Sexual Scripts: Expectations of how to behave sexually
Egalitarian Sexual Script: Recent US sexual scripts supporting equal involvement, positive sexual expression and any form of wanted sex
Consent: Agreement between those participating in physical/sexual activity
Affirmative Consent: Yes means yes
Labia Majora and Minor: Protection for the vagina, vaginal opening and clitoris
Clitoris: Center of sexual arousal
Vagina: Internal structure that extends during arousal
Ovaries: Reproduction center that holds and releases eggs
Fallopian Tubes:
Breasts: Lactation to nourish offspring
Penis: Reproductive system that hardens during arousal
Scrotum: Holds testes and regulates temperature for sperm production
Seminal Vesicle: Produces fluid that energizes sperm during ejaculation
Prostate Gland: Produces fluid that helps sperm move during ejaculation
Cowper’s Gland: Produces fluid that neutralizes the urethra during ejaculation
Manual Sex: Sex with fingers and genitals
Vaginal Sex: Sex with an object inserted in the vagina
Oral Sex: Sex with the mouth and genitals
Anal Sex: Sex with an object inserted in the anus
Refractory Period: Males cannot enter excitement phase for a while after orgasm
Desire Disorders: Low sexual interest or desire
Arousal Disorders: Inability to become aroused
Orgasm Disorders: Orgasm not present or happening at wrong times
Pain Disorders: Pain during sexual activity
Autoeroticism: Sexual activity involving only self
Masturbation: Stimulating own body for sexual pleasure
Interpersonal Sexual Activity: Sex involving 2+ people
Pornography: Visual imagery displaying sexual activity
Kink: Unconventional sexual activities
Bondage: Restraining someone
Discipline: Punishment used in sex
Dominance: Authority in relationship
Submission: Giving up control in relationship
Sadism: Enjoyment from inflicting pain in sex
Masochism: Enjoyment from receiving pain in sex
Sexual Excitation System: Things that turn us on
Sexual Inhibition System: Things that turn us off
Spontaneous Desire: Random want for sex
Responsive Desire: Want for sex in response to arousal
Lactation Amenorrhea: Breastfeeding as birth control
Douching: Squirting liquid into vagina to clear sperm
Diaphragm: Blocking vagina opening with an object
Spermicides: Destroy sperm
Female Hormonal Contraception: Temporarily reducing fertility by preventing ovulation and altering the cervix/uterus
Sterilization: Removing a part of the female or male anatomy to stop pregnancy
Tubal Ligation: Closing the fallopian tubes
Hysterectomy: Removal of the uterus
Vasectomy: Cutting of the vas deferens
Dental Dam: Thin sheet that covers touching to protect against STIs
Abortion: Procedure to end pregnancy
Medical Abortion: 2 pills taken to stop progestin and stop pregnancy
Therapeutic Abortion: Surgery that suctions contents of uterus
Late Term Abortions: Similar to therapeutic abortions with more removal
Bacterial STI: Bacteria passed person to person that can be cured
Viral STI: Virus passed person to person that cannot be cured
Parasitic STI: Parasites passed person to person that can be cured
Replacement Rate: Number of children each female must have to keep population stable
Infertility: Inability to conceive a baby to term
Artificial Insemination: Insertion of semen into vagina
In-Vitro Fertilization: Insertion of fertilized eggs into female
Surrogacy: Someone else carries child
Ovulation: Release of a mature egg
Cervix Dilation: Cervix opens wider during labor
Crowning: Top of baby’s head is visible during birth
Teratogens: Substances that distort prenatal development
Braxton-Hicks Contractions: False labor scare
Lochia: Discharge after pregnancy as uterus heals
Ectopic Pregnancy: Egg stays in fallopian tubes and implants not in the uterus
Nesting Instinct: Burst of energy and urge to get ready for the baby
Involution: Uterus decreases to pre-pregnancy size
Authoritarian Parenting: Frequent punishment, like a hierarchy
Authoritative Parenting: Controlling but communicative as to expectations
Permissive Parenting: Non-controlling and little restriction, little routine or organization
Uninvolved Parenting: Little care or expression between parent and child
Sandwich Generation: Adults who care for both aging parents and dependent children
Open Adoption: Some form of contact with biological parents but raised by other parents