Renaissance Period

What is the Renaissance?

  • the rebirth of science and culture

  • major developments include astronomy, humanist philosophy, the printing press, vernacular language in writing. painting and sculpture technique, world exploration, Shakespeare

What did Columbus discover in 1492?

  • New World - the lands that Christopher Columbus encountered during his voyages across the Atlantic

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?

  • he became the first person to successfully circumnavigate the glove in the early 1500s

Who invented the printing press and what does it do?

  • Johannes Gutenberg in 1440

  • Though used in China, it allowed Bibles, secular books, printed music and more to be made in larger quantities and reach more people

What are the Renaissance Sciences?

  • scholars studied classical texts and that they “resurrected the ancient Greek belief that creation was constructed around perfect laws and reasoning

  • there was an escalation in studying astronomy, anatomy and medicine, geography, alchemy, mathematics, and archi as the ancients studied them

Who is Nicholas Copernicus?

  • He got a copy of the book of Ptolemy and studied epicycles and found errors of the study

  • He came up with his own model of the solar system known as the heliocentric model

  • He also saved the problem of retrogade motion w/o epicycles; it occurs roughly when a faster moving planet catches up to and passes a slower moving planet

What book did he write?

  • Copernicus wrote De Revolutionibus Irbium Coelestium meaning On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres in 1532

Who is Tycho Brahe?

  • He lost his nose in a math-fueled duel, which may have inspires Shakespeare to write Hamlet

    • In result, he got himself a prosthetic nose making him be known as The Man with the Iron Nose

Why did he became an astronomer?

  • A solar eclipse in 1500 inspired him and made him realize that science can only progress if there were observations that were systematic, accurate, and nightly

What are his contributions?

  • He refined old instruments and built new ones and spent the rest of his life assembling one of the largest bodies of astronomical data in human history

  • His observations included a comprehensive study of the solar system specially Mars and accurate positions of more than 777 stars

  • He also came up with the Tychonic Model

    • it combines both the geo and heliocentric model

How fortunate is he?

  • His uncle, Jorgen, gave his life to save King Frederick II from drowning, making him inherit his uncle’s estate

  • The King gave Brahe his favor and generous support

  • He was also given the Isand Hven to make an observatory

  • Tycho also made a castle on the island called Uraniborg, after the Goddess of the sky Urania

Who is Johannes Kepler?

  • He is the mathematical assistant of Tycho Brahe

  • He did not get along with Tycho Brahe as he was mistrusted due to Brahe’s fear of his assistant outshining him as the premier astronomer of that era

    • Brahe showed Keppler only a part of his data

    • When Brahe died of mercury poisoning, he then got access to Brahe’s astronomical date-leading to the Laws of Planetary Motion

What are the 3 Kepler’s Law?

Kepler’s First Law
  • All planets move about the Sun in elliptical orbits, having the Sun as one of the foci

Kepler’s Second Law
  • Describes the speed of a planet travelling in an elliptical orbit around the sun

  • States that a line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time, meaning a planet moves faster when it is closer to the Sun and slower when it is farther away.

Kepler’s Third Law
  • How long a planet takes to go around the Sun is related to the planet’s mean distance from the Sun

Who is Galileo Galilei?

  • He invented the modern view of science, which is the transition from a faith-based “science” to an observation-based science

  • The founder of experimental science

  • He greatly improved the telescope

  • He found this instrument in the Netherlands and he replicated it through trial and error

  • He believed in Copernicanism which caused trouble for him and was put in Inquisition and faced life imprisonment

Early Astronomy
  • Using the telescope he discovered he made important discoveries:

    1. that four satellites, or moons, orbit Jupiter;

    2. planets are circular disks, not just points of light;

    3. the moon’s surface is not smooth;

      • these are called craters

    4. the sun has sunspots or dark regions;

    5. and Venus has phases like the moon

  • He also discovered the rings of Saturn

Who is Isaac Newton?

  • Son of local farmer of the same name (died three months before he was born); was a premature baby

  • Was insecure and obsessed with his works and had irrational behavior

  • Does not wanna be a farmer

What are his discoveries?
  1. Optics

    • “White light is a composite of all colors of the spectrum and composes of particles”

  2. Motion

  3. Mathematics

  4. The book, Principia

    • Consists of nearly all variations of physics
