abolitionist (a person)- a person who wants to get rid of or destroy slavery
enlist- a voluntary joining of the military
secede- withdraw formally from membership of a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization
campaign (military)- a military objective for a specific goal
guerrilla- small military group that harasses or fights other people
states rights- the principle that the rights of individual states should prevail over the rights of the federal government
state’s rights
economic differences
election of 1860
date is 4/12/1861- 4/09/1865 (april 12, 1861- april 9 1865
over 600,000 people would die
south (confederates, rebels, greycoats)
north (union, yankees, blue)
Confederate states (11 red and orange) *
Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Florida, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee,
Union (blue 6) *
California, Iowa, Ohio, New York, Illinois, Michigan
new tools of the Civil War
ironclad warships, primitive submarines, and the gatling gun
civil war was the first national event to be photographed
1820 Missouri Compromise
this compromise said there should be an equal balance of free and slave states
missouri came in as a slave state
maine would be a free state
compromise of 1850
this compromise would let voters in that state decide if it would be a free or slave state
california entered as a free state
this compromise would be used for western territories
1854 kansas-nebraska act
this act would replace the missouri compromise
nebraska came in as a free state
kansas was settled by both pro and anti slavery people
a war would break out between the two groups in kansas
this became known as “Bloody Kansas”
fugitive slave act: ensured slave owners that they could reclaim their slaves if they escaped to a free state
john brown- a white antislavery person who killed pro slavery people to protest his hatred of slavery
started his work in kansas (Harper’s Ferry)
john brown, election of 1860, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe would start the spark of the Civil War
sectionalism- is when the US would be divided into separate ways of thinking
antislavery people started the republican party
this party did not exist in la
all four candidates were split over the slavery issue
in 1860, abraham lincoln would become our next president and the issue over slavery would divide the democratic party
states rights and slavery were the 2 biggest reasons for the civil war
the north felt that states had no constitutional right to leave the union
the south felt that they should be able to leave
the south felt if there was a war, that it would be a quick and fast victory for the south
the north had more soldiers and the factories to make weapons and supplies quickly
if la would secede, it would lose the tariffs on their sugar business from the north
south carolina would secede first on 12/20/1860
la would secede on 1/26/1861
state would take over $600,000 from the US mint in New Orleans
la governor thomas moore would seize Fort Jackson and Fort St. Phillip below New Orleans
he also took over the weapons arsenal in Baton Rouge
la would soon join the confederate states of america
their president would be jeffereson davis
judah benjamin would be called the “brains of the confederacy”
john slidell tried to get the european countries to help the confederates
la gave four key generals to the civil war:
Braxton Bragg, Fort Brag in North Carolina
Leonidas Polk, Fort Polk, Louisiana
richard taylor, son of president zachary taylor
p.g.t. beauregard, ordered the first shot fired to start the war
civil war started on 4/12/1861 at fort sumter in south carolina
battle of shiloh- 1st bloodiest battle for la troops
25,000 casualties
disease would kill many before they ever left to fight
lack of supplies and food was a constant problems for the soldiers
confederates would pay a bounty, a one time fee for soldiers to enlist
after war started they used the draft or the conscription law
this law required any man of a certain age to enlist
this law had a substitute clause which allowed a man to take someone’s place in the war
you were exempt from fighting if you owned 20 or more slaves
soliders called the civil war “a rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight”
some la factories started making weapons, uniforms and medical supplies
salt also became very valuable in la during the civil war
many women started working in factories during the war also