Sit ins: feb 1 1960, greensboro nc, woolworths, 50k ppl doing by end of yr
Orgs: two for grass roots
Southern christian leadership conference-mlk 1957, southern clergy
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee(diane nash) aggressive, no clergy
Freedom Riders(1961): mostly sncc, white and black students ride around to segregated bus terminals
Sup court 1961: no segregation on interstate buses/terminals
Sup court 1962: segregation on all interstate transport wrong
James merideth(1962): tries to enroll in u of mississippi, gov ignored fed court order, kennedy has to send in 30k troops to keep peace
Medger Evers Murder(1963): head of naacp, drive by
Birmingham(1963): bombingham, lots of bombings, church
Gov of alabama: george wallace, fierce segregationist
Mlk +sclc do all out protest
Letter from birmingham jail: after king is arrested, appealed to white clergy
June 1963: passionate civil rights speech on tv, calls for legislation
March on washington(april 1963): march on washington, i have a dream speech
Civil rights act of 1964: mo more seg in public places, restores 14th to intended meaning
Summer 1964(mississippi); freedom summer , snic sends college students down to register black ppl to vote, 37 black churches bombed, 1k arrested
Missipi freedom dem party(1964): dem convention
March from selma to montgomery(1965-mlk): bloody sunday
Voting rights act of 1965: restores 15th to intended meeting, guarantee black rights to vote
1965: by this time of goals met and movement diverges
Post 1965: north/cities, end black poverty, black power/willingness to use violence, white support lost after 1965, secular, separatism
Pre 1965: south /cities, desegregation/voting rights in s, non violent, mlk, lots of northern white support, clergy, integregatiom
Long hot summers(1964-1969): annual summer race riots in northern cities, black rage against poverty + ghetto conditions- watts riots(summer 67), newark
Malcom X: black separatism, fight back, killed 65
Black Power Movement
Stokeley Carmicheal-1966: kicks out all whits of sncc
Black Panthers: combine black power with marxism to cause revolution
Kerner Commission(1967): said we need poverty fighting initiatives for black ppl-investigate riots
White Backlash: less white support, white oppositisim
Whites oppose affirmative action
Civil rights act of 1968: bans discrimination in housing
MLK assanistin(april 4th 1968): all hell breaks loose
Communism: we think conflict is part of ussr attempt to spread communist soviet influence , valid application of containment
Domino theory: one country falls to commies, another country falls
Involvement so far
Truman: gave econ and military aid to french in south
Eisenhower: pumps in a billion to south vietnam
Kennedy: buys into above assumptions, increases us involvement even more( pattern for pres), puts ppl in vietnam, 16k by end of presidency( training viet army, other support)
Overlapping conflicts
Vietcong:south viet communists( fighting against sv who support nv) v SV gov
Deims gov: no popular support
Nov 1963: diem is overthrown and assassinated in military coup
Chronic instability in south viet
LBJ: rejects call by un, french+ vietcong forum coalition govt in sv
Gulf of Tonkin Incident(aug 1964): us navy was helping sv with raids, us patrol boat maybe attacked off coast of nv
Johnson lies and says we were victim of unprovoked vietnamese attack
Gulf of tonkin resolution(1964): congress gives lbj authority to repel attacks on us forces and to act to prevent further acts of aggression-johnson can do whatever he wants in vietnam
1965: us massive escalation in vietnam, us bombs ho chi minh trail in laos( cut off supply lines)
Operation rolling thunder(1965): massive us bombings of nv
Ground troops: by end of 1965 there was 184k , by end of 1968 there is 536k, 65-68 is massive escalation, lots of guerilla warfare, ptsd, vietcong blends in with villages
Lots of draft evasion
My Lai Massacre(1968): walk into sv village and kill everyone, 200+ ppl most innocent
Credibility Gap: media starts talking about miss info from gov and military
Knowledge Gap: between what we thought we knew and what was actually true
