Department of Education STEM Education National Schools of Excellence
Student’s Resource Book Grade 12 Term 1 Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Grade 12 STEM Mathematics SRB
Issued free to schools by the Department of Education
Published in 2021 by the Department of Education, Papua New Guinea
Acknowledgement of contributors and the introduction of the STEM Curriculum for the first time in 2021.
Mathematics as a core program in STEM Education.
Topics include:
The Foundations: Logic and Proof
Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices
Discrete Mathematics involves individual, separated values, focusing on integers to solve problems.
It's crucial in fields like computer science and has applications in many real-world scenarios.
Prerequisites: Algebra, Arithmetic Operations, and Functions.
Key Concepts include:
Propositional Logic
Applications of Propositional Logic
Understanding Proofs
Familiarity with terms like Logical Operators, Mathematical Proof, Conjecture, etc., is essential.
Logic is the foundation of mathematical reasoning, essential for various fields, such as computer science and programming.
Proofs are important for establishing the correctness of mathematical statements.
Propositions are declarative sentences that can be true or false.
Examples of propositions given and definitions of propositional variables.
The negation operator is introduced with a truth table layout showing the outcome of negating a proposition.
Defined conjunction using logical operators with truth values detailed in a truth table format.
Example provided helps illustrate how conjunction determines the truth of combined statements.
Defined disjunction with associated truth table. Examples clarify the use of inclusive and exclusive 'or'.
Definition and truth table presented for clarity, including discussions about when conditions are true or false.
Defined conditional statements, with examples showing their structure and truth values using a truth table.
Definitions for each type of conditional statement provided with examples.
Defined with examples explaining their truth values and conditions for being true.
Example constructed to demonstrate how truth values of complex statements can be determined.
Discussion on the order of operations and how logical operators interact within statements.
Introduction to bits and how they correspond to logical truth values; explanation of how bits manipulate information.
Exercises posed challenge students to apply propositional logic to analyze statements and construct counterexamples.
Additional practice exercises address different levels of complexity, challenging students to create statements with logical connectives.
Exercises and problems focused on translating between logical expressions and English sentences, enhancing comprehension.
Introduction to advanced concepts in logic and their applications in computing.
Discussion on real-world applications of logical expressions, particularly within programming and systems definitions.
Conclusion about the significance of logic in mathematics, computer
Department of Education STEM Education National Schools of Excellence
Student’s Resource Book Grade 12 Term 1 Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Grade 12 STEM Mathematics SRB
Issued free to schools by the Department of Education
Published in 2021 by the Department of Education, Papua New Guinea
Acknowledgement of contributors and the introduction of the STEM Curriculum for the first time in 2021.
Mathematics as a core program in STEM Education.
Topics include:
The Foundations: Logic and Proof
Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices
Discrete Mathematics involves individual, separated values, focusing on integers to solve problems.
It's crucial in fields like computer science and has applications in many real-world scenarios.
Prerequisites: Algebra, Arithmetic Operations, and Functions.
Key Concepts include:
Propositional Logic
Applications of Propositional Logic
Understanding Proofs
Familiarity with terms like Logical Operators, Mathematical Proof, Conjecture, etc., is essential.
Logic is the foundation of mathematical reasoning, essential for various fields, such as computer science and programming.
Proofs are important for establishing the correctness of mathematical statements.
Propositions are declarative sentences that can be true or false.
Examples of propositions given and definitions of propositional variables.
The negation operator is introduced with a truth table layout showing the outcome of negating a proposition.
Defined conjunction using logical operators with truth values detailed in a truth table format.
Example provided helps illustrate how conjunction determines the truth of combined statements.
Defined disjunction with associated truth table. Examples clarify the use of inclusive and exclusive 'or'.
Definition and truth table presented for clarity, including discussions about when conditions are true or false.
Defined conditional statements, with examples showing their structure and truth values using a truth table.
Definitions for each type of conditional statement provided with examples.
Defined with examples explaining their truth values and conditions for being true.
Example constructed to demonstrate how truth values of complex statements can be determined.
Discussion on the order of operations and how logical operators interact within statements.
Introduction to bits and how they correspond to logical truth values; explanation of how bits manipulate information.
Exercises posed challenge students to apply propositional logic to analyze statements and construct counterexamples.
Additional practice exercises address different levels of complexity, challenging students to create statements with logical connectives.
Exercises and problems focused on translating between logical expressions and English sentences, enhancing comprehension.
Introduction to advanced concepts in logic and their applications in computing.
Discussion on real-world applications of logical expressions, particularly within programming and systems definitions.
Conclusion about the significance of logic in mathematics, computer