Developmental psychology

Introduction and the study of child development Erickson model of development 



model of development 

Prenatal development 


Erik and Joan Erickson Biopsychosocial model of development


Erikson- psychosocial theory of development was taught by Anna frued, frueds daughter

2nd slide- 

Epigenetic principle: things pop up, things unfold in our lives we grasp them interact with them and by then we had a whole life 

  • Nine stages 

  • Called crisis? 

  • Strengths and maladjustments 

Stage 1 : basic trust vs basic mistrust (birth to 2 years)

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Hope (something we try to develop in infancy) 

  • Withdrawal 

  • If you get negatively affected in a stage you’ll be negatively affected but it wont stop you from learning the other stages 

Stage 2: autonomy vs shame and out (2 to 3 years) 

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Control/will

  • Compulsion 

  • Give them some choice and some control 

  • If we create too many power struggles they’re going who they are 

Stage 3: initiative vs guilt (3 to 5)

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Purpose (mastery and responsibility) 

  • Inhibition 

Stage 4: industry and inferiority (6 to 12 years)

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Competence/ confidence 

  • Inertia

  • At the end of this stage were starting to get into our own spaces getting friends and getting into organizations , learning this sucks as gender indemnification, what society expects from us 

Stage 5: identify vs identity confusion (12 to 18 years) 

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Fidelity ( set of beliefs and values) - ability to develops loyalty to ourselves beliefs and other people, loyal to the things we decide to be loyal to  

  • Repudiation -

  • Who am I? 

  • Questioning we are, erikisons said we should try on different personas - experimentation, expand the versions of ourselves 

  • Worrying about the social network were involved in during this year because it can be positive but also negative (bullying) 

  • Identity confusion 

  • Experimentation (early on pregnancy) 

Stage 6 : intimacy vs Isolation (18 to 45ish) 

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Love- love expands in a very different way, sacrificial love for others (ex not meet our needs to give them to our children), love is coming at us and being given 

  • Exclusivity- 

  • What do I wanna do for the next 10 years 

Need a sense lot connection but also needing alone time 

First time to have major relations 

  • Connections 

Stage 7: generatively vs stagnation (45ish to 70)

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Care 

  • Receptivity 

  • Worrying about parents, kids, jobs, having a lot to do

  • Can be a very exciting time because you’re not as fearful 

  • People close off because they’ve reached a certain age, they get old fast because they’ve isolated themselves 

  • People need care in this age

Stage 8: integrity vs despair (70 to 85 years) 

How was childhood, how was adulthood, we can feel hopeless and depressed 

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Wisdom 

  • Disdain 

  • Human beings are primmed to be social and to move we develop physical and mental issue if we choose to be anti social/isolate or not move 

Stage 9: Transformation (85+) ( they wouldn’t take the 9th stage because Erik erikson passed away) 

  • Strength and maladjustment 

  • Wisdom 

  • Despair 

  • One foot in this life and one foot in the next 

  • Losing interest in things you used to enjoy , kinda retract a little bit and care about what’s happening next instead of 

  • You need to know what people want at this age 

You cannot be in two stages at once, you can skip one according to the erikson 

Pre-natal to adolescents class focus 

9/24- Prenatal development 

Pregnancy - 10 lunar months 

Must be aware of dangers, such as the mother, baby, and mother and baby 

Life starts at conception

 Critical and sensitive periods 

  • Traditional definition: period during which structure highly “plastic” or subject to change 

  • We develop very rapidly during a short amount of times 

  • Structure is devloping rapidly 

  • Environmental influence affects development (it depends)

  • First 12 weeks the muscular is getting set up 

  • Baby development (hand)  A)day 44 nub, hand is slowly starting to form (palm)  B) day 50  fingers are slowly starting to form C) day 55 the structure is finishing <- stage occurs less than 2 months  into pregnancy 

  • Prenatal environmental influences 

  • Teratogens: any disease, drug, or other environmental agent that can harm a developing embryo or fetus 

  • Impact depends on genotype/constitution of organism 

  • No universally harmful 

  • How much it too much alcohol- different for every person, it shouldn’t be consumed once a human is pregnant 

  • Teratogen’s aren’t good for u, but depending on where we are in our pregnancy 

  • Stay away from over the counter medications floridimide (minus HIV and antidepressant medication)

  • Harm particular structures at particular points in development 

  • First 12 weeks - central nervous systems, the heart, arms, genital,  , the pallets is happening around 7-8 weeks

  • Age is a factor during pregnancy (too young, too old)

  • Both young and older mothers are likely to have conflicting pregnancies 

  • Body is properly prepared for pregnancies at 18 but not completely ready 

  • Those under 18 have significant premature births (baby comes before expected)  and low birth rate babies 

  • We don’t have exact circumstances for pregnancy ( disapproval and approval at a young age) 

