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### Multiple Choice Exam: Urinary System

#### Functions of the Urinary System

1. Which of the following is the major excretory organ of the body?

- a) Liver

- b) Lungs

- c) Kidneys

- d) Intestines

- Answer: c) Kidneys

2. What role do the kidneys play in regulating blood volume and pressure?

- a) By producing hormones

- b) By excreting glucose

- c) By producing varying volumes of urine

- d) By digesting food

- Answer: c) By producing varying volumes of urine

3. Which ions do the kidneys help regulate in the blood?

- a) Glucose, Na+, Cl¯, K+, Ca2+, and HPO4

- b) Oxygen, CO2, Nitrogen

- c) Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids

- d) Iron, Magnesium, Zinc

- Answer: a) Glucose, Na+, Cl¯, K+, Ca2+, and HPO4

4. How do the kidneys regulate extracellular fluid pH?

- a) By secreting H+

- b) By absorbing Na+

- c) By excreting glucose

- d) By producing vitamin D

- Answer: a) By secreting H+

5. What hormone do the kidneys secrete to regulate red blood cell synthesis?

- a) Insulin

- b) Erythropoietin

- c) Adrenaline

- d) Thyroxine

- Answer: b) Erythropoietin

6. How do the kidneys contribute to vitamin D synthesis?

- a) By regulating calcium levels

- b) By producing erythropoietin

- c) By excreting waste products

- d) By regulating blood pressure

- Answer: a) By regulating calcium levels

#### Anatomy of the Urinary System

7. What shape are the kidneys?

- a) Circular

- b) Oval

- c) Bean-shaped

- d) Square

- Answer: c) Bean-shaped

8. Where are the kidneys located?

- a) In front of the peritoneum

- b) Behind the peritoneum

- c) In the thoracic cavity

- d) In the pelvic cavity

- Answer: b) Behind the peritoneum

9. What surrounds each kidney?

- a) Renal capsule

- b) Layer of muscle

- c) Renal artery

- d) Ureter

- Answer: a) Renal capsule

10. What is the function of the fat layer around the kidneys?

- a) To store energy

- b) To protect from mechanical shock

- c) To aid in blood filtration

- d) To produce hormones

- Answer: b) To protect from mechanical shock

11. What is the hilum?

- a) The outer layer of the kidney

- b) The cavity inside the kidney

- c) The entry and exit point for blood vessels and nerves

- d) The urine-collecting structure

- Answer: c) The entry and exit point for blood vessels and nerves

12. What structures are contained in the renal sinus?

- a) Nephrons

- b) Blood vessels, urine collection system, fat

- c) Renal corpuscles

- d) Ureters

- Answer: b) Blood vessels, urine collection system, fat

13. What two parts is the kidney divided into?

- a) Cortex and medulla

- b) Hilum and sinus

- c) Capsule and pelvis

- d) Calyx and ureter

- Answer: a) Cortex and medulla

14. What is a calyx?

- a) Part of the nephron

- b) Funnel-shaped structure surrounding renal pyramid tips

- c) Blood vessel in the kidney

- d) Nerve ending in the kidney

- Answer: b) Funnel-shaped structure surrounding renal pyramid tips

15. What is the renal pelvis?

- a) The area where urine is initially formed

- b) The cavity where blood vessels are located

- c) The funnel-shaped structure that narrows to form the ureter

- d) The fat layer surrounding the kidney

- Answer: c) The funnel-shaped structure that narrows to form the ureter

16. What is the functional unit of the kidney?

- a) Nephron

- b) Glomerulus

- c) Ureter

- d) Bowman's capsule

- Answer: a) Nephron

17. How many nephrons are in each kidney?

- a) 100,000

- b) 500,000

- c) 1.3 million

- d) 2 million

- Answer: c) 1.3 million

18. What structures make up a nephron?

- a) Renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule

- b) Renal artery, renal vein, ureter

- c) Renal capsule, renal sinus, renal pelvis

- d) Calyx, medulla, cortex

- Answer: a) Renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule

19. Where does fluid enter the nephron?

- a) Proximal tubule

- b) Loop of Henle

- c) Distal tubule

- d) Renal corpuscle

- Answer: d) Renal corpuscle

20. What is the path of fluid through the nephron?

- a) Proximal tubule → loop of Henle → distal tubule → collecting duct

- b) Distal tubule → loop of Henle → proximal tubule → collecting duct

- c) Loop of Henle → proximal tubule → renal corpuscle → collecting duct

- d) Collecting duct → proximal tubule → loop of Henle → distal tubule

