Absolutism Louis XIV
Intellectual → Scientific revolution
Policical→ Enlighted absolutism
Intellectual → The Enlightenment → socialism, fascism,liberal stuff
^^The Rise of The royal State^^
- Military/bureaucratic necessity
- theoretical justification
- aesthetic Gradior
- reaction to the proceeding century instability
- nobles give up autonomy for stability
the rise of absolutism is because of the need for political stability in the wake of long and hard wars giving the kings a newfound justification for power
Nobles align with the king for Special privileges for no aligning with the king
England is exemption
Military/ Buricratic necessity
Military revolution and the rise of a professional army
- DEmands centralized organization of army
Constant War far, expanding army, rising cause
demands tax collection
- governments develop financial and legal jurisdiction
Expanding governments for
- Royal courts to
- central government
Theoretical Justification
Reformation theology 1520-1530
- Luther's secular lords received authority directly from god
- Henry VII's act of supremacy → Anglicanism
French governmental theory: Jean Bodin
- Six books on the commonwealth
- Devin's right of kings → king is only accountable to gods laws not his own
- celebrates the power of the sovereign state
0000English Govermantial Theory Thomes Hobbs
- Leviathan(1651) or the commonwealth was written during the English civil war
- Vesting in absolute power
- built on the idea of human solidarity
- not necessarily monarchist
- Thomas hobbs→ State of Nature” War On War” → Social Contract, we give up our freedom to have safety
- We are bad-natured & will kill
Aesthetic Grandeur and cultural control
Visual Art
- Baroque portaiture→king and family super dramatically
- Printed propaganda
Government has a hand in anything the public consumes Theaters\church/art
Wars of Louis XIV 1661-1715
Goals →
expand France to the rhine river
Cement France as a hugamon of Europe
France wants to be a Hegamon or concoring land and ruling over people around byproxy
War of Spanish successions
Goal→ put french noble on Spanish throne67
biggest war in euopean history since 30 years war
Charles II dies in 1700 -→the king of frances want to put a bourbon on the throne, Austria says no french does it anyway and starts a 15 year war to keep house of bourbon on throne
outcome →
- french get an ally, Austria gets more land that was ruled over by France
- France accrues debt and never pays back until french revolution
- Contrys that woulde’t form unions do to maintain balance of power
- president set that Europe should have a balance of power
Pros and cons of louis’s regin
France unquestionably
^^The Scientific revolution^^
Why Modern scince instead of superstion
- NO more trust in old superstitions
- luther and religous wars exaserbated this proses
- scptism
Knowing that you dont know anything is the key to knowledge
Paradime shift -
- 3 things in a scintific theory
- Explanitary Power - explaining power
- Predictive Power - prediction power
- Simplicty - Be able to explain to other people and easy to undertand
All theorys need to have Explainitary and Predictive powers in order to be applicable
Scince progressses when you have thing they futhers the way we think
Occams Razor - Two ideas with the same conclusions use the one that is simplest
Polematic Paradigm 1/3 - scientific theory points
better then what we knew before, can predict the movement of planets
100 AD - 1550
Geocentric universe (earth in middle)
Super comples model & math
No explanation of motion (based in theology)
evolved arounf being a better and more perfect (lighter
thought that once we moved outward we became lighter and brighter
god likes circles
Why bad
retrograde motion
math is crazy
dose no expian why things happen
Promant people
- Aristotle, ptolemey, aquinis
^^Copernican Paradign 2/3 - Scitentific Theroty Points^^
Helocentric Universe 1550-1689
Impoertant people
- copericus
- tycho brahe
- kepler - How speace stuff moves
- galilo - church upset bc he says copernius was right / how earth stuff moves
Simpler math (less circles 36 → 6)
Predicts Planitary motion
No explaition for motion
just as accurate but simpler
Galileo trys to prove that copericus was right
Newtonian Paradigm 1689-1903 3/3 Scientific Theroty Point
- no center / time and space are infinite and have no center
- simple math?