  • Prenatal supplement are needed for the baby’s wellbeing 

  • Too old for pregnancy- 30 in 2024 - jeractric 

  • Nutrition is important during pregnancy , guidance towards pregnancy, more proteins, eating better will ease the pregnancy and help the baby 


  • End of life regrets

  • Take initiative at younger ages to combat regrets 

  • Trails and tribulation of pregnancy : 

Another definition ofTeratogen- any environmental substance that has a negative impact on fetal development 

Stressor and threats :

HIV - testing and if they do have it is recommended to take the medication to slow down or stop it. 2% 

If the women carrying the baby has HIV and  or mood disorders even tho most pregnant women shouldn’t take medications it is recommended in these cases to help improve the mothers life and simultaneously help the baby as well 

Fetal alcohol syndrome: Pattern of disabilities due to mothers ingesting alcohol while pregnant 

Problems are longterm and permanent 

  • Illegal drugs not good for pregnancy, fetenal, nicotine etc

Childs temperament 

Temperament- certain patterns in ones behavior / how they view the world 

Temperament is hardwired

The environment changes us, ex- might not want to do a presentation but we can it just won’t feel natural 

inborn tendencies

9 behavioral traits of temperament:

Three general types: easy, difficult, slow to warm

Easy- emotional positive, predictable sleeping/ eating habits, very happy child 

Difficult (challenging)- hard to take care of adapts slowly to change, unpredictable sleeping habits, sensitive, not very happy

Slow to warm-

Oct 1 -

Parenting styles: they have an affect in development, there not inherit in our nature 

Someone who is harsh or critical people don’t nearly have to be harsh parents 

Authoritarian style- rigidity, parent says its my way or the highway don’t wanna play by my rules find somewhere else to live, whatever is for dinner you eat it or you starve, they think its in the best interest of the child, they provide basic needs still but do it with an attitude, and author all the decisions, author all the decisions of the family and don’t want input from the child, they instill in kids that their above them (hierarchy), 

Children are very perceptive

Parenting styles reflect the relationship parents have with the child 

-Parent influences kids and kid influences parents 

Negatives of authoritarian parenting style, Low and warmth, high in parent making decisions parents have control 

Parents can shift- change in styles, starting off loving and soft to then get more controlling maw ay or the highway

More than one parent- being parented by different individuals with different parenting styles can be conflicting 

Authoritative* - preferred parenting style for children, high in warm this parent is kind warmth sensitive obersrving loving but also high in control 

Lets the kids to say wbat they wants emotions/wants/needs are communicated parent is the parent but still acknowledges kids wanting to go on vacation 

Honest style, kids get treated with respect, children are protected within family and outside the family, teach children negating skills, their voice matters, they can have a conflicting views on things and still be cared about and respected, parent stays in charge of the situation 

Depending on temperament style authoritarian would have a positive affect with a child who is difficult, aurthotative would be snensitive to the child 

In charge but is welcoming of the child needs - easy, slow to warmth up would be best for this parenting style 

Easier to be authoritative with younger children 

Given the kids negotiating skills, being received as human being, being cared and respected - set kids up for a easier adulthood 

Just let the kids do whatever they want, no consequences, disengaged parent (abuse, neglect)

Low in control down in warmth basically absent parents 

Parentified child

Parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved 

Oct 3rd- 

Outcomes for authoritarian parenting style- If we aren’t giving enough space within adolescents we might reflect that behavior and be strict in relationships before we even have children 

Parenting styles affect our daily relationships, how we treat people etc 

Authoritarian parent - kids feelings aren’t taken into consideration, kids should be seen not heard 

Outcome: affects kids social skills, indecisiveness and trouble thinking on their own, low 

Selfesstem, poor judge of character, anger management and resentfulness, hostility and aggression

Sometimes parent change up their style 

Due to experiences you can change your self esteem 

Permissive parenting style- they have rules but they don’t enforce them ex- bedtime at 11 come home at 2am parent just says I wish you would’ve called 

Effects- lack of responsibility, difficulty with decision making (right from wrong and what society says), impulsiveness and aggressiveness, lack of independence and personal responsibility, anxiety and depression, academic struggles 

Kids are not trained to get what they want without violence, hands off approach when it comes to children’s thoughts and behaviors 

They were taught to do whatever they wanted 

Authoritative style-  a lot of effort is put into creating and maintaining a positive relationship with you, you explain the rules the rules you place, you set limits, enforce rules, and give consequences but consider the Childs feelings 

Positive discipline strategies such as praise and rewards 

Effects: close nurturing relationships with parents, tendency to be responsible and respectful, ability to manages their aggressions, high degrees of self esteem and confidence and self regulation, more likely to be happy and successful, ability to clearly express their emotions 

Neglectful of uninvolved: not asking about their friends or their lives don’t know much for them you don’t have many rules and expectations

Kids needs rules these rules for this parent can be too much for the age or don’t hav any 