- Answer: a) Proximal tubule → loop of Henle → distal tubule → collecting duct

21. What percentage of nephrons are juxtamedullary?

- a) 10%

- b) 15%

- c) 50%

- d) 85%

- Answer: b) 15%

22. What are the other 85% of nephrons called?

- a) Medullary nephrons

- b) Cortical nephrons

- c) Renal nephrons

- d) Pelvic nephrons

- Answer: b) Cortical nephrons

23. What are the components of the renal corpuscle?

- a) Bowman's capsule and glomerulus

- b) Proximal tubule and distal tubule

- c) Loop of Henle and collecting duct

- d) Renal artery and renal vein

- Answer: a) Bowman's capsule and glomerulus

24. What cells are found in the inner layer of Bowman's capsule?

- a) Erythrocytes

- b) Neurons

- c) Podocytes

- d) Fibroblasts

- Answer: c) Podocytes

#### Ureters, Urinary Bladder, and Urethra

25. What do the ureters do?

- a) Store urine

- b) Carry urine from kidneys to bladder

- c) Filter blood

- d) Produce hormones

- Answer: b) Carry urine from kidneys to bladder

26. Where is the urinary bladder located?

- a) In the abdominal cavity

- b) Behind the peritoneum

- c) In the pelvic cavity

- d) In the thoracic cavity

- Answer: c) In the pelvic cavity

27. What is the function of the urinary bladder?

- a) To produce urine

- b) To store urine

- c) To filter blood

- d) To secrete hormones

- Answer: b) To store urine

28. What is the maximum volume of urine the bladder can hold?

- a) 500 mL

- b) 750 mL

- c) 1000 mL

- d) 1500 mL

- Answer: c) 1000 mL

29. Where does the urethra carry urine?

- a) From the kidneys to the bladder

- b) From the bladder to the outside of the body

- c) From the kidneys to the outside of the body

- d) From the ureters to the kidneys

- Answer: b) From the bladder to the outside of the body

30. What is the trigone?

- a) The portion of the bladder located between the openings of the ureters and urethra

- b) The inner layer of Bowman's capsule

- c) The functional unit of the kidney

- d) The structure that surrounds the renal pyramid tips

- **Answer: a) The

portion of the bladder located between the openings of the ureters and urethra**

31. What controls the flow of urine through the urethra in males?

- a) Renal corpuscle

- b) Proximal tubule

- c) Internal urinary sphincter

- d) Podocytes

- Answer: c) Internal urinary sphincter

32. What is the main difference in the urethra between males and females?

- a) The male urethra is shorter than the female urethra

- b) The female urethra is longer than the male urethra

- c) The male urethra extends through the penis, while the female urethra is shorter and opens into the vestibule

- d) There is no difference

- Answer: c) The male urethra extends through the penis, while the female urethra is shorter and opens into the vestibule

#### Urine Production

33. What are the main components of urine?

- a) Water, organic waste products, and excess ions

- b) Blood cells, proteins, and lipids

- c) Hormones, enzymes, and glucose

- d) Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids

- Answer: a) Water, organic waste products, and excess ions

34. What are the three critical processes in the formation of urine?

- a) Filtration, reabsorption, secretion

- b) Absorption, digestion, excretion

- c) Circulation, respiration, perspiration

- d) Synthesis, degradation, elimination

- Answer: a) Filtration, reabsorption, secretion

35. What is filtration?

- a) Movement of substances from the blood into the nephron

- b) Movement of substances from the nephron back into the blood

- c) Transport of waste products across the wall of the nephron

- d) Production of erythropoietin

- Answer: a) Movement of substances from the blood into the nephron

36. What is reabsorption?

- a) Movement of substances from the nephron into the blood

- b) Movement of waste products across the wall of the nephron

- c) Filtration of blood into the nephron

- d) Production of urine

- Answer: a) Movement of substances from the nephron into the blood

37. What is secretion?

- a) Movement of water and ions into Bowman's capsule

- b) Transport of substances from the interstitial fluid into the nephron

- c) Movement of proteins into the nephron

- d) Reabsorption of useful substances from the filtrate

- Answer: b) Transport of substances from the interstitial fluid into the nephron