- predicts planitary
- explans motion
{{The Enlightenment ruffly 1689-1789{{
- 1689 (glorious revolution & and newton) - 1789 Frech revolution
- dominate European cultural movement during the 18th century
- attacks on outdated ideas like theology, unearned privilege(feudalism)
- ethics by reasons not by faith
- Isaac newton set up physics a science of how things move through space
{{Origins of the enlightenment{{
Intellectuals: scientific Revolution → reason can discern all things
Social: the rise of bourgeoise
Political: the success of the British government
Main founding figures; departs, newton, Hobbs, lock
{{Problems with the enlightenment{{
Europeans start to think that progress makes them better than all civilizations
they believed because they were rational they should rule others
intellectual ground work for colonialism
<<The French Enlightenment<< The most radical than other enlightenments
Made of mostly straight political figures -→ called phosphors
the philoshofts are popular writers that wrote for educated people,
Important people and their stuff :
<<Montesquieu: dies 1689 -1755 noble of the robe<<
wrote two good books on France
- Persian letters ( critique of the french government, culture, and manners) ((population love thing))
- Spirit of the laws( lays out what the ideal guys are and the principal)
- \
<<Voltaire (wanted to eradicate ignorance)<<
<<Play write, is invited to salons after his career blows up<<
gets the admiration of nobles in salons
Moves to Britain and he thinks Britain
- He writes a book called the philosophical letters
- makes fun of the systems that are not efficient
- it was on things like religious tolerance, open market, and other things
<<Diderot Encyclopdie<<
Openly atheist
believed we are machines
believes in human progression
Important work - The Encyclopdie
- A book meant to encapsulate the technology of his time in case of doomsday
- and guide to do said things and instruction on how to do said things
- also, put political facts of enlightenment in the book as if they are natural
- Vailed critiques of France
Wrote one of the first auto biographies'
educated by Jesuits
super popular multi-genre writer
Important Works- ideas
is an anti-Hobbesian state of nature (the idea that life is short and brutish) he believes that the state of nature is green and that people shared and lived communally as“noble savages”.
%%private property → oppression%%
%%“Man is born free but everywhere in chains”%%
believes in progression in order to make things civil again
believes that we should decide equally or should conform to the majority opinion of what most people want this is called %%“The General will”%%
No one knows how to understand the general will or what we all want or how to get to a consensus
%%The social contract “Individuals are free to do whatever they want as long as%%
- donse’t conflict with the general will
- dosen’t limit other people’s freedom
<<Olympe De Gouges<< popular play write,novlest,and essayist
all works have clear political messages
Ideals/important works
Rights for women rights, children’s rights,
against slavery, imperialism, debt peonage
<<Germaine de Steal<<
Grew up in the higher parts of french society
great education
Important stuff
- pro women rights
- anti-colonialism
- argues that pop. soc is not possible without a uniform national identity
- argues for the start of a real german state before it was cool
- left France after meeting napoleon
- supports nationalism
}}Other important stuff happening during this time}}
The French government is funding the sciences
%%physiocrats-%% %%economic beliefs%%
the main purpose of government econ policy is to grow econ
- against mercantilist policy(government should control most of econ)
- increasing efficiency instead of controlling the entire industry
- makes trade with outer counties make sence
but they also believe that the only way to build econ is to grow agriculture
- they believed that as long as fewer people are making food more people will do other good things for the economy
the king of France funds chemistry
funds sciences to research and invent
Important scientist - @@Lavoisier@@
study combustions
leads to production of cheap and useable @@Gun Powerder@@
<<The English and Scottish enlightenment<<
not a very radical they
@@empiricism@@ data over theory
focused on @@empiricism@@- observation over theory
- “the ends justify the means'“ or '“ the grater good”
- they believe that people should think deeply about their actions and they impact your actions
- were @@hedonists@@ :pleasure = good ; pain= bad
- hedonist Calculus,
- political impact; opposed slavery (pleasure slavery wealth can’t make up for pain) women’s rights(equality bc emotions) democracy( peoples rights make us happy)
- important people Jeremy Bentham, James mill
important people
}}David Hume 1711-1776}}
pure theory can’t give us any worthwhile ideas
things we can’t know
- objective morality
- god
- metaphysics- the idea that we can’t know about our reality
things we can know
- history
- some human nature (lazy, don’t like dieing or pain)
}}Adam Smith}}
Does not believe in unregulated capitalism
no government = no capitalism
we need some gov .intervention to be capitalist
philology prof.
