Roman name is Venus
The Goddess of Love and Beauty, who beguiled all gods and men alike
The laughter-loving goddess, who laughed sweetly or mockingly at those her wiles had conqured
The irresistable goddess who stole away even the wits of the wise
She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione in the Iliad, but in later poems she is said to have sprung from the foam of the sea, and her name was explained as meaning “the foam-risen”
Aphros is foam in Greek. This sea birth took place near Cythera, from where she was wafted to Cyrpus
In later poems she is usually is shown as treacherous and malicious, exerting a deadly and destructive power over men
In most of the stories, she is the wife of Hephaestus
The myrtle was her tree
The dove her bird, sometimes too, the sparrow and the swan
Her favourite lover was Ares
She had a magic girdle
Roman name is Mercury
Zeus was his father
Because of a very popular statue his appearance is more familiar to us than that of any other god
He was graceful and swift of motion
On his feet were winged sandals; wings were on his low crowned hat, too, and on his magic wand, the Caduceus
He was Zeus’s messenger, who “flies as fleet as thought to do his bidding”
Of all the gods he was the shrewdest and most cunning
In fact he was the Master Thief, who started upon his career before he was a day old
Zeus made him give them back, and he won Apollo’s forgiveness by presenting him with the lyre which had just invented, making it out of a tortoise’s shell
He was God of Commerce and the Market, protector of traders
He was also the solemn guide of the dead, the Divine Herald who led the souls down to their last home
He appears oftener in the tales of mythology than any other god
Roman name is Mars
The God of War
Son of Zeus and Hera, both of whom Homer says, detested him
strangely a coward
He had no cities where he was worshipped
His bird was the vulture
The dog was wronged by being chosen as his animal
God of Fire
Hera alone bore him in retaliation for Zeus’s having brought forth Athena
Among the perfectly beautiful immortals he only was ugly
He was lame as well
He was the workman of the immortals, their armorer and smith
In the later poets his forge is often said to be under this or that volcano, and to cause eruptions
His wife was Aphrodite
He was kindly, peace-loving god
God of the Ceremony
Roman name is Vesta
She was Zeus’s sister, and like Athena and Artemis a virgin goddess
She has no distinct personality and she plays no part in the myths
Goddess of the Hearth
Every meal began and ended with an offering to her
Each city too had a public hearth sacred to Hestia, where the fire was never allowed to go out
In Rome her fire was cared for by six virgin priestesses called Vestals
Roman name is Ceres
God of Harvest, Fertility, and Grain
Daughter is Persephone
People would turn to her in times of mourning, grief, and loss
Her nature was usually kind but she could be cruel when she became angry or upset
Roman name is Bacchus
Son of Zeus and Semele
Zeus seduced Semele wearing a disguise and she conceived a child
Hera found out and disguises herself and appears to Semele when she was 6 months pregnant
Hera convinces Semele that she must demand her lover reveal himself to her in his true form
Zeus loves Semele and promised to grant whatever she desired
When he heard what she wanted he tried to talk her out of it because it would kill her immediately
No mortal could see the grandeur of a god but she would not budge
Bound by his promise he revealed his true form and Semele died
Zeus lost his lover but would not lose his son
He had Hermes remove the baby from the womb and place it on Zeus’s thigh
After 3 months the wound in the thigh opened and Dionysus was delivered
This earned him the title The Twice Born God
Baby Dionysus was taken to Semele’s sister dressed as a girl to keep him safe from Hera
Hera figured out what was done and put madness upon Semele’s sister and husband
In the state of madness, Semele’s sister boiled her children in a pot and leaped into the sea
Zeus quickly stepped in and saved Dionysus by changing him into a young goat
Hidden away in a cave, Dionysus grew up as a goat child
Eventually, Dionysus was returned to his human form and he went out into the world
Hera never gave up the search for Dionysus
She eventually caught up with him and drove him mad
Dionysus wandered aimlessly throughout Egypt and Syria before he encountered an old woman who helped purify him and cure him of his madness
God of the Vine
God of Wine
He could be kind or drive men to frightful deeds
His celebrations could become wild, frenzied events
Hestia gave up her throne on Olympus for him since she preferred to be near the hearth