38. What is the filtrate?

- a) Blood plasma that enters the nephron

- b) Substances reabsorbed into the blood

- c) Waste products in the urine

- d) Hormones produced by the kidneys

- Answer: a) Blood plasma that enters the nephron

39. What happens during tubular reabsorption?

- a) Filtrate is produced

- b) Substances are reabsorbed from the filtrate into the blood

- c) Waste products are secreted into the nephron

- d) Urine is eliminated from the body

- Answer: b) Substances are reabsorbed from the filtrate into the blood

40. What by-product is produced when proteins are metabolized?

- a) Urea

- b) Creatinine

- c) Uric acid

- d) Ammonia

- Answer: d) Ammonia

41. How is ammonia converted into a less toxic substance?

- a) By the kidneys

- b) By the liver

- c) By the stomach

- d) By the intestines

- Answer: b) By the liver

42. What is tubular secretion responsible for?

- a) Producing urine

- b) Reabsorbing useful substances

- c) Transporting waste products into the nephron

- d) Converting ammonia into urea

- Answer: c) Transporting waste products into the nephron

#### Urine Movement

43. What activates the micturition reflex?

- a) Blood pressure

- b) Stretch of the bladder wall

- c) Filtration in the nephron

- d) Hormonal signals

- Answer: b) Stretch of the bladder wall

44. What happens when the bladder fills with urine?

- a) Pressure decreases

- b) Stretch receptors in the bladder wall are stimulated

- c) Urine production stops

- d) The kidneys stop filtering blood

- Answer: b) Stretch receptors in the bladder wall are stimulated

45. Where are action potentials conducted from the bladder?

- a) To the brain

- b) To the spinal cord

- c) To the liver

- d) To the intestines

- Answer: b) To the spinal cord

46. What do parasympathetic action potentials cause?

- a) Relaxation of the bladder

- b) Contraction of the bladder

- c) Filtration in the nephron

- d) Reabsorption in the nephron

- Answer: b) Contraction of the bladder

47. What happens to the external urinary sphincter during the micturition reflex?

- a) It contracts

- b) It relaxes

- c) It becomes tighter

- d) It secretes urine

- Answer: b) It relaxes



### Multiple Choice Exam: Urinary System

#### Functions of the Urinary System

1. Which of the following is the major excretory organ of the body?

- a) Liver

- b) Lungs

- c) Kidneys

- d) Intestines

- Answer: c) Kidneys

2. What role do the kidneys play in regulating blood volume and pressure?

- a) By producing hormones

- b) By excreting glucose

- c) By producing varying volumes of urine

- d) By digesting food

- Answer: c) By producing varying volumes of urine

3. Which ions do the kidneys help regulate in the blood?

- a) Glucose, Na+, Cl¯, K+, Ca2+, and HPO4

- b) Oxygen, CO2, Nitrogen

- c) Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids

- d) Iron, Magnesium, Zinc

- Answer: a) Glucose, Na+, Cl¯, K+, Ca2+, and HPO4

4. How do the kidneys regulate extracellular fluid pH?

- a) By secreting H+

- b) By absorbing Na+

- c) By excreting glucose

- d) By producing vitamin D

- Answer: a) By secreting H+

5. What hormone do the kidneys secrete to regulate red blood cell synthesis?

- a) Insulin

- b) Erythropoietin

- c) Adrenaline

- d) Thyroxine

- Answer: b) Erythropoietin

6. How do the kidneys contribute to vitamin D synthesis?

- a) By regulating calcium levels

- b) By producing erythropoietin

- c) By excreting waste products

- d) By regulating blood pressure

- Answer: a) By regulating calcium levels

#### Anatomy of the Urinary System

7. What shape are the kidneys?

- a) Circular

- b) Oval

- c) Bean-shaped

- d) Square

- Answer: c) Bean-shaped

8. Where are the kidneys located?

- a) In front of the peritoneum

- b) Behind the peritoneum

- c) In the thoracic cavity

- d) In the pelvic cavity

- Answer: b) Behind the peritoneum

9. What surrounds each kidney?

- a) Renal capsule

- b) Layer of muscle

- c) Renal artery

- d) Ureter

- Answer: a) Renal capsule

10. What is the function of the fat layer around the kidneys?

- a) To store energy

- b) To protect from mechanical shock

- c) To aid in blood filtration

- d) To produce hormones