Tet Offensive(jan 1968); tet is viet lunar new year, always had truce during this time, north viet and viet cong attack every major settlement/ every us military base in sv at one time- we crushed in matter of days
Showed nv- vietcong were not beaten
Effects: huge demoralizing on us public opinion, discredits lbj entire us policy
Feb 1968: dem primary in nh, bc of vietnam eugene mccarthy( sen mn) challenge johnson for president and gets 42% of vote- ppl do not like johnson
March 31 1968: lbj on tv withdraws from presidential election
Students movement: in 1962 college students from Students for a Dem Society(sds)
Port Huron Statement: condemned racism and poverty of us
Called on us to actually put its democratic deals into practice,certain groups in society have too much power( politicians, corps and military)_
Free speech Movement(1964): uc berkeley, mario savio, berkeley says they won't allow peace speech and civil rights speech(but allow military), savio calls for demonstrations, heavy handed police
New Left Movement( from student and free speech): intelectual, radical, quasi marxist critique of us society
Women's Movement(1960s): end workplace discrimination in hiring/ promotions, equal pay, affordable child care
Betty Friedan(1963)-the feminine mystique: women have mystique of things to fulfill( get married, have kids), if u feel unfulfilled u wrong, don't fully develop as adult
National org For Women(NOW)betty again: movement at law
Radical Feminists( grassroots)
Equal Rights amendment(approved by congress in 1972)- only 36 approved
Title 9: if u wanted fed funding for sports they needed to be equal opportunity
Opposition(philyis schlafly): special protective legislation for women would not be active
Roe v Wade(1973): decriminalize abortion federally
Anti war movement
Left: evil war waged by an evil imperialist us-just leave-radical
Liberal: war waged by a mistaken us, misinformed, misguided, solution unclear
Centrist: war was bad because its impact at home(too long, too much death. Too much division), not worth it- surge with tet offensive
Counter Culture: question conventional society norms, anti materialism, rock
Timothy Leary: harvard prof who experimented with lsd, started movement
Sexual Revolution: birth control pill in 1960, contraception a lot easier, everybody doing it
Gay rights Movement
Stonewall riot(1969): organized movement
1968: the hard year, marks shifts toward conservatism
Jan: uss pueblo captured off north korea, tet offensive
March: eugene mccarthy wins 42% of vote in dem nh primary, rfk enters race for pres, lbj announces bombing halt and withdraws from race
April: mlk assinited, sparks race riots, colombia uni student takeovers, violence protest
June: RFK
August: dem convention in chi, violence in streets between chi and protest groups
Nov: Nixon(nicer, middle America) narrowly wins the presidential election. Dems nominated hubert humprhery( long history in senate and civil rights), independent was george wallace(patriotism, law, anti protest)
Impact of nixon victory: discredits johnson and vietnam war, erosion of post war consensus, first time dems lost south since 1850s, fdr coalition in trouble
Nixon Forgein policy: top goal was to get us out of vietnam while saving ace
Nixon Doctrine: us will help nations that help themselves(us was over extended
De-escalation in vietnam(1969-1973): biggest anti war protests in 1969, april 1970 us invades cambodia
Vietnamization: gradually turn over more + more responsibility for fighting to south vietnam itself, also bomb north vietnam alot
Kent state(may 1970); national guard unit shoot student protesters
June 1970: congress revoked gulf on tonk resolution
Petagon Papers: published in 1971 which was secret history of vietnam
Jan 1973: vietnam ceasefire
War powers Resolution: the pres may only commit us troops abroad for 60 days without congressional approval
Fighting dont stop: after we leave ceasefire falls apart and by 1975 south vietnam falls
Retaliations with USSR: nixon henry kissinger-realpolitik(realism), stability of moderation
Detente: deliberately lessen cold war tensions
1972: opens relations with communist china
Salt(strategic arms limitations treaty): put limits on nukes,