@@how markets come into being@@
- from governments
- the free markets req these things (protection of property from theft and outside invasion)
- no army = no protection = no market
- prevent/punish fraud and monopoly
- infrastructure (law & people/ orgs. to support law
@@how markets work@@
selfish competition(peaceful) -→ firms compete to supply desired products
price of the product determined by the “law” of supply and demand
@@increasing economic efficiency@@
more comp = more efficiency
division of labor- making large hard jobs small and easy
He is not entirely pro-capitalist, small and easy jobs are efficient but may have bad repercussions on human mental health
}}Mary Wollstonecraft}} Women should have rights
men argued that women are not as rational
argued that if women were given the same education will be able to perform the same or outperform
<<The German Enlightenment<<
centered in university and princely courts(funded by government and needs to adhere to protestant and monarchy standards, also needs to be nationalist)
politically conservative (more interested in how the problems come about than fixing them)
responding to French and English enlightenments'
Germany broke up into small states
{{Important people{{
}}Immanuel Kant}}
wrote this crisis from David Humes's books- that we can’t really know anything at all that isn't math
@@he wanted to further understand coupled with his conservative upbringing tried to pursue an understanding of “pure reson”.@@
his response to this crisis was that our minds “ create perceived reality”
believes time, space, and number all exist in our minds
because our mind creates the world we Can know the world
also argues that we can’t know what exist outside of us
@@teaches our human mortality is tied to a human belief that god keeps us holy or clean@@
opposed to utilitarianism idea believes in @@deontology@@ - universal ethical rules, the ends never justify the mean when it hurts anyone
{{Late 17th - Eighteenth-century, social changes{{
}}demographic change (more people, fewer deaths, same births)}}
- declining death rate(more food people are more well nourished)
- improved supply chains (food moves where it needs to be)
- the potato!!!!
- less chaotic warfare (change from mercenary(blood thirsty and hungry) warfare to state-run well-trained men with a case they live by)
- the agricultural revolution(west), Internal colonization (east)
}}Stable birth rates}}
- }}upper-class control family size}}
- lower classes begin to marry earlier, but also practice birth control and infanticide
}}The Malthusian cycle}}
- mathus- population will always grow faster than the food supply → population is controlled by crisis or government
- Europe breaks this cycle
}}Poverty; increasing pressure on lower classes}}
- land concentrated in the hands of the wealthy
- rising prices of food
decreasing demand for labor
}}Urbanization more food fewer farmers→ excess population moves to the cities (for emigrates)}}
- populations of cities population skyrockrtsskyrockets
- Urban social problems
}}poor vagrants flood citys→ theft, prostitution}}
city governments try to fix social problems
founding hospitals (homes for poor people)
Workhouses (get a job place to sleep and food)
euopes’s exports poor people to other places
}}Social elites}} nobility is still powerful and rich
}}lifestyle (land nobles)}}
- agricultural income @@only income@@
- the rural estate
- life without manual labor
- code of honor
}}Social and legal privilege}}
- representation
- tax exemption
- judicial preferences
- manners of dress
The Bourgeoisie
@@The Haute Bourgeois@@
- International bankers and merchants
- manufacturers
- successful professionals
@@The petty bourgeoise@@
- shopkeepers
- craftsmen
- small time money lenders
@@New values@@
- education (obsession with education and preserving privilege from generation to generation )
- family (intimate and close family with interactions)
the nobility reject enlightenment ideals
in the 1700s the bourgeoisie started attacking the noble instead of trying to basically be them
all higher class people water to display wealth
}}Literacy and the public share}}
upper class;