They don’t care as long as their not being bothered 

Effects: substance abuse, rebelliousness, deliquency( vandalism, assault, rape, petty theft)

Lower cognitive and emotional empathy, diminished self-esteem 

They usually get in trouble in school and with the law, get into bad friendships and relationships

10/7- Temperament as behavior style 

  • Alexander Thomas and Stella chess

Aspects of behavior 



tempermant= styles 

  • Sensitivity, intensity of reaction, activity level, adaptability, approach/withdrawal, persistence, rhythmicity, quality of mood, distractibility 

Inborn traits, then the environment works on us and vice versa 

Each trait ranges from high to low

Temperament and attachment issues factor in to who we become and how we react in the future 

Difficult temperament and not difficult child 

Difficult tempermant

  • Irregular 

  • Low in approach 

  • Withdrawals from novelty

  • Slow to adapt

  • Intense 

  • Display much negative mood

  • These are traits and characteristics  

Easy temperament 

  • Regular 

  • Approaching 

  • Adaptable 

  • Mild 

  • High in intensity 

  • High mood 

Rare for a kid to have a difficult temperament 1/10 but for easy temperament 4/10 

Goodness of fit- when the environment and their expectations on the child are in sync with the Childs motivations, style and behavior  

Poorness of fit- trouble between environment and child , the needs, demands and expectations of both children and the environment do not sync: what’s going on with the child what’s going on with the environment 

Poor fit can come from the child 

 identifies the kid and the environment 

 fit how someone fits in at home, school , goodness- compatibility 

How we fit into our environment, good where we fit in our environment 

Poor goodness of fit we don’t fit into our environment 

Easy temperament they can fit into most environments unless the garnets or the house doesn’t fit the kid 

Ex- mother is depressed, it doesn’t and will not fit any temperaments : poorness of fit 

Environment, kid and the mix 

Environment works with what the kids needs

Easier to change the environment as much as possible goodness of fit is emmedible to change 

Authoritarian parent will give any kid a hard time , hard situations since kids can’t fit into 

The fit matters throughout the ages of 0-15 

Fit can change 

Fit is an important concept throughout life 

10/10 - 

20 multiple choice 3 short answer 

Parenting styles are elective

Attachment  styles- distinctive ways of thinking, feeling and behavior in close relationships that results in from ones early attachment experiences 

 ex- securely attached infant and then trauma hits in childhood that bond can be affected and turn into something insecure and can change our attachment style 

Attachment -a bond or loving bond between two people , long enduring emotional tie to a specific person 

Necessary event that happened in childhood to help us feel secure and function to our best ability 

Dr.John bolwby 

Dr. Mary Ainsworth 

Bowlbys four stages 

We have to attach to someone in the first 6 months of life 

We are hardwired to connect 


Infants seek attachments from birth to ensure protections 

Key infant behaviors 

Sucking, cuddling 

Phases of Social development 

First stage- Indiscriminent social responses pg 163

1-2 months baby develops the cry, they help signal adults that they need help 

In the first couple of months the kid will go to anybody 

Phase 2- discriminating social ability 

They know who’s who mom,dad), 2-7 months 

This discriminating social ability we have to attached to someone body by this time and stage 

Phase 3- attachments

7-24 months,  6 or 7 months

The kids don’t want you to leave they got use to you and like having you around 

Putting a child in good daycare if the care is good it doesn’t negatively affect the development

When kids pitch a fit its actually a good thing because they have a secure attachment, a fit of protest is a good thing because it means they are attached 

They miss their caregiver, specific love for a specific person 

Phase 4- age 3 and above  Goal corrected partnerships 

Beginning of the 3rd after the third birthday,  36 months and on 

Kids take their parents needs into account and let them have a break occasionally 

They can now recognize parents have other activities and that they must wait they can wait a couple minutes but not hours

Sometimes they’ll be like ill wait to get something to eat

They can now access the caregiver because they can walk and talk so if there hurt they’ll go to their main caregiver

Attachment is a process 

Dr.Mary Ainsworth - worked besides bowlby 

Infants developing love for their primary caregiver 

Experiement- their main caregiver and and them enter a room with toys and seats then stranger brought in to see how a child would react the child starts to cry and wants their mother to, what reaction does the baby have when the mom returns , Does the child accept the mother when she returns or rejects her 

Its happens twice they’re looking what what happens next 

They might want to be held to reconnect that attachment (reengagement process)

Secure base- they see the parent as an attachment figure as secure they can stop feeling anxious (preferred attachment style)

Parents are not viewed as secure bases, angrily rejecting comfort 

Insecure resisted- rejecting parents 

Insecure resilient- they want to be helped but they don’t want it from you they’re sure 

Insecure avoidant- kids avoids there parents 

If anything is called insecure its the non-proffered style 

Important group: unusual small 4th group of infants 

Disoriented or disorganized 

They appear confuse and apprehensive when they approach their parents 

Serious trouble relationship later on in the future 
