Power & Authority
These are the elected leaders govern the nation and craft policies for the betterment of each citizen, exercise control over various agencies, and allocate the budget for what they deem important.
These are the elected leaders govern the nation and craft policies for the betterment of each citizen, exercise control over various agencies, and allocate the budget for what they deem important.
Is the capacity to influence the actions, behaviors, and decisions of another individual.
The play of power can involve an individual, group, or large organization.
Is the actual use of power by threatening coercition or consequence to impose an action or decision over another.
Is the exercises through persuasion and relationship. Having influence means one can modify another person’s behavior and decision making without force; thus, change can be seen as building loyalty and respect.
Is generated from legitimate means such as an election.
Traditional Authority
Stems from absolute power passed on from generation to generation.
Rational-legal Authority
Comes from the constitution of a country. The leaders are exercising this power are elected, and they get their power from the written laws of the political system.
Charismatic Authority
Is power derived from the personality of a leader exuding charisma.
Is the compelling attraction or charm of a person that can be used to inspire others.
State as a Social institution
- The state as a social institution can be studied according to various
sociological perspective.
Functionalist perspective
The state has four main manifest function:
Maintain peace and order.
Plan and direct the society.
Meet social needs, and
Manage interactional relations.
Functionalist perspective
The goal of each state is to have a peaceful and better society, where its people are connected with
their lives.
The other goals of each state are human well - being, protection of territory, environment sustainability, and the like.
Conflict perspective
It sees the state as an all - controlling government that constricts people’s movement to maintain the status quo, which can be seen in the social structure of the society.
This social structure is a cause of poverty and crime in the society.
Conflict perspective
It sees the state as an all - controlling government that constricts people’s movement to maintain the status quo, which can be seen in the social structure of the society.
This social structure is a cause of poverty and crime in the society.
Interaction perspective
Does not employ a large - scale study on the government or the state, but rather a micro-level analysis of symbols that maintain the status quo or
how power is arrange in the government.
Is the type of organization with the lowest complexity. Few members rarely exceeding 100 in population.
It is more complex than band, as a tribe is composed of segmentary linages or clusters of family. About 500 to 5,000 people live in a tribe, which each members shows loyalty.
Chiefdom is ranked society. In a ranked society, social classes exist, along with the concept of wealth and power
The largest and most formal of these organizations is the state.
1987 Constitution
It contains the law of the Philippines, and it is the source of the power that the Filipinos entrust upon the leaders they elected.
Legislative branch
Composed of the Senate and House of Representative, crafts law that would benefit the country and ensure that the government is working properly.
Executive branch
Headed by the president, vice president, and the
cabinet secretaries,executes the law that he legislative
branch makes.
Judiciary branch
Headed by the Chief Justice and the members of the Supreme Court, dispenses justice, ensure that the fundamental rights of the people are followed, and interprets the constitution and the laws of the land.
is a political process wherein the members of the House of Representative decide to initiate the removal of aforesaid officials, and the Senates acts as judge and decides on the matter.
Constitutional Commission
The Constitutional Commission are four independent commissions established by the 1987 Constitution, each of which has its own function outside of the government structure (these are not under any branches of government and financially independent). These commissions are: Commission on Elections (COMELEC), Commission on Human Rights (CHR), Civil Service Commission
(CSC), & Commission on Audit (COA)
Has the mandate to conduct elections, and proclaim the winners. It protects the sanctity of the vote and promotes the right to suffrage of every Filipino.
Has the mandate to overseas the professionalism and integrity of government actions and personnel.
Has the mandate to investigate any human rights violation of duty-bearers in the country
Has the mandate to audit or examine all government accounts and expenditure.
Local Govenment Units (LGU)
Local Government is tasked to ensure the implementation of the laws within their respective areas. Composed of provincial government, city or municipal government, barangay officials, are the closest to people.
Bangsamoro Autonomous Rregion in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
One special government in the country. This autonomous region is the only regonl government in the country and was established through the Bangsamoro Organic Law in 2019.
Headed by a ceremonial cheif called “Wali”.
Non-state Institution
- These institution help in developing better societies but are not under any state or government.
Banks & Financial Institutions
Various financial institutions are institutions that uses financial or capital deposit.
There are several types of banks, such as, commercial, savings, and rural.
Commercial banks
Commercial or universal banks ae the largest type of bank in the country.
These banks are considered large in terms of (1) numbers of account deposits, (2) size of assets, and (3) reserves capacity requirements.
Due to the size of commercial and universal banks, they can perform all the transactions of a bank.
The reserve requirements capacity of these banks is large, so the internal banking system is stable.
Savings banks
Banks belonging in this category aim to increase the savings of depositors.
These include mortgage bank, private development banks, stock savings, loan association, and microfinance thrift banks.
These banks usually lend to various businesses such as agriculture, industry, and small-medium enterprises.
The asset capacity of these banks is not as large as commercial banks, they are a bit limited in the transactions they can facilitate, which include accepting deposits, withdrawals, and lending.
Rural banks
Are the smallest type of bank.
These banks are usually found in the provinces or rural areas. Because the asset capability of these banks is small, it cannot conduct comprehensive transactions.
Often, the coverage of rural banks is only a small municipality or city.
The main purpose of rural banks is to help citizens in the agricultural sector by lending and accepting deposits.
is a large type of business that is authorized to act as a single entity, thus separating the finances of the founders, owners, and officers from the corporation itself. A corporation has a right to enter into contracts and borrow money from banks and other financial institutions.
Cooperatives and Trade Unions
Cooperatives and trade unions are organizations that have mutual goals among their members. These goas may include protecting employees from abuse, establishing an economic enterprise to meet the neeas of workers, or being an influential party in an organization or government.
Trade unions can be classified into general unions, industrial unions, and/or white collar unions, When nion care compased of various types of jobs and skills, for example, in a large corporation, a general union can be created across all levels and types of employment. Industrial or craft unions, meanwhile, are rodes at workers in a particular field, such as a mining union. Last, white collar unions are composed of professional workers such as teacher's union and nurse's union.
Transnational Advocacy Groups and Nongovernment Organizations
refers to any activity that aims to influence a political, economic, or social institution toward a specific goal.
Development Agencies
Development agencies are international organizations whose goal is to create ipportunities for development in varives pren in the society. They usually focus on establishing partnership boswien the government, private sectors, and civil society to provide funding, technical assistance, and positive reinforcement to sectors that needed help.