- salons - mass socilisation
- academics -
- theater and opera -
Middle class and lower class;
- coffee and tea houses (new to Europe) mass socialization
- taverns - political ideas
- lending library
The literate public ;
- newspapers ----→
- magazines ---→
- pamphlets----→
effect on ==the public== →
- people read now, more social concessions (enlightenment)
- the emergence of ^^national consciousness, people engage with media and start to Identify with their country^^
- this was shaped around linguistic lines
- people started to speak the popular main city dialects the books were written in
- these crates’ actual national identity
<<Artistic Trends<<
dominant artistic trends of the french elite 18th century
- an elaborate display of wealth and elaborate stuff
- playful decorative, domestic, sensual
- non-political and secualr
- criticized as a frivolous, purely elitist art
Important dude
Fragonard- a lady on a swing
- emphasis on simplicity
- a return to the renaissance: balance and proportion
- enlightenment rendering of important sentiments
- you should sacrifice yourself for your society
Important person
Jacquez Louis devil
\n [[War and politics in 1700s[[
The political and economic trends
[[economic and demographic expansion[[
the rapid growth of cities and commerce → inequality and overcrowding
the rise of enlightened despotism → monarchy ruled on the basis of fear
eco economic competition,mercantilism, and colonial wars
war is now seen as a '“rational” struggle between great power (France, Britain, Prussia, Russia) un even alliances
[[French politics[[
%%Louis xv%% ruled from 1715-1774
- committed french dominance of central Europe
- compete with England and the Netherlands for colonial and maritime supremacy and massive express
- madame pompadour main martyr for elitism during the enlightenment
- splitting militaristic power causes no real regional dominance
- regime becoming illegitimate in the new press
- \
[[British politics[[ %%The house of lords%%- made of old-school nobles
%%the house of common%% - enough money and are a man
weak kings (they keep inviting foreign protestants to be king)
Georges %%the dukes of Hanover%%
George I 1714-1727
George ii 1727
George iii
Political party
[[whings -[[
constitution monarchy and econ. reform
pro-capitalism mercantilist ion
expand empire
[[tories -[[
traditional economy and government
stronger king
}}Russian history}}
Background: founded by Vikings,(900 ad),conquered by Mongols
- post-Mongol ruler Ivan III marries las byzantine emperor’s daughter he claims the throne after falling of constantopal
- %%claims to be the new true home to Christianity (eastern orthodox)%%
- Vikings stayed put after some trading and became the first Russian city
- becomes the largest land empires
- upper class =warriors loyal to the czar called %%boyars%% (they were not actually nobles and had not rights)
- Lower class = slaves in all but names (can be sold and gambled)
- %%cut off Europe → misses out on renssice and world trade%%, Russia expends instead
<<Peter the Great<<
- manic; seemed to have unlimited energy, constantly learning and seeking new ideas and amusements
- gregarious; riotous parties
- cruel tortured and kill anyone who opposed him
- %%made Russia a real power%%
- czar at age 10
- obsession with ships
- real-life toy soldiers with him as general (later he reforms and modernizes the army)
- modernizes the army with Austrian ideas)
- at age of 17 arrests his half-sister and claims full power
- immediately decades war on turkey( they lose)
- peter tours Russia for ideas for state building
- wants to replicate European skills
<<founds a Russian government, based on European values<<
- heavy beard tax
- traditional clothes banned
- institutes western diet, dentistry, and medicine
- Makes Russia westernize
- reforms the old Russian army from the top down
He figures out that he needs %%[w]()orld trade%% to modernize (based on large empires)
Declares war aginst Sweeden
what is now St Petersburg conquers and begins making his great city
%%Russian nobles before and after peter%%
- nobles now viewed themselves as European elite instead Mongol-like warlords.
