Course: BI 117 General Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
Instructor: Kate E. Kryger
Skeletal Muscle:
Voluntary control
Striated appearance
Attached to bones for movement
Cardiac Muscle:
Involuntary control
Striated with intercalated discs
Found only in the heart
Smooth Muscle:
Involuntary control
Levels of muscle organization:
Whole Muscle: Combination of tendon + muscle belly
Fascicle: Bundle of muscle fibers
Muscle Fiber: Individual muscle cell
Each level of muscle is enclosed by connective tissue:
Epimysium: Surrounds the muscle belly
Perimysium: Surrounds each fascicle
Endomysium: Surrounds each muscle fiber
Tendons: Connect muscle to bone
Muscle Action Rule:
Any muscle or tendon crossing a joint will act upon that joint.
Key Terms:
Origin [O]: Fixed end of muscle
Insertion [I]: Moveable end of muscle
Muscles function in groups with different roles:
Prime Mover: Main muscle performing the movement
Synergist: Assists the prime mover
Fixator: Stabilizes a joint
Antagonist: Opposes the movement
Flexion: Decreases the angle between body parts
Extension: Increases the angle between body parts
Abduction: Movement away from the midline
Adduction: Movement toward the midline
Pronation: Rotation of forearm to face down
Supination: Rotation of forearm to face up
Inversion: Movement of the foot toward the midline
Eversion: Movement of the foot away from the midline
Plantarflexion: Pointing toes down
Dorsiflexion: Lifting toes up
Elevation: Moving structures superiorly
Depression: Moving structures inferiorly
Anterior Group: Extends the knee
Posterior Group: Flexes the knee
Medial Group: Adducts the thigh
Sartorius: Separates anterior from medial group
"ThighMaster" Muscles: Refer to the medial group
Identify muscles and connective tissues as per the SPOs
Understand the muscle’s primary action (one action required per muscle for the lab exam)
Use provided labels for models; instructor approval needed
No disassembly of models permitted
Watch the introductory videos on the nervous system before the next lab to prepare for the material to be covered.