Unit IV Trees and Graphs (1)

Unit IV

  • Overview of Trees and Graphs


  • Definition: A tree data structure is a hierarchical structure that organizes data for easy navigation and search.

  • Structure: Composed of nodes and edges, demonstrating a hierarchical relationship where the topmost node is termed the root, and other nodes are termed child nodes.

  • Characteristics: Nodes can have multiple children, forming a recursive structure.

Tree Concepts


  • An entity containing a key/value and pointers to child nodes.

  • Leaf Nodes: Last nodes in any path, have no children.

  • Internal Nodes: Nodes with at least one child.


  • The connection/link between any two nodes.


  • The Topmost Node of a tree.

Height of a Tree

  • Height is determined by the depth of the deepest node or the height of the root node.

Tree Applications

  • Binary Search Trees (BSTs): For quick element presence checks in a set.

  • Heaps: Used for efficient sorting.

  • Tries: Modified tree structures in routers for storing routing information.

  • Databases: Utilize B-Trees and T-Trees for enhanced data management.

  • Compilers: Syntax trees validate programming code syntax.

  • File Systems: Facilitate efficient navigation and organization of files.

  • Data Compression: Huffman coding employs binary trees for compressing data.

Basic Operations of Tree Data Structure


  • Establishing a new tree.


  • Adding data to the tree.


  • Finding specific data within the tree.

Traversal Methods

  • Preorder Traversal: (Root, Left, Right)

  • Inorder Traversal: (Left, Root, Right)

  • Postorder Traversal: (Left, Right, Root)

Traversal Results

  • Inorder: D, B, E, A, F, C, G

  • Preorder: A, B, D, E, C, F, G

  • Postorder: D, E, B, F, G, C, A

Types of Trees

  • Binary Tree

  • Binary Search Tree

  • AVL Tree

  • B-Tree

Binary Tree

  • A hierarchical structure where each node has at most two children (left and right).

  • Utilized for efficient data storage, retrieval, and various operations (insertion, deletion, traversal).

Representation of a Binary Tree

  • Linear (Array) Representation

  • Linked List Representation

Structure of a Node in a Binary Tree

  • typedef struct BTree { int data; struct BTree *lchild; struct BTree *rchild; } node;

Expression Trees

  • Definition: A binary tree where each internal node is an operator and each leaf node is an operand.

  • Construction Process:

    1. Use a stack to process input expressions.

    2. Push operands onto the stack.

    3. For operators, pop two values, create a parent node, and push back to the stack.

    4. Convert expressions to postfix to form the tree then traverse in-order for results.

Binary Search Trees (BST)

  • Properties:

    • Left sub-tree values are less than or equal to the parent node's key.

    • Right sub-tree values are greater than or equal to the parent node's key.

Height-Balanced Binary Trees

  • Defined by the property that any node's left and right subtree heights differ by no more than 1.

  • Height Definition: Length of the longest path from a node to a leaf.

AVL Trees

  • An AVL Tree is a height-balanced BST where each node has a balance factor (height of left subtree - height of right subtree).

  • Balance Factor Ranges:

    • -1: Left subtree is one level lower.

    • 0: Subtrees are equal height.

    • +1: Right subtree is one level lower.

Multi-way Trees

  • Generalized binary trees allowing multiple elements in each node.

  • Characteristics:

    • Nodes can have multiple keys and children; 2-3-4 trees keep leaves at the same level.


  • Self-balancing trees designed for handling massive data efficiently.

  • Each node contains multiple keys, resulting in a larger branching factor and shallower height.

  • Properties:

    • Nodes must maintain a sorted data arrangement and a specific number of children and keys, ensuring balanced paths among leaf nodes.

Inserting into a B-Tree

  • Example insertion sequence: 5, 3, 21, 9, 13, 22, 7, 10, 11, 14, 8, 16.
