According to Piaget, children develop schemas via continuous and discontinuous processes such as assimilation and accommodation.The sensorimotor stage occurs from infancy through toddlerhood. Object permanence develops during this stage. The preoperational stage occurs from toddlerhood through early childhood. Childrenbecomeproficientinusingmental symbols and engage in pretend play. The preoperationalstageisidentifiedmoreby cognitive tasks children cannot perform such as conservation and reversibility, or by those they exhibit, such as animism and egocentrism. Children begin to develop a theory of mind during this stage. he concrete operational stage occurs from early through late childhood. Children in this stage can generally correct the cognitive errors made in the preoperational stage and understand the world in logical, realistic, and straightforward ways, but struggle to think systematically. 3.4.A.1.iv The formal operational stage occurs from late childhood through adulthood. People in this stage gain the ability to think abstractly and hypothetically. Piaget proposed that not all people achieve formal operational thinking. SUGGESTED SKILLS 1.B Explain how cultural norms, expectations, and circumstances, as well as cognitive biases apply to behavior and mental processes. 2.C Evaluate the appropriate use of research design elements in non-experimental methodologies. 4.B Provide reasoning that is grounded in scientifically derived evidence to support, refute, or modify an established or provided claim, policy, or norm. continued on next page AP Psychology Course and Exam Description Course Framework V.1 | 78 Return to Table of Contents © 2024 College Board UNIT 3 Development and Learning ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE 3.4.A.2 According to Vygotsky, children are social learners who learn through interacting with andscaffoldingbyotherpeoplewithin sociocultural contexts. Ideally, learning occurs whilethepersonisintheirzoneofproximal development. 3.4.A.3 Adults experience changes in cognitive capabilities as they progress through the lifespan.Crystallizedintelligenceremains relativelystablethroughadulthoodwhilefluid intelligence tends to wane as people age. Cognitivedisordersthataffectadultsinclude dementia