- Answer: b) To protect from mechanical shock

11. What is the hilum?

- a) The outer layer of the kidney

- b) The cavity inside the kidney

- c) The entry and exit point for blood vessels and nerves

- d) The urine-collecting structure

- Answer: c) The entry and exit point for blood vessels and nerves

12. What structures are contained in the renal sinus?

- a) Nephrons

- b) Blood vessels, urine collection system, fat

- c) Renal corpuscles

- d) Ureters

- Answer: b) Blood vessels, urine collection system, fat

13. What two parts is the kidney divided into?

- a) Cortex and medulla

- b) Hilum and sinus

- c) Capsule and pelvis

- d) Calyx and ureter

- Answer: a) Cortex and medulla

14. What is a calyx?

- a) Part of the nephron

- b) Funnel-shaped structure surrounding renal pyramid tips

- c) Blood vessel in the kidney

- d) Nerve ending in the kidney

- Answer: b) Funnel-shaped structure surrounding renal pyramid tips

15. What is the renal pelvis?

- a) The area where urine is initially formed

- b) The cavity where blood vessels are located

- c) The funnel-shaped structure that narrows to form the ureter

- d) The fat layer surrounding the kidney

- Answer: c) The funnel-shaped structure that narrows to form the ureter

16. What is the functional unit of the kidney?

- a) Nephron

- b) Glomerulus

- c) Ureter

- d) Bowman's capsule

- Answer: a) Nephron

17. How many nephrons are in each kidney?

- a) 100,000

- b) 500,000

- c) 1.3 million

- d) 2 million

- Answer: c) 1.3 million

18. What structures make up a nephron?

- a) Renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule

- b) Renal artery, renal vein, ureter

- c) Renal capsule, renal sinus, renal pelvis

- d) Calyx, medulla, cortex

- Answer: a) Renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule

19. Where does fluid enter the nephron?

- a) Proximal tubule

- b) Loop of Henle

- c) Distal tubule

- d) Renal corpuscle

- Answer: d) Renal corpuscle

20. What is the path of fluid through the nephron?

- a) Proximal tubule → loop of Henle → distal tubule → collecting duct

- b) Distal tubule → loop of Henle → proximal tubule → collecting duct

- c) Loop of Henle → proximal tubule → renal corpuscle → collecting duct

- d) Collecting duct → proximal tubule → loop of Henle → distal tubule

- Answer: a) Proximal tubule → loop of Henle → distal tubule → collecting duct

21. What percentage of nephrons are juxtamedullary?

- a) 10%

- b) 15%

- c) 50%

- d) 85%

- Answer: b) 15%

22. What are the other 85% of nephrons called?

- a) Medullary nephrons

- b) Cortical nephrons

- c) Renal nephrons

- d) Pelvic nephrons

- Answer: b) Cortical nephrons

23. What are the components of the renal corpuscle?

- a) Bowman's capsule and glomerulus

- b) Proximal tubule and distal tubule

- c) Loop of Henle and collecting duct

- d) Renal artery and renal vein

- Answer: a) Bowman's capsule and glomerulus

24. What cells are found in the inner layer of Bowman's capsule?

- a) Erythrocytes

- b) Neurons

- c) Podocytes

- d) Fibroblasts

- Answer: c) Podocytes

#### Ureters, Urinary Bladder, and Urethra

25. What do the ureters do?

- a) Store urine

- b) Carry urine from kidneys to bladder

- c) Filter blood

- d) Produce hormones

- Answer: b) Carry urine from kidneys to bladder

26. Where is the urinary bladder located?

- a) In the abdominal cavity

- b) Behind the peritoneum

- c) In the pelvic cavity

- d) In the thoracic cavity

- Answer: c) In the pelvic cavity

27. What is the function of the urinary bladder?

- a) To produce urine

- b) To store urine

- c) To filter blood

- d) To secrete hormones

- Answer: b) To store urine

28. What is the maximum volume of urine the bladder can hold?

- a) 500 mL

- b) 750 mL

- c) 1000 mL

- d) 1500 mL

- Answer: c) 1000 mL

29. Where does the urethra carry urine?

- a) From the kidneys to the bladder

- b) From the bladder to the outside of the body

- c) From the kidneys to the outside of the body

- d) From the ureters to the kidneys

- Answer: b) From the bladder to the outside of the body

30. What is the trigone?

- a) The portion of the bladder located between the openings of the ureters and urethra

