Deprived: This term refers to humanity's loss of the grace of original innocence.
External constraints: The laws of God or society that protect us from abusing our free will and hurting ourselves or others.
Freedom: The ability to desire and choose the good.
Free will: The gift given to us by God that allows us to choose between good and evil. This God-given freedom allows us to be the authors of our own choices, thus allowing us to determine our own destiny.
Internal constraints: Distractions or disordered desires within us that steer us away from choosing the good.
Objective truth: Reality as it is, apart from what we think or feel about it.
Contraception: Every action before, during, or after sexual intercourse that deliberately attempts to impede its procreative potential. These acts are intrinsically evil and always morally unacceptable (CCC 2370).
Ethos of the image: The responsibility that every artist has to represent persons with dignity, especially through the depiction of the human body in artistic form.
Ethos of seeing: The responsibility of all viewers of the human body portrayed in art to see humans as persons with dignity, not objects to be lustfully desired.
Fornication: Having sex outside of marriage.
Language of the body: The capability of the body to speak its own language and to communicate without words.
Language of love: Generally speaking, the words that speak truth and compassion. Specifically regarding the body, the truth and totality of self communicated through the body in sexual intercourse.
Nicene Creed: The most widely accepted statement of Christian Faith, the Nicene Creed was first adopted at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325.
Objectify: To treat someone as a thing rather than as a person through actions that disregard his or her inherent dignity as a human being.
One-flesh union: The loving embrace of a married couple through sexual intercourse, in which they become "one flesh" (see Gen 2:24). The Scriptures teach that this union prefigures the total communion we will have with God in heaven (see Eph 5:31-32).
Pornography: The sexually explicit depiction of persons, in words or images, created in order to cause the arousal of lust on the part of the observer.
Anthropology: The overall study of man and what it means to be a human person.
Contraception: Every action before, during, or after sexual intercourse that by unacceptable (CCC made its procreative potential. These acts are intrinsically evil and are always morally unacceptable (CCC 2370).
"Faithful" love: Love that is committed. That commitment guides all other actions. You keep your promises once you have made them, no matter how your feelings may change.
"Free" love: Love that is not controlled or manipulated by another person or by a disordered desire. No one is forcing you to love. You love freely because you want to.
"Fruitful" love: Love that is life-giving, because it is free, total, and faithful. It is open to procreation in the physical realm and is life-giving in the spiritual and emotional realm as well.
Homosexual acts: Actions of genital stimulation with a person of the same sex. According to the Catechism, ""Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered'... [and] are contrary to the natural law. ... Under no circumstances can they be approved" (CCC 2357).
Homosexuality: The attraction that a man or woman has to a member of the same sex. The homosexual inclination is disordered but not sinful in and of itself, since it is not freely chosen.
Humanae Vitae: Pope Paul VI's 1968 encyclical on human life. It is most famous for its clear and definitive teaching on why contraception is immoral and sinful, explaining that it separates the sexual act from one of its intrinsic purposes: procreation.
In persona Christi: A Latin phrase meaning "in the person of Christ"; describes the identity and actions of a priest, particularly when he celebrates the sacraments and preaches the Word of God.
Mary's fiat: The Blessed Virgin Mary's "yes" to the Lord, which demonstrated her faithful obedience to God's will.
Masturbation: The "deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. 'masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action" (CCC 2352). Instead of training a person in faithfulness in order to make a gift of oneself, masturbation trains a person in selfishness.
Natural law: The law or purpose that God has "written" naturally into the hearts, minds, and bodies of men and women.
One-flesh union: The loving embrace of a married couple through sexual intercourse, in which they become "one flesh," (see Gn 2:24). The Scriptures teach that this union prefigures the total communion we will have with God in heaven (see Eph 5:31-32).
"Total" love: Love without strings attached that holds nothing back. In total love, you make a gift of yourself to another-total self-donation.