primary producers
autotrophs or self-feeders
can synthesize their own food from inorganic sources
usually solar energy
primary producers of chemical energy
cellular respiration
growth and reproduction
R: energy either used in cellular respiration or lost
NPP total amount of chemical energy that is stored in organic material
consumers: eat living organisms
decomposers: obtain energy by feeding on the remains of other organisms or waste products
trophic structure
biodiversity=biological diversity
solutions to preserve genetic diversity
wildlife corridors
genetic restoration
seed banks
designing effective protected areas
ecosystem restoration
management plans for invasive species
management plans for threatened species
quantifying ecosystem services
genetic diversity
total genetic information contained within all individuals of the population, species or group of species
measure in number and relative frequencies of all genes present in a sample
genome sequencing: research protocol that sequences the entire genome of multiple members of the same species
represents adaptive capacity of population
environmental sequencing: research protocol that sequences all or most of the eDNA
documents diversity even if species present is unknown
species diversity
species richness: count of how many species are present in a defined area
species diversity: weights measure that incorporates both richness and evenness
Shannon index
DNA barcoding: using characterized gene sequences to distinguish species
phylogenetic diversity: some species give a community evolutionary distinctiveness because they are phylogenetically distant from other species
functional diversity: play key role in function of ecosystem
ecosystem diversity
horizontal diversity: number of species that occur within each trophic level
vertical diversity: number of trophic levels
trophic level:
ecosystem function: sum of biological and chemical processes
endemic species: species found in a particular area and nowhere else
biodiversity hotspot: urgent need for conservation action
causes of extinction
habitat loss
logging, burning, damming rivers, dredging estuaries
unsustainable removal of organisms from the natural environment by humans
invasive species
climate change