claims in psychological science

  • claim: an argument someone is trying to make

    • we focus on claims based on empirical research

      • claims follow from data in the theory-data cycle

  • challenge #1

    • claims based on psychological variables often depend on indirect measurements of psychological concepts we’re interested in

    • ex: claim from “delay of gratification in children”

      • pre-school children with more self-control are more likely to have higher grades, score higher on the SAT a decade later, and are more able to cope with social and personal problems

  • operational definition: how a concept is explicitly measured

    • psychological processes

      • “self-control” - concept

      • effortful inhibition of impulses

    • there are multiple operational definitions that are possible for any one conceptual definition

    • checklist for an ideal operational definition:

      • has clear rules

      • does not overly depend on the interpretation of another concept that is not explained or observable

      • results in a variable with multiple values for each person in your study sample

      • results in a valid measurement of the construct (more on this later)