- other people outside these pockets are still medieval
- sanit Petersburg exacerbates Russia-English trade
- made peaants plant potatos
}}Cathrine the grate}}
- after a string of six-week rulers
- stages a coup against her idiot husband and has him murdered (her husband lost the 7 years war)
- rationalization without democratization
- rules 1762-1786
<<internal reform - blend between enlightenment and despotism<<
- is for enlightened absolutism
- reform of legal cade
- division of Russia into governmental units controlled by noblemen
- noble men are in control provinces control day to day
- advocates for more human government
- Charter of nobility(1785) ((she wants the nobles to be people of the bureaucracy)) ((she need other to do things))
- educational reforms ((university,seminary,army school / need to make homegrown people who are smart,and can do things))
- immigration into productive, taxable realistic(now Ukraine is the bread basket of Russia)this is %%internal colonization%%
- continuation of serfdom
<<foreign policy<<
%%a successful war against the Turks%%
- access to the black sea
- tension with Austria over the baltic territories
%%partition of Poland%%
- annexes large parts of Poland along with Prussia and Austria
- brought into direct contact with major European powers
%%Pugachavs revolution%%
- widespread peasant unrest
- takes over swaths of south Russia
- rushed by czarist forces
<<After her<<
- Largest army in Europe
- organized state
- economy still backward
}}Prussian stuff}}
%%HRE 1648-1715%%
shifting the balance of power
1648; peace of Westfalia
decline of imperial authority
Habsburgs shifts focus
- consolidating power
- seige of veinna
- Hungary
<<The emergence of Brandenburg- Prussia<<
@@The great elector 1640-1688@@
- the destruction of Brandenburg
- devotion of of per to the state
- Brandenburg will now have a very effective military to protect itself
- taxes the towns
- tame the nobles
- train the army
- conscription
Results: a bureaucratic militaristic state
@@Fredrick I 1688-1713 now “the king in Prussia “ Got a bunch of land and made the duchy a kingdom now@@
<<Fredrick William I<<
Stingy, calculating, and effective
{{“the soldier king”{{
- the nobles(junkers)now serve as officers
- each wealthy male registers with a landlord for draft
- military spending of 70%
{{Peace and Surplus{{
- avoids conflict
- builds army
- increases tax revenue
- cuts state expenses
{{A fathers legacy{{ he verbally abuses his son
<<Frederick II The great<<
1740 -86
Western cultural interest
- Francophile -
- Sanssouci - boy palace
- enlightened administration
- the photos again
- first servant of the state (he claims that he is not the state and that get is the head of the empire)
a military prince
views war as rational struggle( believes that’s just what states do)
uses the army given by father to double Prussia s size
<<Wars of Fredrick the great<<
@@War of Austria succession@@ - 1740-1748
Maria Tressa takes the throne, she can’t do this bc she’s a girl and can’t be king
Prussian acquisition of silesia
and gives a new rivalry between Austria and Russia
@@The diplomatic revolution and balance and power@@
twin rivalries
- Austria v Prussia
- Britain v France
a reversal of the relation
- Prussian expansion the Hanoverian dynasty-
- Britain, Prussia v France,Austria, Russia
}}The 7 years’ war}}
{{Eve of war 1756{{
great power competition
diplomatic revolution and the new alliance system
The great power same color = allied
21 mill pop.
enlighted absolutism (Louis XV)
- 9 mill pop
- constitutional monacry
- real good navy
- 13 mill
- no enlight abso.
- most the people poor/less equip military
}}Theaters of war}}
The European theater
- ^^Prussia v France, Austria, Russia^^
- financial and military assistance from Britain
- Fredrick the Great is a defensive genius
- war of attrition
The American Theater
- “the french and India war”
- Fighting in the colonial frontier
- started by Gorge w attacking french forts for the British
- the final victory in Canada
- initial Britsh mishaps
- Military service → rights?
The Indian theater
- British eat India co. v french and Indian allies
- Robert Clive and the rise of sepoy(Indian people who are trained in euro war )
- expulsion of the french, British conquest of Bengal
by 1763
- British success in America and India
- Prussia still handing in
- Russia withdrawing from the war
Outcomes of the war
- Britain gets Bengal, Quebec, Florida
- France loses Louisiana Canada Indian holdings
- Prussia gets to continue existing
- massive financial loss
Long-term impacts
American Revolution
french revolution,Haitian revolution
British takeover of India
decline of Austria