- b) The inner layer of Bowman's capsule

- c) The functional unit of the kidney

- d) The structure that surrounds the renal pyramid tips

- **Answer: a) The

portion of the bladder located between the openings of the ureters and urethra**

31. What controls the flow of urine through the urethra in males?

- a) Renal corpuscle

- b) Proximal tubule

- c) Internal urinary sphincter

- d) Podocytes

- Answer: c) Internal urinary sphincter

32. What is the main difference in the urethra between males and females?

- a) The male urethra is shorter than the female urethra

- b) The female urethra is longer than the male urethra

- c) The male urethra extends through the penis, while the female urethra is shorter and opens into the vestibule

- d) There is no difference

- Answer: c) The male urethra extends through the penis, while the female urethra is shorter and opens into the vestibule

#### Urine Production

33. What are the main components of urine?

- a) Water, organic waste products, and excess ions

- b) Blood cells, proteins, and lipids

- c) Hormones, enzymes, and glucose

- d) Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids

- Answer: a) Water, organic waste products, and excess ions

34. What are the three critical processes in the formation of urine?

- a) Filtration, reabsorption, secretion

- b) Absorption, digestion, excretion

- c) Circulation, respiration, perspiration

- d) Synthesis, degradation, elimination

- Answer: a) Filtration, reabsorption, secretion

35. What is filtration?

- a) Movement of substances from the blood into the nephron

- b) Movement of substances from the nephron back into the blood

- c) Transport of waste products across the wall of the nephron

- d) Production of erythropoietin

- Answer: a) Movement of substances from the blood into the nephron

36. What is reabsorption?

- a) Movement of substances from the nephron into the blood

- b) Movement of waste products across the wall of the nephron

- c) Filtration of blood into the nephron

- d) Production of urine

- Answer: a) Movement of substances from the nephron into the blood

37. What is secretion?

- a) Movement of water and ions into Bowman's capsule

- b) Transport of substances from the interstitial fluid into the nephron

- c) Movement of proteins into the nephron

- d) Reabsorption of useful substances from the filtrate

- Answer: b) Transport of substances from the interstitial fluid into the nephron

38. What is the filtrate?

- a) Blood plasma that enters the nephron

- b) Substances reabsorbed into the blood

- c) Waste products in the urine

- d) Hormones produced by the kidneys

- Answer: a) Blood plasma that enters the nephron

39. What happens during tubular reabsorption?

- a) Filtrate is produced

- b) Substances are reabsorbed from the filtrate into the blood

- c) Waste products are secreted into the nephron

- d) Urine is eliminated from the body

- Answer: b) Substances are reabsorbed from the filtrate into the blood

40. What by-product is produced when proteins are metabolized?

- a) Urea

- b) Creatinine

- c) Uric acid

- d) Ammonia

- Answer: d) Ammonia

41. How is ammonia converted into a less toxic substance?

- a) By the kidneys

- b) By the liver

- c) By the stomach

- d) By the intestines

- Answer: b) By the liver

42. What is tubular secretion responsible for?

- a) Producing urine

- b) Reabsorbing useful substances

- c) Transporting waste products into the nephron

- d) Converting ammonia into urea

- Answer: c) Transporting waste products into the nephron

#### Urine Movement

43. What activates the micturition reflex?

- a) Blood pressure

- b) Stretch of the bladder wall

- c) Filtration in the nephron

- d) Hormonal signals

- Answer: b) Stretch of the bladder wall

44. What happens when the bladder fills with urine?

- a) Pressure decreases

- b) Stretch receptors in the bladder wall are stimulated

- c) Urine production stops

- d) The kidneys stop filtering blood

- Answer: b) Stretch receptors in the bladder wall are stimulated

45. Where are action potentials conducted from the bladder?

- a) To the brain

- b) To the spinal cord

- c) To the liver

- d) To the intestines

- Answer: b) To the spinal cord

46. What do parasympathetic action potentials cause?

- a) Relaxation of the bladder

- b) Contraction of the bladder

- c) Filtration in the nephron

- d) Reabsorption in the nephron

- Answer: b) Contraction of the bladder

47. What happens to the external urinary sphincter during the micturition reflex?

- a) It contracts

- b) It relaxes

- c) It becomes tighter

- d) It secretes urine

- Answer: b) It relaxes